
Snapchat dives head first into mobile payments with Snapcash [VIDEO]


Snapchat Snapcash featured

After months of rumors and speculation, the 10 billion dollar valued Snapchat is finally diving head first into the world of mobile payments. Announced moments ago in a blog post, an update to the everyone’s favorite self-destructing messaging app will soon allow users to quickly and easily send each other cash by connecting a debit card to their account.

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This was all made possible thanks to a partnership with Square, a startup that pioneered the idea of sending money between 2 people using little more than a smartphone. Square will be handling all the financial information, while Snapchat initiates the transfer of funds with the user simply typing a dollar sign ($) followed by the amount of money they’d like to send.

Given Snapchat’s huge teen demographic, it’s not like just anyone will be able to send money. Snapchat is initially limiting the new feature to those who are over the age of 18 and have a debit card. You can check out Snapchat’s bizarre announcement video down below.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. So, SnapChat is like a mobile strip club now?

    1. Exactly what I was thinking…

    2. Sends $1, Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1,Sends $1

  2. Pretty good idea…, until someone steals your phone and sends themselves $1000

  3. So let me get this straight. Snapchat, an app that is commonly associated with practically nonexistent security and has compromised personal phone numbers, wants our credit card numbers?

    1. yep

    2. No. They want your BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER.

      Even worse.

  4. “Snap me your nudes and I’ll send you $5”

    – Every Snapchat user now

    1. Ah great minds think alike xD

    2. Part two: “Send me $20 or I’ll send this snaps to your parents (spouse, boyfriend)”….Snapchat and android screen capture capability, the new money maker

      1. $20? Try $2000.

        1. You’re greedy!

  5. Never going to use it.

  6. Well, I see what porn stars are gonna use now…

  7. The start of internet hookers brought to you by snapchat! XD

  8. Don’t know what is less appealing: Snapchat thinking that people will trust them with their financial info or the idiotically annoying ad.

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