
Check out Convergence Watch Face for Android Wear and experience Material Design on your wrist



Right now it seems the hottest aspects of Android Wear surround either rockin’ custom watch faces for your smartwatch or going to extra mile and hooking up a custom band for your wrist computer. If you’re anything like me and you’re a fan of Google’s new Material Design language, you’re going to love Convergence Watch Face for Android Wear. This custom watch face is filled 8 different color pallets that mimic Material Design’s FAB (floating action button), allowing you to customize your watch face to your own liking all the while sporting color variations that complement one another in a pleasing manner. While the FAB is fabulous, the the most exciting feature of this watch face surrounds movement. The floating time elements move around the watch face based on your movements, thanks to the gryoscope inside your smartwatch.

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To install Convergence Watch Face for Android Wear, just hit the link below and then select Convergence from your installed watch face gallery. There’s no companion app needed as all color pallets are selected through the watch face itself.

Enjoy Material Design fans!

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. Wonder how much battery the gyroscope will drain..

    1. I haven’t noticed any difference.

      1. Now than I think about it, doesn’t the g watch’s display dim when you aren’t looking at it? Is that based off of the gyroscope as well? In that case, this face shouldn’t drain any extra battery… Im not sure though, I’m not really a smart watch guy.

        1. Yes, the display does dim when you’re not looking at it, only activating when you move your wrist upright to see the watch face. This watch face also goes into low power black and white mode when not being looked at as well.

  2. Nice watch face… but I still prefer “Wear Time Circuit”


    … but then I might be a bit biased ;)

    1. I’m guessing you’re the dev.. But anyway, that one looks hard to read, the numbers sort of blend into the background.

      1. Thanks for the feedback Dwight, I aim to fix that in the upcoming release. The contrast will be user-configurable along with several other settings.

  3. Super cool, but it’s perpetually stuck on pm.

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