
HTC One (2014) vs HTC One (2013) comparison [VIDEO]


HTC One 2014 vs 2013 comparison video

If the HTC One (2014) hasn’t leaked out enough for your liking, we now have another look at the device, this time in an in depth comparison video showing off HTC’s upcoming flagship going head-to-head with last year’s model.

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The video, brought to you by TechSmartt, does a good job at comparing many of the hardware and software differences between the two models, even going as far as adding a few benchmarks in for good measure. If you didn’t already know enough about the HTC One 2014 from countless previous links, here’s yet another great resource. Cheers.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

HTC One (2014) appears on Rogers site, confirms specs and features ahead of official launch

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  1. good stuff

  2. So you pretty much get another 4.7″ sscreen.

    1. I mean, the display is bigger, but since HTC didn’t take away the bezel, the whole phone grew because of it. Look at them side by side. Without the bezel, it would have been practically the exact same size as the 2013, while having an all around bigger display. Kinda frustrating. :/

      1. like I replied above….to me the 2013 looks better proportioned…overall it looks better..what was HTC thinking?

      2. Why is the gap section between the speakers and the screen even necessary? Couldn’t they have found somewhere else to plaster HTC?

      3. Yeah I just don’t understand what HTC is doing here. I was excited to get this version because I thought it would be the HTC One build quality crossed with the bezels of something closer to the HTC Droid DNA….especially after we heard of on screen nav buttons. It. Just. Makes. No. Sense.

      4. Going with onscreen buttons was silly knowing that the HTC bar was going to stay.

        1. Yup. It’s one or the other, not BOTH.

    2. yup.

    3. yeah… except for when you tell them to go away… then you have a 5 inch screen

  3. why does it seem like the 2013 is sleeker and better proportioned?

    1. I’m LOVING the new build quality on the 2014. Brushed aluminum, unibody design… HTC did a great job at one upping the 2013 as far as that goes.

      Still not crazy about the bezel, but then again there’s no such thing as a perfect smartphone.

      1. And plus, it’s actually not *that* much bigger. It’s only bigger on the top. The bottom bezel is basicaly the same size. Heck, I’ve already been using an on-screen buttons mod, so it won’t make much difference to me. I like it!

        1. I heard that HTC is making the logo button much easier to hack this time around. If true, it would be awesome if we could make the entire bottom bezel a touch area for capacitive buttons in rooted builds. *fingers crossed*

          1. Ah, that’d be awesome! I can’t wait until tomorrow. ^.^

    2. because…IT IS!

  4. New HTC ONE or Sony Z2!!~~!!! Gaaaarrrrr, why so difficult!!

    1. Easily z2! Now they’ve sorted that dodgy screen from the z1 and improved the camera algorithms, this is a no-brainer.

    2. Z2 in a heart beat. I know it’s what I’m getting.

  5. The HTC 2013 looks wayyyy better than the 2014…I have the 2013 and will not give it up for the 2014 ..terrible job design wise:(…I’m hoping the Oneplus One or LG G3 looks good because so far none of the 2014 phones that have been announced holds a candle to the HTC 2013 design wise…

    1. Terrible job? Not even..

    2. Terrible? Not even close. Have you seen the Samsung Galaxy S5? That was a terrible job.

    3. you forgot the /sarcasm tag

  6. Wow. Obviously from the leaks it was known it was going to be slightly taller, but this really puts it into perspective :/

  7. I didn’t think a phone could get uglier than the 2013 One. This just proved me wrong. Yuck.

    1. your face is yuck

      1. Aww did I get your panties in a bunch because I don’t like how the phone looks. That’s too bad. I’m sure if you ask your mommy and daddy nice enough they’ll still buy it for you.

        1. ^internet “tough” guy

        2. i don’t need someone to buy me a phone. i buy the phone i want myself . from your comment you are a hater and paid by samsung. your a samsung slave.

          1. LOL because I think the phone is ugly now I’m a Samsung lover? Wow.. go have a beer dude. It’ll be alright. Not everyone is going to like the same things as you.

          2. Dude just because he doesn’t like it doesn’t mean he’s a Samsung shill. There are other brands out there besides Samsung.

    2. the original was one of the best designed phones to date…

    3. Uglier? Really? I don’t even know what to say to that one…

      1. Yep.. those ugly speakers, htc logo, huge bezel, and overly done rounded corners. I think it looks like something out of 2010. More power to those who like it though. It has great specs, but just isn’t for me.

  8. Not shedding enough light on the camera for me.

  9. It’s nice to see the metal body but personally I think last years Moto X and Nexus 5 are still more appealing. The large bezel still remains and has me cringing as it’s even bigger now. Also, Verizon only? What is this 2007? Finally, the Snapdragon 801 doesn’t mean much, bring on an ARMv8.

    1. Verizon only? At launch possibly, but it will be availiable on all tier1 operators.

  10. Ok after seeing the new One, I’m really upset because they added more bezel, the hardware around the speakers or even bigger in the new one

  11. That thing is gigantic!

  12. I hope this allows HTC to make the come back that they need. It’s easy for a company to throw out a new device without much thought or effort (we’re looking at you Samsung.) It’s something completely different for a company to release a device that has amazing build quality and amazing specs. That is what makes a phone a flagship device and HTC deserves some recognition for that. Thank you HTC for not taking advantage of your customers and releasing a mediocre device like some of your competitors continue to do time and time again.

