
Did Twitter just make a special exception in their token limit rule?


The other day, we reported on a story about Fenix reaching its token limit. It happened, and the developer even went as far as taking his app down from the Google Play Store, as well as his website.

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But it’s back. The developer took to Twitter to announce the exciting news, and it was there questions immediately started pouring in pondering what happened. So, was it Twitter just being Twitter, or some technical error?

fenix for twitter

Unfortunately, this is all he had to say about the issue:

I’ve been in contact with the Twitter team and they’ve helped to fix the issue.

Furthermore, he confirmed that new users will be able to sign into the app if they buy it, and that he’s confident he’ll be able to resolve any further issues. The developer says he isn’t allowed to say much else, though, so any official details are still in the air.

We aren’t going to start throwing around irrational assumptions, but we wouldn’t blame you for thinking Twitter made a special deal for Fenix as they prepare to lift the token limit. We would love it if that were the case.

At the same time, it doesn’t seem fair to apps like Falcon Pro which had to create workarounds or completely end sales due to the issue. We’re reaching out to Twitter to see if they can shed any light on the episode, though if they’re keeping the developer silent on the issue we imagine they won’t be willing to tell us much themselves.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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