Samsung’s Android 4.4.2 update now rolling out for Exynos-powered Galaxy Note 3


Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.2.2 update

It was a few days ago Samsung began pushing out Android 4.4.2 to the international Galaxy Note 3 Snapdragon variant (SM-N9005). Today, the update is now hitting the Exynos-powered versions of the Note (SM-N900), beginning in Russia. Aside from the usual KitKat changes (like now white status bar icons), the update is said to bring updated Samsung keyboard apps, camera lockscreen shortcut, and a nice performance boost as well.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Like any other software update, it will need to be approved by the appropriate carriers, so don’t be bummed if your Note 3 hasn’t received the update just yet, rest assured it’s on its way. You can manually check for an update by jumping into your Settings app > More > About device > Software update > update. As a bonus, the kernel source was also provided, but wont matter much to you unless you’re a developer.

[SamMobile | Kernel Source]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

PSA: upcoming versions of Android may break root apps

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  1. So we should see it in the US…. when the Note 4 comes out.

    1. Yeah, i’d just go to xda instead of waiting on the carriers.

    2. I’m not so sure. I know Verizon has turned the corner as of late and seems intent on pushing out their upgrades. if I had to wager on a time frame, I think we’ll start to see an upgrade stateside in about 4 – 6 weeks.

      1. I’m just basing my educated guess on how it went with the Note 2.

  2. Keep em comin Sammy. Pun not intended.

  3. Seems legit

  4. So how about our s4s

  5. HAHA! Turns out, Samsung is the first (non-Google) manufacturer to release the latest android updates. So much for the critics complaining that Samsung is very late in rolling out updates. HTC

    1. dude chk out MotoX and LG G2 o.O
      samsung first duh ?

      1. G2 still on 4.2

        1. its on 4.4 in Korea and For other countries updates will be coming soon

          1. Nice. Didnt know that.

    2. Developer edition and US unlocked version of htc one got kit kat as the FIRST non google device about month ago and international version of htc one is getting kitkat right NOW. HATER.

      1. “Developer edition”! That way GPes have also received the update!

        1. You know what developer edition is? 64gb version of htc one with sense ui and ulocked bootloader. So it has nothing in common with google edition phones.

    3. Motorola already has it.

      1. That’s expected since Google owns Motorola.

  6. I hope this new update fixes the wifi problem, it’s driving me back to apple

  7. Great news, I was having problem with Wi-Fi in the previous firmware, let me try this new one. Hope the bug gets fixed in this update. Thanks for the heads up.

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