
How You Can Secure Your Online Presence With VPNs


Taking into account the current situation with digital privacy, VPN, or Virtual Private Network, is the way that will make you secure and private online. Aside from this, a user can enjoy more benefits such as elimination of geographical restrictions by downloading a VPN for Singapore or China to enjoy unlimited access to favorite resources while you are abroad; encryption of data you transfer; protection against intruders; etc. Here are some of the advantages in detail.

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VPNs Allow Safer Use of Torrent Platforms

Torrent platforms are in a real arms race with authorities in many western countries that accuse them of facilitating illegal distribution of copyrighted content (despite the fact that such platforms also contain a huge amount of freely distributable content). For a typical example, you can read about the ExtraTorrent shutdown and the multiple sloppy copies that appeared subsequently. While these might be working imitations of the original platform, they are probably less reliable given that less effort and care has been invested in their creation and that they were not tested by time to the same extent.

Regardless of the fact whether one uses the original torrent platform, one of its mirrors, or an imitation, VPNs come with serious benefits in all cases. Thus, they won’t protect one from the viruses that are accidentally downloaded (for this you need an antivirus), but unlike any other solution (like proxies), they would ensure absolute privacy, so that user identity is not visible to anyone on the net (the risk of user data leaks is avoided).

VPNs Can Alleviate Some Negative Aspects of the Digital Media Expansion

Digital media has transformed our lives in both positive and negative ways.  With regard to the positive outcomes, digital media has allowed people to inform and express themselves easier and to interact via:

  • multiple online platforms (forums, online news portals);
  • social media websites;
  • text chat and video chat applications.

There are however some negative outcomes as well. One of them is the increased risk to online privacy and the potentially disastrous consequences of hacking attacks both for businesses (e.g. ransomware) and individuals (e.g. a hacked webcam, of social media account). Fortunately, VPNs can solve many issues related to the last aspect.

How to Choose a VPN?

  • Don’t install the first VPN you meet on the Internet. 
  • Be sure to discuss the pros and cons of different VPNs on forums such as Reddit. 
  • Identify your needs. If you are looking for VPNs that work with Netflix, be sure to check this feature while making a choice. You can also compare different VPN providers, their strengths and weaknesses and the unique features they offer in order to choose one that is most suitable for your needs. 

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