
Double Dragon collection coming to Android later this year; watch the trailer inside [VIDEO]


Side-scrolling beat-em up fans will be pleased to learn that DotEmu will be bringing one of the most classic franchises to mobile at some point this year. I’m speaking of Double Dragon, the game that had you and your brother fighting over who would be the one to kiss the damsel in distress at the end of the game.

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We’re not getting one game. We’re not even getting two. DotEmu will be bringing the first three Double Dragon games in one nice, neat, downloadable package. The game isn’t terribly complex, nor was it the most original concept for its time, but it captivated us as if it was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

This is something many gaming fans should be happy about, E=even if nostalgia is your only incentive for getting excited. The games will feature Bluetooth controller support for those not down with on-screen controls, leaderboard support, a new difficulty mode, and more. No word on cost or exact release date just yet, but we should be seeing it sometime before Santa lands on your rooftop to gobble up the milk and cookies this Christmas. Watch a quick video highlight above.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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    1. Did you just thank Kanye for this?

      1. What’s the difference from thanking based God? Lol

      2. Had to be politically correct.

  2. Game looks sweet, but I refuse to support DotEmo after their lack of support for their Metal Slug games on 1080p devices. I’ll admit, I’m not sure if the blame falls with SNK Playmore or DotEmo, but the situation is despicable.

  3. This game I am excited for! It will bring back some childhood memories.

  4. later this year?! But Jimmy and Bimmy need my help now!!

  5. Bad @$$

  6. Cool.. i used to have the full size double dragon arcade game in my living room.. lol

  7. Yes!! This is one of the first real fighting games in gaming history! I can’t wait to play this again.

  8. lol I remember playing this on the original sega master system. It was an awesome game

  9. Awesome! I can’t wait!

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