
OnePlus One is now permanently available to buy without an invite


OnePlus One DSC06073

Last Friday, OnePlus issued an open invitation for anyone who cared to be on the lookout for a big announcement today. OnePlus 2? Hopeful, but those hopes were dashed if the contents of this blog post is all we’re to expect today: the OnePlus One is now available for anyone to buy without an invite.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

It’s been possible to buy the OnePlus One without an invite for quite a bit of time now, except you had to wait until Open Sale Tuesdays to partake. Even still, finding a OnePlus One invite has always been as easy as finding leaves on the ground in autumn.

Anyone who really wanted a OnePlus One by now likely already has one, and anyone who wants one in the future can be happy that they won’t have to play the waiting game or jump through hoops to get it. With that, the company also announced a decent sale that will take 75% off the cost of their Flip Covers and premium screen protectors. Bamboo SwapStyle covers are also now available without a purchase (but only until their current stock runs dry).

Folks in North America, the European Union, Hong Kong, and Taiwan will be able to get in on these deals, though everyone else is sadly left out.

[via OnePlus]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Hopefully this is a sign of improved supply chain and other efficiencies and not of waning interest. And hopefully it’ll hold over for the Two, but that is highly doubtful.

    1. Hopefully all that you said is true, the whole invite system was cool until it wasn’t meeting demand I think.

      1. I don’t think they were ever meeting demand. Until now, probably. The smart thing about creating the invite system is that they were able to increase awareness and demand while managing their production with such a small profit margin. Hopefully now, a year later, they have a better sense of forecasting and will be ready for the Two.

        1. You’re probably right, which is probably why there’s another invite system.

        2. probably less about forecasting and more about cash flow, I would think.

  2. I don’t know that the invite Justin never really met Amanda. It was clever for a new company to create the system to both increase awareness and demand, as well as better be able to manage their production with such a small profit margin. Hopefully now they have a better sense of forecasting and will be ready for the Two.

    1. Demand, not Amanda

      1. Yeah but why the hate on Justin? lol

        1. I tried to delete that post, since I was replying to Norio below, but instead of deleting the post it just changed it from my name to Guest.

          1. Just bustin your chops. :) Cheers!

  3. just a bit too late for me to desire this phone….maybe the 1+2??

  4. I hope nobody buys now. I think if OnePlus doesn’t make a ton of sales without the invites they will move quicker in bringing the Two to market.

  5. The funny thing is I bought my phone in November and my invites to give to others came the last Tuesday.

  6. Well, I just purchased two of them in 64gb. I may purchase more after I get these tested fully.

    1. Thank you for the detailed informations.

  7. Now just waiting for a price drop.

  8. Only 13 months after the first invites went out. Wow, great job One Plus! (yes that was sarcasm)

  9. well i just bought the bamboo swapcover.

  10. I’m kinda more interested in the device now. I always get invites but I never got to use them. Looking to replace my GS4 Active anyway.

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