  13. You know it’s amazing how so many people complain about such stupid things. C’mon people, it’s a phone. Forget about the bezel. It’s gonna be such a snappy phone and smooth. Beautiful design. Better camera I’m sure. We are all Android lovers, let’s try and be supportive to HTC. It would really suck if they went out of business….the specs are good. It’s got a MICRO SD SLOT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!! Lol the one thing everyone cries about the most, and I haven’t seen any comments about that which is surprising. I’m rooting for them and I’ll be getting this phone. It’ll be SO much smoother and less bogged down than what Samsung has to offer and it’s horrible touchwiz.

    1. I don’t agree woth you… Cheering a phone just because it’s Android is just plain wrong. And look at the bezels… they’re HUGE! Even by comparison to the 2013 model it’s huge. I’m sorry, but no matter how good this phone is, this is just a huge turn-off for me…

      1. It’s wrong? How so? Just like Chris said. There is no perfect smartphone.

          1. moto X is a great phone, apart from the camera

        1. To me, the Galaxy S4 google edition is so close to perfect…

    2. The return of the SD card is definitely welcome. HTC do listen, occasionally. Now can someone tell me how easy it is to unlock the bootloader on this thing (international, not N. America version)? Locked down device = no sale, that’s basically what it comes down to for me.

    3. “We’re all Android lovers…” yet you take a shot at Samsung.

      1. I guess I should have worded that differently. Of course I’m not saying just because we love Android, we can’t dislike certain things. I just want to see HTC make a comeback….the bezel is not gonna hurt HTC other than the tech savvy people. We all know it’s their marketing and I hope they market the he’ll out of this phone.

  14. Looking to replace my HTC One X (especially since it got robbed of the Jelly Bean upgrade!) … love the build quality that HTC puts in their phones … and finally we can get some storage! Will be going with the HTC One M8 (2014?) … although I am comparing it out to the LG G3 (I’m thinking the 5.5″ screen on the G3 getting a pit too large for my tastes – but want to hold one and make sure)… also whatever turns out to be the new Nexus. Would love to win the M8. Make it so!

  15. I bet the event comes tomorrow and the M8 looks nothing like these “leaks”

    1. What..? This was clearly not a fake.

  16. N5….ftw

  17. Still too small, spoiled by Note ownership

  18. It’s a shame that the successor to such an epic device takes such a major step backwards in the design department. I was really hoping for a device that would remain the same size as the M7, yet implement a larger display. I’ll have to pass on this One…get it?

    1. i see what u did there

  19. I heard that the M8 will be released to Verizon exclusively (today?) for two weeks. Can you confirm?

  20. Not that I am a fan of either, the 2013 model definitely looks a lot better

  21. And the award for biggest chin ever on phone all the way here in 2014 goes to the HTC One.

  22. phone is wayyy to large for the additional 0.1 inch in screen real estate….new HTC one will FLOP hard!

  23. Also, the one screen buttons on top of that HTC logo look hideous…looks like 3 bezels. yuck.

  24. what the f*k were they thinking with the size of this phone…i mean…look at lg packing such a great screen to phone ratio…that should be the norm…not this…what a fail and im rooting for htc

  25. so…heres hoping verizon gets a sony phone

  26. Bring on the One PlusOne. That will determine which phone I will be getting this year. I love this phone, but if I get everything that this phone pretty much offer (Aluminum, front speakers, great camera, qHD screen, MicroSD, huge battery, all for under $400 I might have to opt for the One PlusOne. Ugh I love the choices that I will have.

    1. Man, I love my HTC One, but I agree, I’m FAR more interested right now in the One PlusOne.


  28. I jumped to Samsung from HTC for the S3, Note II, S4 and Note 3, but I think I am going to jump back to HTC and get an M8. It looks fantastic and adding the memory card back makes it perfect. I still wish I could swap out the battery though. The One was a good phone with sub par specs, the M8 has cured those ills and then some.

  29. I’m afraid it looks like it is the Last One… ;)

  30. I’ve been threw about 5 phones in 3 years (HTC Hero, HTC EVO, iPhone 4S, Samsung S3) until I found the Note 2. I love the Note 2 but might change to the HTC Max One 2014 if it offers something more that I can use other than increased Ghz and an extra 1 GB RAM. I’m really waiting for the phone with no bezel at all.

  31. It’s funny to hear all the Samsung haters constantly bashing the S5 while apologizing for HTC when both companies have upgraded their Flagship phones very similarly. Except that HTC, IMHO actually worsened its design for no apparent reason. If they would have done away with that useless black bar on the bottom or kept the Capacitive Buttons and shrunk the bezels, then we would have a new 5″ htc one with basically the same footprint as last year’s model. Why they would they choose to remove all functionality from the black bar and still keep it is beyond me.

    PS. Please don’t be jealous of my amazing editing skills. xD

    1. If it looked like your edited pic, I would be getting the “All New HTC One” right now! Still holding out hope for the Z2 in the states so I can compare it to the G3.

    2. I agree. The HTC one was such a long phone and massive compared to my moto x. This thing is even longer. Yuck

  32. Still a good device to play Mr President for sure! Give it a try and let me know! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mrpresident.mrpresident.free

  33. The M8 is sure my frontrunner to upgrade my Galaxy Nexus in July. Ill take the Black one, but color is not what is a priority for me.

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