
Android 5.1.1 for the Samsung Galaxy S6 detailed – say hello to lower ISO values, RAW shooting, and other UI tweaks [VIDEO]


Samsung Galaxy S6 DSC09335

We’re anxiously awaiting Android 5.1 on our Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge. To us it’s the real version of Lollipop, the one that fixed bugs and polished things up a bit. While we already know the basic, stock Android 5.1 features headed to the Galaxy S6, the boys at SamMobile are providing a few extra details on what Samsung has in store with their custom software.

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When it comes to camera software, the Galaxy S6 is allegedly getting an even bigger boost. Manual controls are all the rage these days and users will find even more features inside the S6’s “Pro” shooting mode. Namely, the ability to shoot in RAW and lower ISO values (below 100) have been added. We couldn’t care less about RAW shooting (it’s way more trouble than it’s worth), the prospect of shooting even smoother photos with less noise certainly has us excited.

Small UI tweaks and new options to disable the parallax effect on the wallpaper were also discovered, all of which is covered in the video down below.


All in all, we’re excited to see what Android 5.1.1 brings to the Galaxy S6 and even though it wasn’t present in this early build, multi-user support is said to be arriving as well. Currently, the Android 5.1.1 update for the S6 and S6 Edge is rumored to arrive sometime in June/July for international models. No telling how long it’ll be before we see it hit stateside on carrier branded devices.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Where can I buy that pillow?

  2. RAW shooting is more trouble than it’s worth. lolz

    1. I agree when it comes to phones.

    2. I see what you did there. LOL

  3. Raw is the way to go. Well done Samsung!

    1. It’s a nice feature but pointless on a phone. You’re not going to need it unless a professional and if you’re a professional you wouldn’t be on a phone.

      I’m more interested in the manual controls. The idea of a long shutter time for night shots would be cool, imagine smartphone astronomy.

      1. To each his own. I’ve enjoyed raw photography on my smartphone for a year now. I don’t use it all of the time. But it’s great to have to control annoying jpeg compression.

        As for what camera to use, everyone knows that no cell phone can stand up to any halfway decent camera, even for jpegs.

        The most important specification, and it defines perfectly the best camera, is this – the best camera in the world is the one that you have with you when you need to shoot.

        My most technically correct work has occurred carrying a few thousand dollars worth of kit and using just the right pieces.

        However, my best pictures have without a doubt come from following through despite the technical inadequacies of whatever I was using at the time.

        It’s impossible for me to not like raw photography on my cell phone. Every option to increase picture quality on the best camera in the world – the one I’ll have at the time – is more than welcome in my book.

    2. RAW is nice, I don’t mind having it, however not having it isn’t that big of a deal. Most people wouldn’t know how to use it anyway. 95% of pics are just uploaded to Facebook, Google +, Instagram, and Twitter.

      1. And they photograph lunch.

      2. But for those of us who can / do use it …..

        1. Which I why I said I don’t mind having it.

  4. When will the Google Camera support RAW/DNG with Camera API2 ??

    Ugh….such a hassle….RAW/DNG, burst mode, slomo, so much missing.

    1. Get FreeDCam from the Play Store.

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