
Mobile Roar Podcast: iOS 7 available, Nexus 5 leaks galore, and Tim Cook trash talk


It was a good week in mobile! This time we are covering a very good list of topics. Apple’s iOS 7, Tim Cook’s Android bashing, Sprint One Up, Nexus 5 and Jony Ive’s dream job are all included in the list of topics. We had a lot of fun, so join us!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Thanks for listening. Follow us on Twitter and send us your comments or questions to podcast[at]mobileroar[dot]com.

Joe Fedewa (@jayzeroeee) – WinSource.com
Chris Chavez (@GamerCore) – Phandroid.com
Kevin Krause (@youdontknowkev) – iSource.com
Edgar Cervantes (@Tech_EC) – Phandroid.com


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Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

Android 4.4 makes appearance in Korean Google keyboard screenshot

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  1. initial benchmark tests are through the roof for the 5s significantly higher than any phone until the Note 3 im sure… and a tear down of the phone lol the “M7” chip was MIA lol that is fishy

  2. You mentioned the keyboard skin still be around. Yep. It is. I just fired up the new Instagram and have the old keyboard skin. hahhhahahahaha!

  3. I can’t find the android branded kit Kat’s anywhere:( anybody know where to find them?

    1. I can’t either. I’ve been looking everywhere. Grocery stores, gas stations, truck stops, haven’t seen them anywhere.

      1. same:( where are you located? I’m in Utah(Mormons hate kit Kats I guess)

        1. I live just outside of Chicago.

  4. A so called Android site spends more ink on iCrapple . Happy Daze.

    1. They must have the whole staff working on crapple news.

    2. Do you even listen to the podcast? It’s a collaboration of the phandroid guys + winsource guy and isource guy talking about all things tech and mobile. Not everyone is as much as a rabid lunatic fanboy as you apparently are.

  5. My Uncle Cooper recently got an awesome 9
    month old Toyota Highlander by working part time from a laptop… her comment
    is here w­w­w.J­A­M­20.c­o­m

  6. IOS7 seems like such a blatant copy of Android.

    1. No.
      I think My Little Pony should sue Apple for copying them.

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