
LG G2 unboxing



The LG G2 has just arrived at my doorstep and I couldn’t wait to give you a quick glimpse of it. No doubt it is one of the most exciting devices right now, so let’s see what we have in the box, shall we?

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I happen to have the international version, but more on the US releases will be coming soon! In case you forgot, the device runs on Android 4.2.2 and has a 2.3 GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, 2 GB of RAM, a great 5.2-inch 1080p display, a 13 MP rear-facing camera, a 2.1 MP front-facing camera and a hefty 3000 mAh battery.

The box comes with the usual literature and accessories. There is a charger (though I got a European one), headphones and the USB cable along with the device. Right out of the bat you can tell the device is well-built (but a bit more plasticky than the Optimus G) and very snappy.

You can check out our hands-on video for more details, as well as our comparison to other popular smartphones. I will be playing with this bad boy for some time, so be sure that a full review is coming very soon!

If you have any questions about the device please do go ahead and ask in the comments below! I would love to answer anything I can while I am testing the phone.

Edgar Cervantes

Nexus 5 concept looks good enough to be the real thing

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  1. yt clip is dead?

    1. So dead :(

    2. I fixed it, guys. :) Thanks for the heads up!

  2. Video has been removed by user.

    1. Fixed! Thanks.

  3. wow…startup time is nothing…impressive

    1. Yeah, that really surprised me. I was like “what the? it’s already on?”

      1. It’s fast now, before the carriers add their boot animations and such.

  4. Very nice…too bad i’m set on the next Nexus phone though.

    1. It’s a similar concept though. Snapdragon 800, 2GB of RAM, upgraded camera, upgraded battery, etc. Only thing that I have with LG is their hardware faults on my G2X and the N4. I wish they mixed it up with Sony making an Xperia Nexus.

  5. very nice phone. but i dont like the back. thats what keeps me from buying it. for me now its between sony z1 or htc one max or note 3

    1. You forgot Nexus 5

  6. It’s fast now, before the carriers add their boot animations and such.

  7. So T-Mobile’s website doesn’t say if they are carrying the 16GB or 32GB version of this, does anyone know?

    1. I’m sure it will be 16GB in store, other versions online. That’s how it is with all of our phones.

  8. CAN’T WAIT to see if this is really going to be the Nexus 5! Love the brighter and sharper screen compared with the Note 2 and I RARELY use the S-Pen so no big loss.

    1. I really don’t use the S-Pen either. And this is a pretty big device. It doesn’t feel like a toy like the 4.7 inch devices do.

      1. would it be correct to say that this phone has the same features like the note 3 (text link, memo etc…) just basically without the need for a pen

        1. Yes, much of the functionality the Note 3 (and Note 2, for that matter) has is matched by a comparable feature in the LG G2. Very few of the S-Pen features are not able to be replaced.

  9. Rather than bash LG for what they do wrong I will refrain and just say the positive — great displays.

    That’s all.

    1. and great build quality.

      1. Can’t really say I agree with that, they have the fingerprint magnet backs, LG could spring for a different material there with some kind of smug proof finish.

  10. Alcatel One Touch Hero
    was copied from LG G2 but
    Alcatel copied better than the original. only if Alcatel One Touch Hero had 32gb or 64gb

    1. So?

  11. Great way to show off the S800 processor at work with that startup time.

    1. I was seriously impressed.

      1. How does the phone feel compared to the S4 or the Note II?

        1. I like the feel of it. It is actually very “Samsung-like” than the Optimus G in terms of build quality. But I feel like it is better-guilt than the Samsung devices. Nothing is wiggly or loose on the LG G2.

          In short, I like it more than I thought I would. I use a Galaxy Note 2 as my daily driver and I have to say this is better. Just as “plasticky”, but better put together.

          1. Would you recommend upgrading to it from a Note II if I am a budget? I am only in university, but the Nexus 5 seems like a worthy alternate if the rumors are true since it will have many of the same internals as its sister model.

          2. I really like the G2, but I wouldn’t upgrade from a Note 2 if I was on a budget. The Note 2 is still a very powerful device and the new phones offer very little more compared to the Note 2.

          3. Ok, thanks for the advice. Is there also a way to test the battery for the Note II? I tried something called AnTuTu Battery and got a score of 631. My phone was on auto brightness and the level dropped significantly with moderate usage at best. I think I might return it to T-Mobile for a warranty exchange. The battery is weak and the charger is failing and I tried another battery and that’s also creating the same issue (my dad has the Note II as well and his is older.) The Note II is a great phone, but I feel that the battery should be better than the Nexus 4’s on a normal basis lol.

  12. Come on Sprint, you are the only carrier that I know of that has not given us a release date. I need to order 2 of these. Unless, the Nexus 5 will be available in October. LG needs to be careful because their is a lot of competition on the market, and they definitely do not want to have to compete with themselves.

    1. How is competing with themselves bad? I mean there are people who wouldn’t by a LG branded phone, but they got the N4, and loved it. There is some overlap, but for the most part, LG has two different phones with their own distinct appeal, and will cover a lot of the market with those two devices.

      1. G2 vs new Nexus. Both made by LG and very similar.

        1. Well according to what we know so far, one has buttons on the back, the other doesnt. One has a 5.2′ display, one is 4.99′ or something like that. One has LG’s software, complete with all of their features, one runs stock android. So yeah they are similar, but they are different devices at the same time. Some people will want the buttons on the back, others want the old way. Some want LG’s software, some prefer stock. Some want a smaller device… The aesthetics are different as well so that is a differentiator as well. They are both top of the line devices, so you get the choice of two different high end models, which are both LG made. I’m sure there will be some market overlap, but both will be successful in their own right.

          1. It has now been announced that the FCC filing is not for the new Nexus 5 from LG, but the CDMA LG G2. AT least according to evleaks.

          2. Well, LG isn’t making a new LG G2 with the camera displaced (and put in the same place as that leaked Nexus device in the video), or with a smaller screen, so I still think there are two different devices. Even if there are LG G2 CDMA and GSM variants.

    2. nexus 5 comes out end of october

    3. Nexus 5 Oct 13th.

  13. At 3:21 was the comment made ‘it’s bezeless’ ?

    1. Yeah. I know, there IS a bezel. I just meant to say it’s so small that it is surprising. I didn’t mean that literally.

  14. Show the US version not the crap international garbage.

  15. For the money, the G2 is the best phone out there. There’s a great community for the G2 at http://LGG2Forum.com

  16. I would say the korea version is much better
    You got a replaceable battery and you can attach a micro sd too

  17. Next year, high end devices have to have a minimum of 32GB internal storage. Also I hope I can see 64GB devices from LG (If there is 128GB options that might be awesome).

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