Sprint says HD Voice to finally rollout across entire country this July



During a keynote at Oracle Industry Connect, Sprint’s CEO Dan Hesse took the stage to talk network plans. You may remember Sprint’s HD Voice which, after it became available in a few select markets like Kansas City, was supposed to have fully rolled out to the rest of the country by the end of last year.

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What ever the reason for the delays, Hesse told the crowd that HD Voice was still Sprint’s “killer app,” now promising to deliver the service to the entire country by the first of July. If the name wasn’t any clue, HD Voice improves the clarity of voice calls by increasing the octave range from 4, to a full 7 octaves in compatible handsets.

It doesn’t sounds like a big deal, but it’s an improvement that’s seemingly fallen to the wayside as operators chase broadband-like data speeds. Maybe we’ll actually start using our smartphones again to make actual phone calls.

[via LightReading]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Go sprint go!! :D

    1. What good is it if your service keeps dropping all the calls. Sprint should just give up.

      1. Sorry Anfronie, this wasn’t meant for you

        1. se le ve! :)

          1. Que?

      2. I’ve never had a dropped call unless I’m in a concrete basement. Don’t blame Sprint. Your the one who should know how well the service is where you live before you decide to sign a two year contract

      3. If there is one thing Sprint does right, it is calling. Their 2G/voice network is solid, probably only beaten by Verizon’s. It’s why they still have the majority of Government contracts. But data speeds……yea we all know how that is…

        1. F&$k yo data speeds! Wifi is everywhere!

  2. What phones support HD Voice besides the Evo LTE?

    1. Every LTE Phone? The One, M8, S4, S5, Note 2/3?

      Apparently you’re unable to google, so here is a list:

      1. If your on Sprint you can’t Google. Everything just SUCKS about Sprint!

  3. How about a real 4g network? When’s that roll out?

  4. A little too late for me. My contract is up in June.

  5. Sprint is just fine in my area.

  6. I don’t want everyone’s voice 3 octaves higher…(jk)

    1. Every female you speak to will bring you one step closer to hypersensitivity to moderately high-pitched sounds, haha.

  7. Give us our daily dose of LTE and Spark or go away with your gimmicky annoucements

    1. Both Sprint and I like this planet. You get off.

      1. What planet would that be Stupitor?

  8. Don’t be alarmed if you are losing connections. It just means sprint is upgrading your network. Yes, Sprint is upgrading your network to the NO-G network. Where you once had signal and now losing signal intermittently or permanently… sprint has been working on your network. Once you get no signal at all, you will know that you are now on the NO-G network. I know sprint is doing a good job at putting Sacramento CA on the NO-G network… I can barely land on the google home page.

    1. If that comment had any more sarcasm it would need it’s own pop-up to draw attention to it.

  9. I think I’ve been in a test area for HD voice. Whenever my wife and I talk on the phone, both with Sprint devices on LTE, the difference in sound quality is stunning. The first time I noticed something was different we kept a fake conversation going just so we could hear it. It really is _that_ good.

  10. Will this affect MVNOs (like Ting) that use Sprint’s network?

    1. That was what I was thikning

    2. I have it with Boost in Chicago.

  11. It’s kind of hard to get used to. I have had it in my area for a bit and not sure I like it lol

  12. “sprint” wow that was one bad joke

  13. It sounds great here in Chicago.

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