
Purported Samsung Galaxy S5 box may confirm 2K display, Snapdragon 805, and 20MP camera



Subject of much rumor and even more speculation, the Samsung Galaxy S5 continues to be a device shrouded in mystery. We’ve posted on many of these “leaks” in the past, but rarely do we have any hard evidence to clue us in on exactly what we can expect from the device when it’s finally announced. That may have changed today…

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The folks at SamsungGalaxyS5.nl have, what they claim to be, a snapshot of the back of the packaging. The back of the box, which looks to be made of the same recyclable materials as the Galaxy S4 and Note 3, seemingly confirms a bevy of the specs we’ve been hearing so much about. Here’s the entire list:

  • LTE: LTE Cat4 150Mbps DL, 50Mbps UL
  • CPU: 2.5GHz Quad Core Processor
  • Display: 133.3 mm(5.25”) QHD Super AMOLED
  • Camera: 20MP AF Camera + 2MP Front
  • Smart Remote: Smart Remote (Universal Remote Control)
  • Full HD (1080p) Playback & Recording
  • 3,000mAh Battery

We found interesting that, although the box doesn’t mention the specific manufacturer of the SoC, the 2.5GHz clock speed seems to imply the S5 will come equipped with a Snapdragon 805, and not the 800 (2.3GHz) we heard about previously. Also, worth noting is the rumored 16MP camera appears to have been bumped to 20MP. We know MP aren’t always everything, but hopefully there’s some additional tech to back up the optics.

Unfortunately, it looks like only a few of the specs were pictured, leaving out any mention of fingerprint and/or iris scanner for security. Hey, as long as Samsung brings back the IR blaster, I’ll consider it even Stevens.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Galaxy S5 for Sprint shows up in a user agent profile, reports a 1080p display

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  1. If this is all true, this will be my next phone no question. Im hoping the extra .25 is room for on screen nav keys

    1. Only reason I’m hesitant is because of TouchWiz and overall phone design. If the phone is sexy, and there’s a Google Play version… I think I may have to jump on this. :)

      1. Dude Im not sure if my brain could take a GPE version of this phone especially if it had on screen nav keys. I would probably hurt myself celebrating. Good thing though is it seems like there are sooooo many great phones to look forward to this year and I know if the GS5 doesnt impress, LG will probably have something i can get into.

        1. This is what I’m saying. I was so sure I was going to get the S4, then the HTC One came out.

          Now I’m all sure I’m getting the successor to the One and watch something else come out. LoL!!

          I can’t wait!! This year is going to be good.

      2. Dont be a Debbie downer Chris… TW hasn’t cause any bit of lag from what I’ve seen on the S3, S4, or N3 (when flashing from TW Rom to an aosp or GPE rom)

        Additionally the majority of the features can be turned off if you don’t like them and the extra gb or two lost due to TW is nothing when micro sd cards are so cheap, (picked up a 64gb samsung pro last year for 40 bucks shipped) heck I’ve got more cards laying around then I know what to do with.

        I’d almost guarantee a GPE down the line and its easy peasy to flash as well if the s4 was any indication.

        1. Keep in mind you’re using ROMs. Most developers say they’ve made modifications and change some things around. Also they always say “Increased performance”.

          So unless you’re using stock-rooted, then the phone *should* perform better with no lag, like you mentioned.

          Meaning you wouldn’t, notice a difference between TW and Stock Android.

        2. No lag on the S3? Hahahahaha. TW made that phone so laggy compared to AOSP roms. It really wasn’t even close.

      3. Start warming up then Chris, I’ll still live to see you owning a Samsung phone as your main device!! :P

    2. I wish they used on screen buttons too, but I’m have trouble believing it will happen.

      1. Same here, Im still crossing my fingers and toes.

        1. Don’t even know why I got down voted for making a remark.

          1. Me too. Someone probably my came through down voting everyone

    3. i found another reason i dont want on screen buttons. My on/off button went out the other day and without the physical home button i wouldnt be able to turn my screen on! idk what i’m going to do if my phone ever dies. I wont be able to get it back on! I have the S3.

      1. lol so your arguments is, i dont want onscreen buttons because if my phone breaks… then my phone will be broken…

        1. exactly

  2. You know, I noticed the difference between 720p and 1080p. QHD? Come on, I really doubt the extra processing to do QHD will yeild a noticeable difference.

    1. People said the same when 1080 was coming around. I’m sure you’ll be able to.

  3. Only a 3000mAh batter for a supposed 5.25 inch 2k screen? Even with a Snapdragon 805 you will get zilch in battery life and throw Touchwiz on top of that? No way.

