
The Great American Glass Contest: Win 1 of 9 Google Glass Invites!


If you cannot afford $1,500 for Google Glass or are an International Participant you are still eligible. In the event you win, we’ll substitute the Glass Invite with a $50 Google Play Gift Card and donate your invite to one random Android Forums member from this thread.

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We first reviewed Google Glass in May but interest in the wearable tech hasn’t slowed down since the product was first announced and Sergey Brin jumped out of a plane to illustrate it’s features. In just the past few days, despite the relentless churn of Nexus 5 rumors, Glass has demanded some limelight: floating retail store rumors surfaced, new hardware announcements were made, Glass earbuds unveiled with a full accessory shop, and we even saw cops ticketing people for driving with Glass.

But our favorite announcement has been Google giving each Glass Explorer the opportunity to invite 3 new Explorers to the program. Three Phandroid members are Glass Explorers – Rob Jackson (my Google+), Chris Chavez (Google+), and Steve Albright (Google+) – which makes a total of 9 Google Glass Invites at our disposal.

Nothing would give us more joy than to pass this opportunity along to the people that make Phandroid and Android Forums what they are… YOU! So today, we’re announcing that all 9 of these invites will be given away in what we’re calling “The Great American Glass Contest”.

The Great American Glass Contest

Starting today, we’ll post a contest every day for 9 straight days, updating the status of each contest as we go. Some contests may be completely random, others may require creativity. Some contests may be “first to post”, others may allow multiple entries for several days. The general schedule is below, but as usual, checking into Phandroid every day provides you the best chance at winning (and succeeding in life).

  • Day 1: Nexus 5 Forum Frenzy (Contest open through Nov 4th)
  • Day 2: Photoshop contest
  • Day 3: Rafflecopter #1
  • Day 4: #GlassPhan contest
  • Day 5: Rafflecopter #2
  • Day 6: Developer Appreciation Contests
  • Day 7: On your mark. Get set…
  • Day 8: Mystery Word Hunt
  • Day 9: AF Staff Appreciation

Day 1 Contest: Nexus 5 Forum Frenzy

  • Visit Android Forums and if you haven’t already, sign up for a free account
  • Head over to our Nexus 5 Forum
  • Engage in conversation, making at least 5 meaningful posts in the Nexus 5 Forum (Ex: “Thanks” and “I agree” do not count as posts)
  • At least one of these posts must be a New Thread. (If you’re already signed up and logged in you can create a new thread by clicking here.)
  • We’ll look at the Top 10 threads based on internal metrics (pageviews, likes, thanks, G+, etc…) and choose one winner at random from this pool of finalists
  • Entry requirements must be met by November 4th, 2013 at 11:59PM Eastern
  • Winner will be announced on November 5th, 2013 on
  • Winner will be contacted through the e-mail address provided during forum registration
  • Winner may NOT provide an alternate e-mail address to submit for Google Glass invite unless otherwise noted or agreed upon by Phandroid staff


Follow these Google+ accounts to get an early heads up when contest posts will soon be going live and additional hints at how to improve your chances of winning.

Contest Rules & Requirements

  • Must be 18+ or older
  • International applicants and those unwilling or unable to spend $1,500 can still enter to win, but their Glass Invite will be substituted with a $50 Google Play Store gift card and their Glass invite donated to a random established forum member from this thread.
  • To receive Glass invite, winners must be a US resident.
  • To receive Glass invite, winners must provide a US shipping address.
  • To receive Glass invite, winners must provide a valid E-Mail address directly associated with contest entry.
  • Winners will have 24 hours to respond to the winning notification e-mail. If staff have not received a response and/or proper Glass Invite submission information furnished within 24 hours, Phandroid staff may elect to disqualify this entrant and name another winner
  • Winners must prove that the E-Mail address provided for submission to the Glass Invite system is owned and maintained by the winner. Transfer or Sale of winning invite is not authorized and any attempt to do so will result in disqualification.

Contest Terms of Service:

  • Contest winners are not guaranteed Google Glass hardware, they are only guaranteed that Phandroid staff will submit the furnished E-Mail address to Google’s automated invite system for current Google Glass Explorers.
  • By entering this contest, entrants understand agree that Phandroid is only responsible for submitting the winners e-mail address through the Google Glass Invite system and beyond this measure, no promises or guarantees can or will be made.
  • In the event that Google removes, changes, edits, disqualifies, limits, or in any way alters their Glass Invite process to prevent from submitting invites or fulfilling invites, entrants shall hold and Neverstill Media harmless
  • Phandroid reserves the right to disqualify entrants at sole discretion of Phandroid staff, for reasons including but not limited to: attempting to “game” the contest, spamming contest posts/threads, creating multiple accounts, demeaning or trolling competing entries, using automated systems to improve chances, etc…
  • By entering this promotion, participants agree, to the fullest extent permitted under applicable law, to release, discharge and hold harmless Neverstill Media, its affiliates, respective owners, and representatives from any and all damages, liabilities, costs and expenses which may arise out of participation in this promotion or out of the acceptance, use, or misuse of prizes. By participating, you agree to these Official Rules and to the decisions of the judges whose decisions shall be deemed final and binding.

