
Motomaker’s iCloud transfer service for Moto X makes it easier for iPhone users to make the switch


Motorola Moto X DSC00701

In some regards, the Moto X is the perfect transitioning device for scorned iPhone users looking to make the jump to Android. It’s small size is near to that of the iPhone, and the fact that the Moto X runs a near-stock Android experience only further sweetens the deal. It looks like Motorola is about to make it even easier for ex-iPhone users to pick up the Moto X, using a nifty new feature from their Motomaker site.

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Punit Soni, Motorola’s VP of Product Management, took to his Google+ page to announce their newly improved Migrate assistant. Starting today, Migrate will now allow iPhone users to transfer their stored iCloud contacts and calendar events to their freshly painted Moto Xs. The process is relatively painless, users will only have to log into their Apple iCloud account, then into their Google account, and from there sit back as Motorola handles the rest.

Motomaker Moto X iCloud migration assistant

Potential pitfalls that users could encounter with the new service is the very real possibility of duplicate contacts, not all contact information populating the correct fields after migration, and only one iCloud account per Gmail account (there’s always the option to use additional Gmail accounts),

Motorola says with 500 calendar events, and 500 contacts, the entire process should take around 5 minutes. It’s true Motorola’s method might not be as robust as say HTC or Sony’s new method — which transfer photos, videos and more over a direct Bluetooth connection — Motorola says this new feature is only the start. It’s still a nice touch for new Moto X owners who will have a phone ready to rock-and-roll as soon as it leaves the factory.

[Google+ | Motorola]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Making it easier to come from the dark side is always good :P

    1. The Darkside has cookies. :)

      1. But cookies are delicious!

      2. And the Brightside has Kit Kats!! :D

  2. Good move Motorola now let’s get Sammy on board

  3. If Motorola really wants to steal customers from Apple (and Samsung for that matter), they need Google to man up and bring the Nexus family back home. Yup, nexus devices made by Motorola. I know, that would be super controversial, but hey, Samsung is getting so big that is getting scary.

  4. Haha Apple will figure out a way to ban this in about .05 weeks.

    Remember how the Palm Pre synced with iTunes and Apple had a fit and sued and pissed and moaned and changed iTunes like 5 times?

    1. hmmm interesting


      lmao i suprised that works actually, but 8.4 hours it is! had to see if it worked :D

  5. when I switched from my iPhone 3g to my HTC mytouch 3g, all I had to do was sign in and all my contacts just showed up. I didn’t set up Google contacts, it just brought them up. transition was pretty easy except I wasn’t used to the slower processor

  6. 2 iCloud features out of a dozen. Not enough I guess.

  7. Someone needs to show this to Kevin Krause. :D

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