    1. There’s no reason to substantially increase battery size. People will just buy extra batteries anyways.

      1. Not always true. I and plenty of people I know have never bought a spare battery for a smartphone with a removable battery more crap to tote around in pockets.

        1. Yea… Now I post something like this and the few people who actually don’t need spare batteries show up. =.=

          I think a spare phone battery is completely unnecessary. I even think *needing* a removable battery is unnecessary. It’s not needed.

          I bought a spare battery for my E4GT because the battery sucked. It died in like 6 months. And now… I’ll just shut up because I’m about to start ranting. LoL!!

          1. One large benefit for replaceable/removable battery is that after a year or so, you can put a new battery (old batteries start to loose charge/last shorter).

          2. Yea. I was in a discussion about Removable vs Non-Removable and the only thing I can find is what you said.

            I haven’t notice any battery degradation in my HTC One. March 2014 makes a year. And I play games on my phone all the time, so I’m running up cycles charging it up throughout the day. LoL!!

            I would love to test to see how long the battery last. If the successor to the One is what was recently shown on Phandroid, then Ima just keep my phone for another year.

            I’m not planning on spending $50 on batteries when I can just spend $50 on a 10,000mA battery charger. Guess my E4GT just scarred me.

          3. Battery tech has gotten much better compared to the E4GT days. I’ve had two phones with a fixed battery and constantly charging for over a year myself and have not noticed any degradation at all either.

          4. There are only a very small handful of people who like carrying around extra batteries. Most people don’t care to do that, and quite frankly, the less I have to worry about battery (if the thing will keep going on one charge) the better.

      2. I’ve never once bought a second battery for the 4 Galaxy S phones I owned.

        1. Of course the select few show when I make a post like this. Any other time when I refer to having a battery charger hordes of people show up stating that removable battery is the way to go because you can change it. =.[

          1. Genuinely though, I’ve never once had to (or felt the need to) buy a replacement battery for a phone where I had the option. My family and a lot of my friends have also been using Samsung devices for the last few years and, to the best of my knowledge, none of them have ever purchased a replacement or spare either.

            It just seems like such a hassle to have to carry around extra batteries and make sure they’re both charged etc. when the OEM could just forget about this whole slim craze and jam a decent sized battery in there to begin with.

      3. I’d like a 6000 mAh battery. Batteries need to grow is my point. Buying a backup battery is for the birds…

        1. I’d like a larger battery in a smaller device as well. I don’t know why OEM’s don’t just take up what Motorola did with the Razr. It shows that it can be done.

        2. Not everyone needs that large of a battery, nor wants the extra bulk. If you however are interested in large batteries there will likely be some very large at ones you can get to replace it. (e.g. zerolemon 7000mAh)

    2. And the Note 3 has a better battery life than the Note 2 with a less substantial jump in mAh and 720 to 1080. I’ve had an S1, S2, Note 2 and Note 3 and have always noticed an improvement on battery life, so I’m pretty sure they know what they’re doing.

      1. 1080p and 720p not really that big of a jump in resolution, sure the screen is slightly larger but the real saving grace I guess is the AMOLED display but we shall see. 2K resolution on such a small screen is kind of a waste IMO, they should save that resolution for tablets, then again that’s what everyone said about 1080p resolution.

  4. Can’t wait for this to drop… Unless something totally unexpected happens in the android market, then this will be my next phone and im very glad it looks like US is getting what everyone though would be considered the “prime” version. (although at the same time I feel kind of silly that my 73″ tv will have a lower pixel count the my 5.25″ phone)

    The 20mp was reported as a possibility before, but I just hope it has OIS as the 16mp was thought to habe had.

  5. Will not include the 805. The 800 comes in a 2.5ghz variant and the 805 isn’t scheduled to come out until May.

  6. Hot dam, I may finally look at Samsung, but the build has to be nice, and the touchwiz has to be improved, also HTC has to let me down

    1. Lol. The same exact boat I’m in.

      1. HTC logo bar. Nuf said.

        1. What if that pic was a fake, nuf said

          1. Nah. It’s real. HTC is known for big bezels. Also, who could forget their menu bar?

          2. It doesn’t matter , crystler was known for shitty cars, they seem much better now

    2. truer words have never been spoken

    3. HTC has to let you down? What have they done the last 2 years?

      1. This only applies if the person were using those phones during that time. My last HTC phone was the HTC G2. BEST PHONE EVAR!! I don’t care what anybody says.

        I left HTC on a good mark. Which is why I was able to go back to them easily.

        Actually, what was so bad about HTC phones in the past 2 years?

