
HoneyDru car charger review [GIVEAWAY]



When it comes to chargers, there is no competition for the fun and cute (yes, I used that word) chargers made by “Power by Gen”. These double as a charger and Android figurine, making them the best charger for the loyal Phandroid. You may remember I checked out the ANDRU Dark and ANDRU Chill chargers last year. I fell in love with them and even nominated them as one of my Staff Picks for our Holiday Gift Guide. Almost a year later I sit here with Gen’s newest charger – the HoneyDru!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

HoneyDru form factor and build quality

Power by Gen is stepping out of its comfort zone and has built its first car charger. The HoneyDru charger takes the form of the Honeycomb logo, making it a perfect fit because the Honeycomb bee is shaped very similar to a normal car charger. The manufacturer didn’t have to tinker much with the design of the logo to make the charger look like the original Honeycomb bee. Even the metal parts of the charger make sense, that stinger just belongs there.

This makes the charger a rather unique and familiar Honeycomb figure. This is why it makes sense that Power by Gen chose Honeycomb over any other of the 3 newer Android iterations. The design of Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean or KitKat art wouldn’t make as much sense as this heart-warming bee does.

The eyes and wings light up when the charger is ready to go. I found it serves as a reminder that it’s time to charge your phone. It lighting up always catches your eye. Not to mention it looks very neat and always gets compliments.


When it comes build quality, the HoneyDru doesn’t have much to complain about. The “stinger” part feels a bit wiggly, which I would say is about my biggest complain. That doesn’t take much away from the charger, though. Unless it makes it prone to getting damaged in the long run, which I doubt would be the case. This part doesn’t ever seem to be very solid in other car chargers either.

There is a bit of a gap between the plastic pieces (in the left and right). I wish those were smaller, but it’s also me being nitpicky. All other parts are solid and in their place – no piece is going where it shouldn’t. The unit does feel solid, as well as the spiraling cable, which keeps the chord from going all over your car when in use. It also stretches from 8 inches to 3 feet, so it’s rather flexible.

HoneyDru charging capabilities

With an output of 5V/2A, this charger is designed to power up a tablet. This will make charging a smartphone relatively fast compared to other chargers out there. As a comparison, the original ANDRU charger (and many other chargers out there) output only 1 amp, making the HoneyDru twice as powerful.



What can I tell you? It’s a charger! It does what it’s supposed to do and it does it right. What makes the HoneyDru special, then? It’s really just how good-looking it is!

Any Android fan would be ecstatic to see one of these in the car’s dashboard, and that is ultimately what Power by Gen offers: good quality chargers with an awesome design for the Android fan. I fell in love at first sight as soon as I opened the package.

You can buy the HoneyDru car charger for $19.99 straight from GEN or Amazon. It’s not the most affordable charger, but it’s also not that much more expensive than other chargers. Hell, I have seen some that cost more and aren’t nearly as cool. I say it’s the perfect deal for those who want a little something extra in their charging experience, which tends to be an annoyance.


GIVEAWAY: Win one of five free HoneyDru chargers!

Our friends at Power by GEN have decided to start the holidays by giving away 5 HoneyDru chargers! We know you will enjoy one of these as much as I did, so you might want to sign up and see if you get lucky!

Here is how you can enter to win:

  • Follow Phandroid and Power by Gen on Google+.
  • Leave a comment below telling us which was your favorite Android mascot! (Mine was hands down the Ice Cream Sandwich one).
  • That’s it!

Of course, there are some rules. For legal reasons, we can only offer this to US residents. You must also link your email to your comment (same as the one you use on Google+). We will have to add the winners to our circles to verify they have added both accounts to their circles.

The contest will go on until Friday at 12 PM Pacific. We will announce the winners during the weekend, so stay tuned! Aside from that, it’s pretty straight forward. Good Luck!

Winners have been announced!

We have 5 lucky winners announced in a separate post! Check your inboxes.

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. My favourite was by far GIngerbread

  2. My favorite Android mascot is the Ice Cream Sandwich one as well (also my favorite to eat when I was growing up) thanks for the giveaway.

  3. Ice cream sandwich but love them all

  4. Have to go with Honeycomb. It does go with Honeydru.

  5. My favorite mascot is Kitkat. But that is greatly because I love chocolate :)

  6. Definitely ICS.

  7. My favorite is icecream.

  8. Jelly Bean was pretty awesome..

  9. GB was a pretty nice mascot.

  10. ICS all the way

  11. I really love Jelly Bean. The disembodied head/bean/thing with the big grin is adorable, lol.

  12. ice cream sandwich

  13. Kit Kat for sure so tasty.

  14. Gingerbread was my fav.

  15. Great, I’m almost 18 and this is the first giveaway I’ve seen that doesn’t require you to be an adult…

    Anyway, my favorite mascot was Eclair simply because it looked funny and tastes good.

  16. I liked cupcake. Was the original/first and reminds me of how far android has come.

  17. My favorite one is Honeycomb, because my favorite color is Blue, and the fusion between a bee and the droid seemed to me really nice

  18. Donut!

  19. ics gets my vote.

  20. I love the jellybean one :D

  21. ICS

  22. Love the Kit Kat mascot!

  23. froyo!

