
Phan Favs: The best podcast app for Android [RESULTS]


Phavs Pocketcasts

Phan Favs is a recurring feature that turns the tables and asks you, the readers, about the best apps and games. It’s your turn to drop some knowledge on us! Read more.

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Don’t call it a comeback, but podcasts are popular again. Everyone from Joe Rogan to Rachel Maddow has their own podcast, and many popular media outlets do as well (including our very own Mobile Roar Podcast). There are plenty of places where audio-only entertainment comes in handy. You can listen while going for a run, taking a shower, or doing the dishes. We love podcasts, and we know you do too, so what app is the best for listening to them?

Last week we asked you to tell us what app you use for listening to podcasts. We got over 300 votes, but one app was the clear winner. Here are the top 5 podcast apps according to you. Enjoy!

1. Pocketcasts


With over half of the total votes, Pocketcasts was the clear winner. This beautifully designed app simply has it all. You can have certain podcasts auto-download for offline listening, sync subscription and playback progress across devices, send audio to Chromecast to hear it through the TV, set a sleep timer, control playback speed, and so much more. Pocketcasts costs $3.99, but many of you have already gladly paid for it. It’s worth every penny.

2. BeyondPod


BeyondPod has been around on Android for a long time, but it’s still alive and well. You can do most everything you would expect. Play content via streaming or offline, adjust playback speed, Chromecast support, and it integrates with Feedly so you can even read your RSS feeds. The design is pretty standard #HOLOYOLO, but it gets the job done without getting in the way. BeyondPod is available for phones and tablets.

3. DoggCatcher


Like most of the apps on this list, DoggCatcher can do a bevy of things you would expect. You can set certain podcasts to automatically download for offline listening, plus it automatically deletes old episodes to keep your device clean. DoggCatcher is highly configurable so it can behave exactly how you want. The built-in search feature allows you to find feeds from any podcast you can imagine. There is also support for Chromecast for when you want some louder speakers. Doggcatcher is free and $2.99.

4. Podcast Addict

podcast addict

Addicted to listening to podcasts? This is the app for you. The aptly named Podcast Addict app is for hardcore listeners of podcasts. Not only can you manage audio episodes, but also video podcasts, and even YouTube channels, and news feeds. Podcast Addict has a clean Jelly Bean-style design, Chromecast support, and you can even import subscriptions from iTunes. The best part is it’s free

5. Stitcher


Last, but not least, on our list is Stitcher Radio. This podcast service is different from the other ones on this list. Artists have to apply to get their shows on the Stitcher network. Almost any popular podcast that you can think of is available on Stitcher (including ours), but not all. You might ask “why should I even use this app then?” Stitcher has a great design, sync across the web and devices, custom stations, breaking news, and more. Plus it’s free.


Those are your picks! Thanks for sharing your favorite apps with us. Do you agree with your fellow readers? If you think your favorite app should have been on the list make your case for it in the comments. Check out the chart below to see how the voting was spread out among all the apps. We’ll be back again soon with another edition of Phan Favs!


Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. What should we do for our next Phan Favs?

    1. Favorite iPhone app

    2. File manager
      Media Player
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      1. My picks out of these, just for funsies :)

        1. I use an almost identical setup haha. Nice icons.

  2. The pics of BeyondPod are not recent. They did an upgrade recently where the interface is completely redone.

    1. They should update the Play Store then.

      1. really? Looks like the new version hasn’t been officially released. I’m in the beta program so that’s why I have the newer looking interface. Disregard my comment


  4. Favorite lockscreen widget

  5. For me BeyondPod is the clear winner, purely because of the speed control feature. I set it to play podcasts a x1.5 speed, your brain quickly adapts to the speed so you don’t even notice, but if you have a lot of podcasts to get through doing this reduces the time you need to listen to them all dramatically. I’ve tried x1.75 and x2, but that is a little too fast for me and it’s easy to miss nuance, but at x1.5 (or x1.25 to train your ears/brain) it’s fine and you get it all. Seriously, give it a try (I also do this on vlc on my computer to watch films and TV shows)

    1. Pocketcasts has this as well if anyone is wondering (in 0.1x increments from x0.5-x3.0)

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