
Google Search now displays hashtags from Google+, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake show you how to hashtag IRL [VIDEO]


Google Hashtag search

Yesterday, Google announced a new way to search for trending topics through Google Search by using the power of the almighty #hashtag. Yes, those tags your friends are using in excess on their social network posts have now been indexed, and are quickly and easily searchable through Google.

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Now, whenever you search for a hashtag on Google, a little sidebar widget will appear on the right side of search results showing hashtags posted on Google+ (only those shared publicly, of course). Clicking on the widget will take you to a full list of posts on Google+ using that specific hashtag. While only Google+ gets sidebar love, links to perform hashtag searches from other social networks will still appear in the normal Google Search results.

Initially, it looks like this Google Search’s latest feature will only be available in the US and Canada, with no timing on global availability just yet. While we’re still trying to figure out if searchable hashtags on Google’s homepage will actually be useful, Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake show us how to enrich our lives by using hashtags in normal day-to-day conversation. (Expect to see your kids talking like this in the near future). #android4lyfe

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. funny

  2. Ah I love Jimmy Fallon and JT, saw this vid last night it was hilarious.

  3. wow, google desperate to have all people using g+

    1. Kinda got that impression too. They’re doing whatever it takes to nudge people onto G+, no matter the cost.

      1. which really bums me out. i want to love google but more and more they do things that just look like every other big company. my god they keep asking me about youtube name as well. I’m like no, I picked that youtube name and want to use it not my google name for everything. it’s simply not good.

  4. best part of that vid is dude entering at end with “Hall and Oates” tee on!

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