
A 7-inch mid-range HTC tablet has been spotted at an online export database


HTC logo angled

HTC has taken their time to reenter the tablet market (not counting the Nexus 9, of course), but recent murmurings have suggested the company would look to test the waters of the mid-range sector of the still-iffy product category. And now we have our first indication that those rumors were true.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

A mid-range 7-inch HTC tablet has been spotted at online import/export database Zauba. The database surprisingly lists a few detailed specs, such as the fact that it has 16GB of internal storage and sports a 1.2GHz quad-core chipset. It will also support dual-SIM cellular connectivity and has 1GB of RAM inside.

Those aren’t the makings of an iPad or Galaxy Tab killer, but if HTC can get this thing onto the market at a respectable price point (around $200 is our guess) then they might have something compelling on their hands. Of course, the company has more important things to worry about in the meantime so we’ll have to see if this device ever sees the light of day.

[via PhoneArena]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Im so sick of seeing manufacturers put 1gb of ram in any device. It’s 2015, get with the times. At the very least, put 2gbs in there

    1. I don’t even consider a device mid-range anymore if they put 1GB of RAM. I don’t care how quadcore your processor is. It’s a low-end if all it has is a measly 1GB of RAM that Sense will eat up.

      1. Exactly its a waste of time once again from HTC… they are just shooting blanks at this point.

  2. I read $150 earlier on TB. I think these specs are weak. There is a reason HTC is failing. How about some quality products and lower your prices a bit? OnePlus gets razor thin profits by putting their devices out there for minimal gain. Instead, you want to pay Robert Downey Jr a lot of money to hawk something he will never touch….

    1. Ha that’s hilarious! They paid Robert DowneyJr like 12 million dollars for stupid ads that never even showed the device they were trying to market. They could have invested that into R&D for better designs and different features. HTC will soon go the way of the dodo ???

      1. dude I know. I love RDjr but why the hell am I going to buy a device because he is in a commercial? no thanks, I seriously doubt he could tell u crap about the phone. HTC will be Nokia in a few more years, just struggling along and barely making it.

  3. Now that the newer and badder hTC flagship (E9+ and M9+) comes with MTK chipsets, I am quite certain that hTC is moving themselves into medium range devices, rather than high-end premium device. They couldn’t even get it right on their premium devices anyways lol.
    However, while making medium range devices, the price on those devices will definitely not be cheap, because hTC likes to market themselves better than other medium range device… which will probably make them lose more money haha.

  4. Pricing will determine sales #’s on this.
    Besides,other than the Zenfone2,I can’t recall any dual-SIM devices widely marketed to North America,so,I doubt anyone stateside will be selling this.
    The tablet market is saturated as-is,I’d rather see HTC invest their resources elsewhere…..

    1. how are u liking the zenfone???

      1. I like it A LOT!
        Smooth a silk,right up there w/HTC & Sense 7.
        Double-tap to wake/sleep works flawlessly,even w/a 3rd party launcher (DT to sleep with a 3rd party launcher requires tapping on the notification bar,or,a 3rd party app to tap anywhere on screen).
        Bloat at 1st resembles an AT&T device,but,the 3rd party garb is easily uninstalled,not just disabled. (Can’t blame ’em for earning a few $ for the install,all is good).
        ASUS’ apps (ZEN U/I) are ever-present,however,they managed to pull it off w/o seeming/looking bloated-unnecessary.
        Battery life appears to be just fine on 1st 24 hrs of use,display is nice,overall performance/responsivness is smooth/without stutter/hesitation,some games actually load up much faster than the NEXUS 6 & HTC M9.

        Sound could be a bit louder,but,notifications are plenty loud as to not miss a phone call/alarm/etc…

        Overall,I’d say the bigger mfgs are looking over their shoulder,& rightfully so………..

        1. I’m a big speaker fan. What about the camera?? they hyped it up but i read some reviews dogging it. I’m sure they patch up whatever the issues are. that is awesome that u like it, i’m really contemplating snagging one up as a back up phone.

          1. I haven’t had a chance to try out the camera,especially outdoors,weather is quite Fubar ATM….
            If high-quality/loud speakers are high on your checklist,you’ll wanna pass,until ASUS tweaks it for more volume,or,introduces another phone w/improved audio.
            I believe you have the Nexus 6.
            There’s no comparison in audio,the Nexus 6 would literally drown-out the Zenfone 2 in audio.
            HTC beats it in quality as well & to a lesser degree,in overall volume.
            As does the NOTE4,which has a nice overall sound quality & volume.
            However,for you as a back-up phone,it’s a can’t miss.
            Anyone who predominately uses Bluetooth,or,corded 3.5 connected headphones should give it a serious look as a daily driver.

          2. sheesh….maybe I might want to pass. Although, it might make a good back up phone in case my Nexus hits the wall.

  5. Yes, this is EXACTLY what we need – another mid-range Android tablet. Because there’s not 9 million of them on store shelves already, vs the 2 or 3 that are actually worth a damn.

    1. Mid-Range shoppers need options too. =.P

      1. Mid-range shoppers already have TONS of options. Same for low-end. High-end shoppers have…. I dunno, like 2 or 3 tablets to choose from? And none in the 8″ range with more than 16gb of internal storage, AFAIK.

        1. Well think about how many high-end options we have. It may seem like it’s a few, because only like 3 OEM’s get talked about. LoL!!

        2. The number of mid-range tablets out there don’t seem to hurt the quality where it really matters: Flagships. As long as the top tier options continue to impress that helps other consumers who don’t have as high demands for specs get something for a lower price.

          More options means more sales and better prices. I like this.

  6. I paid $500 for the original Galaxy Tab and it was great; now all 7″ tablets that are $200 or less are crap, so I don’t consider that a respectable price.

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