        1. No micro sd card support, no user removable battery, no top of the line processors, low life battery, bad quality camera, huge bezels, heavy phones… I mean don’t get me wrong, they have made very good phones but that’s about it…

          1. Heavy phones!? Oh you need to take that off. That’s a good thing. I like to know I’m holding my phone. LoL!!

            No micro SD card support and removable battery, although preferences, still serve a huge purpose for some. Especially if your onboard is 16GB. Dafuq is 16GB goin’ do for somebody?

            No top of the line processors? If we’re still talking about the past, weren’t a lot of newer processors not compatible with LTE and people were dying if they didn’t have LTE?

            I remember the E4GT (Sprint GS2) being one of the few US versions to have the Exynos processor because they used WiMAX and not LTE. The other GS2 variants had to use the LTE-compatible processors.

            And the camera on my HTC G2 and Nexus 1 were pretty bad, as compared to the Samsung phones I had. I’ll give you that one. I cried when I took the first picture on my G2. LoL!!

          2. You’re are going way too much in the past… In fact, I don’t even remeber what was htc’s flagship before the ONE, that’s how bad it was…… The GS3 took the world over and then the Note line (2 and 3, the first Note was pretty bad, haha) is just the cherry on top of the pie…

          3. Also can’t stand the hardware buttons.

      2. Made the one x+, and the one, I owned both which was better than the s3 and s4, don’t act like Sammy is all that, you just a dam sheep, you bought Samsung because they had a bigger name in the industry and they all over t.v. get some individuality, actually test a device before buying dude

        1. Says the person that never owned a Note device……

          1. Never had too, 10 minutes is all I need to determine what phone I WANT, any after that is only for the sake of testing battery life, and I have played with every note. The note is the only phone I found coming out of Samsung camp worth having and I didn’t get it because I want my phone to be a phone not a phablet, and I’m sure many would agree a phablet and a cellphone shouldnt even be a comparison, I’m talking phone against phone, s4 against HTC one. I chose the one for all the reasons Samsung didn’t provide, smoothest lag free experience. Better custom overlay, better materials worth what you actually pay for. And that sound quality, oohhwwee baby, HTC phone had soul, Sammy had gimmicks that messed up all that power they had

  7. camera on my s4 is friggen awesome. I am sure the S5 camera will be even better.

    1. I love my S4. The camera is friggen awesome! I am very excited for the S5!

      1. I feel like these are bought posts from Samsung…

        1. I feel like yours is a bought post from HTC. Oh wait, they can’t afford that now haha

          1. rofl burn

  8. If the bootloader is encrypted on multiple levels like the S3 after the last update on VZ, then I’ll pass

  9. GPE please.

  10. QHD is for p……

  11. I’ll stick to the Note series

  12. If this is true I will be “Jumping” all over this, thanks to T Mob!

  13. Won’t buy. Knox

    1. Not installed by default.

  14. Take that HTC!!

    1. take what? other than the screen it is barely an update to the S4…

  15. Oh boy, can you imagine the Note 4? Is it October yet?!!

    1. Awwww shoot….and my upgrade is in October…..

      1. Perfect timing bro, I guess you’re having an early Xmas this year.

        1. Yes sir.

  16. MicroSD, hardware buttons and a removable battery are all I care about.

  17. Just gonna hold out for the Note 4 with Snapdragon 805, 4 GB’s of RAM, 6″ 4K screen, Quadruple-window feature, doubles as an electric razor and 2 S-PENS FOR DOUBLE PEN PRECISION!!!

    1. Hmm… you like getting 2 pens instead of one uh?

    2. Whaaaa, doesnt even have all the features of the original iPhone. At least i could use it as a grenade. (im assuming you seen that old parody commercial, if not i could link it for you, hilarious)

  18. 3000mAh seems low for those specs… I was kinda hoping the 5000mAh rumor was true. I will likely just wait and see what the new note looks like.

    1. 5000 mAh? Where did you hear this rumor?

      1. pretty sure it was in a phandroid artical back in december or november.

  19. 1080p screen, not QHD, 2k, I’d be bitterly disappointed, if I am to see a UD 4k 7″, 64 bit, 14nm, 4/6 GB GRAM, 128 GB flash tablet, in August / September, then it’d be best if there’s mass production, of phones with the same PPI, in April. I have my 39″ UDTV coming in 4 days for $500, and I want a tablet to match, by next year at latest, UD android TV boxes, are going for $70 after all. Apple have gone 64 bit, Samsung have invested $10 billion on 14 nm, a Chinese company is already selling 128 GB smartphones, another one is selling QHD phones. Toshiba demonstrated a 10″ UD prototype tablet at CES 2013, the new YouTube UD compression, probably brings a 90 minute movie in at 25 GB, or less. Lets get this show on the road !!!

  20. no 4k video recording? That’s kind of a step back.