  24. I really liked the ICS mascot!

  25. I love KitKat! (Maybe I favor it because of my shiny Nexus 5…)

  26. My favorite is kitkat, cause it’s my favorite to eat, but the honeycomb is the most beautiful mascot :)

  27. My favorite Android mascot is Gingerbread!!!!

  28. Definitely Ice cream sandwich, it was at least for me the biggest android change in a while and the mascot it’s still so cool.THanks for the giveaway.

  29. My favorite was the donut!

  30. Mine would have to be jelly bean due to the fact that it reminds me of DBZ and the majin bu saga

  31. I like the KitKat one because it’s so tastey.

  32. Ice Cream Sandwich, simply because it look good and yummy

  33. Definitely ice cream sandwich, I agree!

  34. Gotta be the Honeycomb Honeybee. Not even close.

  35. If I had to pick a favorite I would have to actually go with Kitkat, it’s nice seeing the Android when in line for groceries lol

  36. KitKat … no reason I had to pick one.

  37. The ICS mascot was my favorite!

  38. I always liked the honeycomb andy bee!

  39. KitKat is my favorite, maybe because it’s one of my favorite candies, lol

  40. KitKat, even though i bought 10 kitkat bars and got nada for the play store

  41. The Ice cream sandwich mascot all the way, he always makes me happy

  42. Definitely jelly bean, it’s so cute! lol

  43. Nothing like kit kat to go along with this bad boy.

  44. Jelly bean ftw

  45. JellyBean !

  46. I would think KitKat. Nice to have a mainstream product associated with
    our favorite little guy. Would say Key Lime Pie. Who doesn’t like pie.
    But, who doesn’t like chocolate??!

  47. coincidentally, honeycomb was my favorite. the blue “tron” theme was awesome!

  48. Jelly Bean. Cuz I love ’em ;P

  49. Honeycomb is my favorite because it brought holo design to us

  50. Jelly Bean

  51. KitKat! My favorite candy bar but unfortunately it can’t really be made into a charger shape.

  52. Kanye cream is mine

  53. mine was Ice cream sandwich!! all that chocolaty cookie!!

  54. Kit Kat

  55. Ice cream sandwich

  56. Gotta be kitkat. Its my second favorite candy and it looks like it belongs with android.

  57. I think Kit Kat is the best. Great tie in with the candy. Gingerbread was the last version that maintained the Android mascot theme. The Kit Kat Android Mascot is the right and evolutionary way to keep the Android Mascot connected to Android!

  58. My favorite Android mascot is the KitKat one.

  59. My favorite mascot is KitKat

  60. Kit kat

  61. My favorite mascot is KitKat

  62. ICS!

  63. ICS ice cream sandwich

  64. ice cream!

  65. ICS!!

  66. Honeycomb with the Bee is my favorites!

  67. My favorite mascot was the Ice Cream Sandwich one as well, but the KitKat one is growing on me.

  68. My favorite was Cupcake mascot. I remember someone made an Android mascot for it but haven’t been able to find it again.

  69. I’m a big fan of the gingerdroid man, though I do enjoy the jellybean jar droid.

  70. Mine was definitely the JellyBean. I haven’t seen much improvement in Android except with JellyBean.

  71. Gingerbread mascot has to be the best, works so well for this upcoming holiday season too!

  72. My favourite Android mascot is EASILY the honeycomb one. :)

  73. I also like the ICS one

  74. I liked the Honeycomb mascot more than the others

  75. I really like the colorful jellybeans

  76. Jelly beans

  77. I’m in love with éclair

  78. Froyo befo the HOLO YOLO w/ APOLLO and YOKO ONO! whuddup.

  79. jelly bean icon is the best

  80. Honeycomb all the way! Thanks for the contest!

  81. My favorite mascot is definitely the Gingerbread one. I ran gingerbread for such a long time (around 2 years) until I finally upgraded to a better phone which had Jelly Bean. I kind of just grew attached to the Gingerbread man.

  82. Cupcake

    … will always have a special spot in my heart as it was also the build of my first android (CDMA HTC Hero). Besides, it’s what started the neat statues!!

  83. I like KitKat because it’s supposed to be a slim version of Android, yet KitKats are so fattening.

  84. It has to be the jelly bean mascot

  85. I have a soft spot for Froyo, that was my very first update on my Droid1

  86. My favorite Android mascot is definitely the KitKat and the only thing that would’ve made it better is if it was the White Chocolate KitKat.

  87. What a cute lil charger.

    My favorite was Eclair. I was finally able to get and use Google Maps. Let’s be honest, Android is nothing without Maps and Nav

  88. Cid

  89. KitKat! I could honestly eat KitKats all day. Making the mascot for the new version KitKat-themed is gnawing at my insides!

  90. My favorite Android mascot is definitely the KitKat. Fast and more feature than Ice Cream Sandwich

  91. Ice cream sandwich is my favorite by far. I mean, who doesn’t like an ice cream sandwich??

  92. Gingerbread. Waited so long for that update.

  93. I’m going to say Froyo, was my first Android experience with that one.

  94. My mascot is KitKat for sure, Simple as hell :D

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