
Xposed for Lollipop will launch “soon,” says dev



Folks holding off on upgrading to Lollipop due to the lack of support for Xposed — a framework that allows you to customize Android in a multitude of ways –on the latest version of Android will be happy to learn that the developer is hard at work on it. He’s apparently made some great progress as he has Xposed up and running on a Lollipop-infused Nexus 5. He revealed the achievement in an XDA thread asking about its release:

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Soon… :) Working very well already.

And that was it, along with the screenshot you see below showing logs of the app’s activity. The reason Xposed isn’t able to work on Lollipop right away is because it was developed against the longtime Dalvik runtime that was standard through Android 4.4 KitKat. Google introduced a new runtime — ART — and made it standard for Lollipop.

xposed nexus 5 lollipop logs

With a different runtime comes different methods for compiling and running apps, and Xposed’s need to get deep down into the bare framework of Android meant it wasn’t as easy as flipping a switch or adding a few lines of code. We’re not sure how far we are from seeing this much anticipated update, but we’re glad to know things are coming smoothly.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

PSA: Snapchat could be guzzling your data after latest update, but a fix is on the way

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  1. Very, very good to hear.

  2. This. Is. Amazing. News. My nexus 6 is quivering with joy

    1. Have you heard of the MCR modpack for the Nexus 6? It’s held me off for my Xposed need quite well.

      1. No I had not! It definitely is feature rich, but I don’t really customize my phone, for me xposed is mainly for unique functionality. The main thing I want xposed for is “flying android”, it allows me to drag my screen around and basically operate my phone without changing my grip. Operating my 6″ screen with one hand is awesome.

  3. Standing by and ready to upgrade to LP.

  4. Xposed is awesome.. looking forward to this so I can root my new S6 or M9 (wink) and get on with tweaking.

  5. Excellent news :) Can’t wait to finally be able to upgrade my LG G3 to Lollipop!

  6. This would be awesome!

  7. i missed so many great features. i can;t wait

  8. No longer a fan of android phones. Its a spyware hosting platform on crappy hardware sold by scumbag phone companies. And no Android phone is worth buying outright. While I hate the hell out of Apple, the JesusMobe at least has worthy hardware.

    1. Troll harder. Maybe hit up some blackberry fan pages.

  9. yes actually getting lollypop on my M8 as we speak……..

  10. Thank goodness. I need Xposed to get around the root check for the Good for Enterprise app and Entrust app. I was beginning to fear I’d be stuck on 4.4.4 forever.

  11. WooHoo!!!

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