    1. Certainly would be a step back, if Note 3 has been doing it for ages. And no QHD display, LG G3 is supposed to have a QHD display.

    2. Even if you could record in 4k Does the screen even support 4k playback ? I thought 4k was only for high def displays on TVs

  21. AT&T is giving away a Samsung device at the end of the month. You can register for the give away once a week. This week you can register by posting a photo on Twitter or Instagram of how you have committed to spend a day bettering your community this month. It can be a photo of your calender, a handwritten reminder, or any other note showing how you plan to or have done something to help the community. Make sure to include the hashtag #28DaysFanChallenge to be entered & sent by #28DaysWriteGirl . Real Contest. http://makinghistoryhappen.att.com/challenges #Sponsored

  22. FAKE!

    1. So are some boobs, but that doesnt stop us from wanting to squeeze em, lmao.

  23. I was hoping they would of stuck to 4.9 inch display… Now they are treading Note territory..in fact, the first Galaxy Note was 5.2 inches I believe…if this GS5 pulled off the 5.2 inch like the LG G2 with almost a bezelless form factor..then Kudos…

  24. Now release a GS5 mini with same specs (I’ll take a 4.5 inch screen with 720p or 1080p) then we have gold!!!!!!

    1. mini is cheaper in price than regular version. So, there is no way it will have same specs.

  25. Where’s the fingerprint/iris/mind reader?

    1. it only reads rectal tissue, and the mind reader only works if you put the phone to your head like Kreskin, lol.

  26. I would love a 4.7 inch SGS5 with kick ass specs. Great camera, 32-64gb of int storage with sd-card support. Change the materials for build quality and just basicly a great phone in a 4.7 inch screen. I think there is a huge market for a phone like that.

  27. QHD = 960×540?

    1. That’s qHD (quarter HD). QHD = Quad HD or “2K.”

      1. 2560×1440, I wonder how that is 2K when it is closer to 3K.

        Every time I hear 2K i think “just” above FHD.

      2. Oh ok, I get it. 960×540 is with a small Q…thanks

  28. 3000mAh battery? seriously samsung? after having to charge my S3 three times a day to keep up with my modest phone use, i recently switched to the LG G Flex with a 3500mAh- before I go to bed I have 40% of battery life. One day I had navigation with pandora on for four hours and my battery life was 28% after 18 hours of not being charged. Alas, at 6inches the screen is way too big to use with one hand so I will ahve to return it. I was hoping the S5 would have something substatial to offer but I’m afraid I will just wait for the LG G3. After switching to LG it will be hard to go back to Samsung anyway.

    Do people really care to have great specs on a phone that keeps dying?!?!

  29. I don’t know, this is kinda sad. I liked the S3, it was a bam to the Droid ecosystem, but now Samsung’s milking it like Apple and just adding numbers as a reason to make a new phone. 8K display, 3.0 GHz Processor, 16GB of RAM, but they’re all numbers. Real world performance nowadays are more than enough. I respect companies like HTC and Oppo who try to change things up.

    1. мʏ ʀօօмαт­­­­­­e­­­­­­’ѕ нαʟғ-ѕιѕт­­­­­­e­­­­­­ʀ мαĸ­­­­­­e­­­­­­ѕ $62 αɴ нօυʀ օɴ тн­­­­­­e­­­­­­ ιɴт­­­­­­e­­­­­­ʀɴ­­­­­­e­­­­­­т. ѕн­­­­­­e­­­­­­ нαѕ в­­­­­­e­­­­­­­­­­­­e­­­­­­ɴ ғιʀ­­­­­­e­­­­­­ɖ ғʀօм աօʀĸ ғօʀ т­­­­­­e­­­­­­ɴ мօɴтнѕ вυт ʟαѕт мօɴтн н­­­­­­e­­­­­­ʀ ιɴƈօм­­­­­­e­­­­­­ աαѕ $12604 ʝυѕт աօʀĸιɴɢ օɴ тн­­­­­­e­­­­­­ ιɴт­­­­­­e­­­­­­ʀɴ­­­­­­e­­­­­­т ғօʀ α ғ­­­­­­e­­­­­­ա нօυʀѕ. ʋιѕιт тнιѕ ѕιт­­­­­­e­­­­­­ ʀιɢнт н­­­­­­e­­­­­­ʀ­­­­­­e­­­­­­ SaveJury&#46com

  30. Fake . 2K screen with only 1080p video playback capability ?!?

  31. If they can beef up the rear cam to 20 MP, theres no reason why they cant get the front facing up to at least 5MP. This is why ill wait for the HTC TWO, or whatever its gonna be called. Heard its gonna have a 5MP front facing to go with the dual cameras on the back.

  32. i wish samsung would just DIE !!!

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