
Get tons of free orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes this week


Nintendo is hoping to keep interest high in its newest free-to-play game Fire Emblem Heroes with a new free orb event starting today. From now until February 27th, you can complete limited-time quests to get up to six orbs.

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Each of the special event quests this week will revolve around making specific weapon choices based on missions in the game. You’ll be creating teams that use the specific weapons, either swords, axes or lances with each weapon having its own quest goals to grand two orbs per category.

Nintendo is already pretty generous with its log-in bonuses granting 2 orbs per day, but there’s also a set of special maps celebrating the game’s launch going up this week that will net six more additional orbs alongside the special weapons quest orbs. That means there’s at least 26 free orbs up for grabs if you play every day this week until the event ends on February 27th.

So what are the orbs used for inside the game? You’ll need them to summon more heroes to level up and you’ll ultimately spend less gems if you can gather enough gems to get through a full five-hero summon. You’ll need 20 orbs in order to do that, so don’t summon any heroes until you have at least 20 orbs this week to make the most of the holiday event.

Get Fire Emblem Heroes
Writer, gamer, and classical music whistler. I have an undying love of indie games and unique apps.

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