
Sprint is the first US carrier to update the HTC One to Android 4.4 KitKat


HTC One unboxed

The results are in, and Sprint is officially the first carrier in the US to push out Android 4.4 KitKat for the HTC One. Okay, so maybe “push” isn’t the best word since Sprint wont exactly be prompting users of the update until February 11th.

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While that is still a ways off, users looking to grab the update now can simply do so by jumping into their Settings > About Phone > Software update. Don’t freak out if you don’t see it there yet, just try again tomorrow and I’m sure it’ll be waiting for you.

The update brings the HTC One’s software build up to version 4.06.651.4 and besides KitKat goodies, it also introduces the latest version of Sense 5.5.

Thanks, MITM!


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Awwwww yissss

    EDIT: Someone on Sprint don goof’d. The update is put on hold because it’s not ready for “production” yet…

    1. I just downloaded this. Augusta GA. Thanks Sprint! Am loving the new look of BlinkFeed etc. Still checking for all else.

    2. Apparently it just needs Google certification. Should only take a day or so.

      You’ll probably see it this weekend sometime. Good luck.

    3. There is no delay… I downloaded it just now. Pulled out up from setting/ system upgrade.

  2. Not really surprised by this at all. I figure Sprint would have been the first while verizon would be last and att/tmobile fight it out for second and third

    1. Exactly what I thought. Why love Verizon’s coverage but can’t stand their feet dragging

    2. Yeah. Hoping to see my wife’s T-Mobile HTC One get it soon.

      Funny how fast Sprint is now. Back when I had my HTC EVO 3D on Sprint, updates were and far between and were really slow to arrive.

      1. I wouldn’t say that was a sprint issue, more of an Evo with bullshit 3d issue. The OG evo got lots of updates as well as the evo lte.

  3. I. Love. HTC.

  4. Awesome. Wait, it’s Sprint, so this must be bad! Darn them for getting out updates to our phones!

  5. should probably post this update was placed on hold.

    1. Nope… It’s download for most people here

  6. It’s here! Downloading now.

  7. Yup.. Downloading too!!!!!!

  8. Downloading.

    Did ATT get theirs?

    1. Nawp. But if you going into their stores, they’re always talking tales about it. ATT. Always Talking Trash. I mean “Tales.”

      1. Someone owes me $10..

        1. Then you’re going to give me the $10 since you hedged your bet with your bet with me.

  9. Just got the update! – Maryland

  10. Thank you HTC and Sprint. You guys are the best! Just got the update at NYC.

  11. Installing now in Dallas, TX

  12. Downloading now, Gainesville FL

  13. I thought we are talking about Sprint! And, Chris showing us AT&T phone. ..hum.

  14. It’s time for some Note 3 love to be shown…ijs

  15. Downloaded and installed but first thing I noticed is that the lock screen is there even though I have it unticked in the settings.

  16. Downloading now in Lawrence, KS to 4.4.2!

  17. Got mine and I’m not sure if it’s connected but my data connection is much better this morning. Thanks Sprint!

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  18. Got the KitKat Update on 2 of My HTC ONE Phones. 2 Problems. 1 is just an Annoyance. The Battery is Plain White.
    The Second Problem is NOT ABLE TO WATCH FLASH VIDEOS ANYMORE!!!!!!
    I’m NOT going to do Any Update to My HTC ONE MAX at all unless this Issue gets Fixed!
    Sure you can still use the YouTube App to watch YouTube Videos or even the VEVO App.
    But the Problem is when you Want or Need to Watch a Video that’s NOT on YouTube or VEVO, you can NOT Watch them After Updating to KitKat anymore.
    Read this, Repost this, Comment on this, and Wait to see if the KitKat Update gets patched or another Update to Fix this Problem.

    1. havent been able to watch flash on my nexus 4 for a while now, but i think you can download flash and manually install it to one of the other browsers

    2. Both problems is to comply with Google guidelines. Thanks Google for that.

  19. Sprint can do whatever they want with the phones but their actual mobile service is awful. I recently dropped them after many years.. http://sprintsucks.weebly.com/

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