
Samsung will buy your old phone if you upgrade to a Galaxy device


Ready to upgrade to that shiny Samsung smartphone? The Korean manufacturer has made it a bit more enticing to do so. It is now ready to buy your old smartphones if you are upgrading to a Galaxy smartphone.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The process is rather simple. After purchasing a Galaxy S2, Galaxy s3, Galaxy Note or “other Samsung phones,” one only needs to fill out a form straight from Sammy’s Facebook page and send out the used device. The form will ask you basic information about your older form. Does it work? Is the screen cracked? etc. After that, you send out your device and a check will come in the mail soon afterwards. They accept all kinds of smartphones; from BlackBerries to iPhones.

As expected, Samsung will not give you top dollar for your used smartphones. In fact, you are much better off selling it on your own. I know I can get $200 or more if I sold my Verizon Galaxy Nexus, which is significantly more enticing than the $130 that Samsung would offer me. Many prefer not dealing with the issues of selling a device, though, in which case a solution like this would be most convenient. Unless a store like Best Buy were down to give you more for it.

Also, you should be able to take advantage of this if you have recently purchased a Galaxy device. As the company stated: “If you’ve already purchased a new Samsung smartphone, have the proof of purchase handy.”

Personally, I would rather keep my device or sell it myself. But if you think this is the most convenient way to upgrade to a new Samsung smartphones, head over to the company’s Facebook page and fill out the form. But we are interested to see what you guys think is the best way to re-sell your no longer needed phones. Do you sell it to the carrier/store/manufacturer? Do you use services like Craigslist, Ebay or Swappa? What do you think is the most convenient and/or easiest?

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. Wow, they’ll give me $15 for my Mesmerize (US Cellular’s Galaxy S)

    1. That’s not even worth it, unless its in really bad condition

    2. I am sure you can easily get $20 if you stand outside a Best Buy and offer it to people walking around. lol.

  2. They offered me $100 for my galaxy s2. As tempting as that sounds Ima have to pass.

  3. 130 for my CDMA Nexus, 200 for the Rezound, 200 for Droid razr maxx

  4. Did anyone else notice the Google Nexus Prime >.> wtf ? cant be the galaxy nexus because thats already listed

    1. I haven’t looked yet, but Ive seen the Galaxy Nexus called the Nexus Prime before…it’s usually just a mistake.

      1. Yea that’s what I thought too but then i saw that the galaxy nexus devices were also listed. the price for a Google nexus prime = the galaxy nexus’s so yea it probably is just a mistake

  5. 250 bucks for my original droid. Not bad.

    Edit, It was meant to be a joke.

    1. WHAAAAT?

    2. seriously ?

    3. That can’t be….

    4. Are you sure there wasn’t a decimal in there?

      1. lol i entered the droid and it said 0 dollars, pretty sure there wasn’t a decimal

  6. the way things are going with the apple and samsung trials, if apple wins I think Samsung might be left on a limb…..but Samsung should really go the apple way and start paying people off….seems like that’s the only way they could win since apple is pretty much ahead…..

  7. For anyone out there I’ll give you whatever Samsung will give you for your phone +10% and you don’t have to upgrade to a Samsung.

  8. How about if you bricked your old phone?

    1. They would just give you less. There is an option where you let them know if the phone is functional.

  9. I sold my Verizon Galaxy Nexus for $350 on Swappa. It was pretty painless.

  10. I’m wondering what I get for my G1 I think its time for me to upgrade. Since ICS won’t be coming to the G1.

    1. From Sammy, probably not much. On the open market, maybe, MAYBE, a hundred bucks. Personally, my G1 is in mint condition and it’s the only one of my old phones that I never sold (or ever will.)

      1. OH I never part with my G1 time to time I go back to it to remind me how good we have it now. I was only joking I have Galaxy Nexus now and had many others and still do I don’t sell my Android phones. Actually sold my iPhone to get the G1 shows you how much faith I have in Android.

        1. haha…i just upgraded from my g1 for an s3. huge difference for sure.

  11. Best buy gave me $200 for my Verizon galaxy nexus

  12. AT&T ofered my $250.0 for my Sprint SGS2.

  13. I have 2 iPhone 4’s and a Galaxy S II. Id only sell them all together if I know I can get enough to buy a no commitment Galaxy S III.

  14. They offered 15 bucks for my MyTouch 4G Slide. It’s going for $200-$250 on eBay. I’ll pass, thanks.

  15. could anybody please send the link to sell my SGS2 I do want the SGS3 BAD but I cant upgrade now or afford thr full price!!

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