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Bring your weekend to a close by following Phandroid across the Internet


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It’s Sunday afternoon and you find yourself needing a little more Android in your life. Why not follow Phandroid across as many social media channels as possible? When Android 4.4 drops or the Nexus 5 launches in the very near future, you’re going to want to be sure you’re following us. Whether you’re on Twitter, tweeting about the cool stuff “u r” doing, checking out family and friends on Facebook, having intelligent discussions on Google+, or catching a sweet device review on YouTube, Phandroid has you covered. Don’t use social media? No problem! You can catch up with Phandroid with our Android app too.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

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MySpace…. just kidding.

And for absolutely no reason at all, here’s a picture of the Nexus 5. Isn’t she gorgeous?

Nexus 5 Google Play Store live


Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

Amazon review points to lifting of Nexus 5 embargo on October 25, seems fake

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  1. I can just look at the render all day as if I never seen it before. I really hope these apps take the same theme.

    1. I agree. seeing the render again made me change my mind on getting the white one. for sure getting black now

  2. Take my money now

  3. I bet Batman himself would want this phone. Bale not Affleck.

    1. Gonna put a batman decal on the back of mine, black and yellow.

      1. Black and yellow, black and yellow, black and yellow…..

      2. Screw a decal I got the bat symbol tated on my chest

        1. Alright you win, you’re a bigger batman fan then I am lol

          1. I did refer to my galaxy nexus as the bat phone and had it completly theamed batman with the dark knight intro as my ringback tone.

          2. I bet that made some killer “panty soup!”

          3. A few chicks dug it and dam can some nery chicks be hot

  4. The Myspace link isn’t working :(

    1. I am also very disappointed. I was hoping to take a look at their MySpace page on the way to see the opening night of Titanic from my brand new blackberry pearl. I was checking from my windows 95 computer but it was being buggy. oh well, I will just listen to the podcast from my Walkman before the new Yu-gi-oh episode starts

  5. 1. Derek is a BA addition to the Phandroid team. 2. the N5 is sexy ‘aint it?

  6. Oddly enough the Phandroid app is always the second or third app installed on my new phones but for like seven months now I always just visit Phandroid using Chrome. I guess I could uninstall it. ;) jk

  7. I am just wondering about the camera. Does the rumors says it includes OIS? And what kind of lense will we see, according to rumors?

  8. I open the phandroid app on my xperia z 5-6 times a day haha.

  9. no Instagram account to follow?

    1. my Aunty Brianna got a 12 month old Ford F-350 only from working parttime off a home pc. visit this site right here w­w­w.J­A­M­20.c­o­m

      1. Your Aunty got the money for that truck by giving head and handers at the local greyhound station….she lied to you, oh, and the truck is a 2005 with 214K miles on it, and reverse doesn’t work either…..

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