
Motorola planning Android Lollipop upgrade for 1st Gen Moto G soon


Motorola Moto G

Motorola’s nearly gotten all their Moto X and Moto G 2014 folks hooked up with Android 5.0 Lollipop, and now the manufacturer is looking ahead to devices from last year. A recent update to Motorola’s Update Services app in Google Play lists preparations for Android Lollipop as one of the big changes in its latest update.

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While this doesn’t give us any clue as to how close we are to seeing an actual rollout, it does confirm Motorola is close enough that the prep work is being pushed to handsets ahead of the big day. And if there’s anything we’ve learned from Motorola these past few years it’s that they don’t drag their feet on updates. Make sure to get your app updated if you’re a Moto G owner, and salivate over the prospect of enjoying some tasty Lollipop goodness in due time.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Where is my lollipop for my 2013 Moto X? News like this gets me all excited and sad at the same time.

    1. Me too. They should give it to the Moto X (2013) first before the G (2013).

      1. It’s not their flagship, but the G is their best selling phone. It is somewhat understandable that it might get it first. I’m sure the X will be right behind it, if that’s how things go.

        1. Oh I agree on the G being there best seller. But they should give Lollipop to the X first since we were the folks that bought in to Motorola’s new strategy (being own by Google at that time) and the X being the First flagship phone for that strategy.

          1. I hear ya, it definitely got the ball rollin’. :)

        2. That is what I was going to say, but went to lunch and it was already said. I’ll just sit back and be patient. After the 2014 X/G and 2013 G, perhaps it will be an extremely smooth rollout for the 2013 X.

        3. The people who bought the more expensive phone should get the update first. They are just giving potential Moto X owners a reason to hesitate and go with something else. I’m sure not going to pay $500+ for a phone that is going to be second in line for updates behind a low end budget device.

  2. Umm, Droid Turbo?

  3. Soak test for lollipop went out for the moto G in India…

    1. No it didn’t. Another myth.

  4. Where’s the OTA for the moto x pure edition?

    1. Motorola burned it on a DVD-R and popped it inside a manilla envelope, then packed it in a 1950’s leather suitcase, and are shipping it to you via UPS express. Here is the tracking number:


      1. Needlessly aggressive, amusing.


        1. You’ll get over it :)

          1. I did it was pretty funny, I’m still just annoyed about the pure edition moto x not having lollipop yet.

  5. They should make sure ALL of their current year phones are updated before moving to last years models. Nearly all doesn’t mean anything to all the Moto X 2014 owners on AT&T who have still not heard so much as a peep about a possible soak test let alone an actual update. Yet Verizons model has had it over a week, and the pure edition is getting its SECOND ota roll out.

    1. i agree, if verizon’s model can get an OTA, there is no reason AT&T’s model which is for all intents and purposes 99% of the pure edition not to get it before last year’s budget phone does.

      that being said, i’m hoping they were waiting for the 5.0.1 update to push out before they started to soak and update the att model or something.

      1. Not me. I am willing to take the chance on the update. But a lot of others wouldn’t like that and I understand. The least they could do is communicate why the att version is delayed and approximately when it would be ready. That would go a long way.

    2. That’s AT&T’s fault, not Google’s.

      1. I didn’t say it was googles fault. But it is Motorola’s fault. I have spoken with level 2 support at both AT&T and Motorola and both have told me moto has the update and is “fixing bugs”, exactly like they did with the Verizon version. Except they are taking much longer fixing the att one and have not eta on its arrival.

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