What are you waiting for? Head on over to the Nexus 5 Forum and get your awesome on!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. I want to be a Glasshole!

  2. Seriously 5 Meaningful posts? Even free glass isnt worth the effort.

    1. If you’re complaining that making 5 posts on a forum is too much work… I think you may have much larger life problems to tackle compared to this contest.

      1. LOL, no maybe I just have a busy life. It’s sad to see sites have to bribe with contest entries in order to get forum posts. I figure if most folks wanted to post on your forum they would. How meaningful can a post be that’s paid for.

        1. You should post this on the forum :)

  3. $50 isn’t worth the effort :(
    Unless some of the creative challenges are so much fun I’d do them even without a prize (though I will accept the prize if I win xD)

    1. Or you could eBay it ;) for at least 3 figures number

  4. Well, I’m guessing you guys have a chance if you actually read all those instructions and do it. Because I sure as hell aint, so good luck

    1. *sigh* sorry, next time we’ll make our contest a picture book so even the outrageously lazy can get free stuff.

      1. technically you still have to pay $1,500 to get the “free stuff”.

      2. errr… make that outrageously lazy international readers. :)

  5. Begging on twitter is more better than this! you guys really asking for A LOT! Good luck to everyone! I’m out.

    1. Not sure how everyone thinks we’re asking for so much? Today you can make 5 posts on a forum and win an invite. A couple of the days are just “enter your e-mail address” raffles. Not sure how much it can get besides just saying first 9 people to comment will win?

      1. Its funny when both of you “Phandroid Team” voted down for my post. Cute.

        1. You can’t see who downvoted your post. Admins can’t even see that. Lots of guests vote as well as logged in users. Most of the time the “Phandroid Team” members do not downvote.. only upvote when there is a good comment. We don’t like to promote negativity.

          1. Now this is how the professional people write. Thank you Steve for your explanation!

      2. honestly, 5 posts in a forum is really nothing. i mean, even 5 ‘meaningful’ post is really nothing. very easy.
        but… well, i’m international and no way i’d wanna fork out usd1500 for glass.
        actually, if you make the glass FREE, i think you guys would get less complaints and more posts in the forum. lolz…

    2. People that really want Glass will easily spend 10 minutes and enter the contest. If you think this is a lot, this contest isn’t for you. Good day.

      1. I’m sorry sir, but apparently I’m not
        the only one here who disagrees with this. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to get
        the invite, but 5 meaningful posts, and one of them a thread about nexus 5!

        Also, its okay for me to disagree with you, this my opinion and you don’t need to get mad at it!

        1. u do realise that instead of posting here in the comments, you posting the same thing at the N5 thead would probably have netted you two posts… :)

  6. WITF has time for this?!?

    1. Creating an account on a forum and making 5 posts shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes unless you’re typing with your toes.

      1. He’s an old fella. He doesn’t really understand how things like this work yet.

  7. Thanks for a great contest, Phandroid! I’m sorry that people are too busy suckling at the Nexus teet instead of being thankful for an awesome giveaway. I find it funny that people will spend hours looking at a computer mindlessly with no purpose, but the second that somebody posts a way to get free stuff, they can’t take ten minutes out of their day to do it.

    SMH, Phandroids, SMH.

    Thanks again!

  8. Pass! Not worth the effort and against my religion.

  9. Wait a second, are you all serious. A free invite. That all you need to do is make some posts, you took the time to post here. To bit** about it, but cant take the time to create forum traffic for a site you frequent anyway. >>..

    Wow, sorry my great Phandroid Mods, but common idiocy sometimes blows me away.

    Now that everyone is busy complaining ill go and create my posts :D

    1. It’s not really about the time, it’s about the ridiculousness… lol
      I know where you can get a FREE IPAD and it only takes 20 minutes and 15 minor FREE offers!!!!!! WOOOOOT GIVEAWAYSS!!!

      1. The ridiculousness of what? The invites are theirs, they can choose how to distribute them how they want. Not to mention, there are 9 total contests. If having to actually work for a free prize is something you cant do, perhaps you should lay off the complaints and wait till the “Do nothing while waiting for free things on the internet” contest starts.

  10. Why is the Phandroid team so shocked that their contest sucks? This is by far the most ridiculous contest giveaway I’ve ever seen. I thought Slickdeals giveaways wanted the world….So compatibly, Phandroid wants your first born…

  11. Seriously people?? It’s a free giveaway for a chance to gain access to a very rare item…if you’re too lazy to do it then don’t whine and complain like spoiled children. Everyone is acting like they should just enter their names and then be eligible to win..Damn lazy and ungrateful people.

  12. guys… thanks for this contest. i know u guys are trying to be really nice to international backers, but just FYI… i dun think Play Store credit will work for international backers (well, probably works for a select few countries, that’s all)…

  13. I would like to win, but thanks all the same for even the chance to win.

  14. I don’t get all the complaining. Are people saying that 5 meaningful post is not worth the invite? I’ve been active on the forums for a while, have over 2,000 post now, 5 post that are meaningful shouldn’t take too long.

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