
Hulu to get in on the Chromecast fun


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When the Google Chromecast was first announced, only Netflix and Pandora were named as far as third party apps who would have support from the get-go. Of course, the open nature of the multimedia streaming dongle means other content providers can provide their own solutions with the right coding, so we expected some of the other folks to announce support before too long.

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Hulu was one of the bigger companies we thought would eventually look to support the Chromecast, and so they will. The news comes to us through Variety, who spoke to a Hulu representative. The company mentioned it was “actively” working on bringing support for Chromecast to its platform. No ETA has been given for that to happen, of course, but we’re happy enough knowing it’s on its way.

HBO also recently said it was exploring the possibility of bringing Chromecast support to its apps. Unfortunately the company wasn’t quite as pointed as Hulu was in its commitment, but there really isn’t any big reason to suggest the content provider will decide not to do it in the long run. For now, folks can continue using their Chrome browser and the Chromecast extension to play video content over the air.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Only the beginning, plenty more to come.

  2. Any word on whether Hulu Plus “web only”videos will play on it?

    1. Of course they won’t. (okay that’s a probably)

    2. Lol, yeah right. Hulu wants to get paid bro. They’ll squash that ability real quick.

    3. this will let you play from the hulu app to your television……… However, the hulu app doesnt play everything, there are some episodes inside the hulu app, which are “web on your desktop only” which means you’ll then have to switch to your chrome web browser on your laptop and cast it from there…….. hulu……. why are they so complicated !

      1. Right, so as long as I’m using Chrome on my laptop to connect to Hulu, I can Chromecast it?

        1. Yep, i did it last night, basically almost anything on the chrome web browser on the laptop casts to the chromecast, including on your desktop computer……… unfortunately its only 720p…. and from the hulu app it will be 1080p

          1. Sweet. That’s what I figured. It’s lame that, as paying members of Hulu Plus, there is still content that we can’t watch on our TV+PS3 system. My wife will be stoked. Thanks!

  3. Pandora has chromecast support from the “get-go”? I still don’t see it. Or is it a paid version-only feature?

    1. It’s not supported right now, but it’s been confirmed as coming. As of right now it’s just Netflix, YouTube, Google Play and a Chrome browser.

  4. Hopefully I receive the chromecast before my free 2 month Hulu subscription ends.

  5. Now I just need Slacker Radio and XBMC to integrate the chromecast API into their apps

    1. And Amazon. And MLB :)

      1. Those were just what I need updated I do not use amazon and I hate sports

      2. And android’s BS Player 8-)

  6. I want to see Chromecast mature more, but at some point before the end of the year I will definitely be getting a Chromecast!!!

  7. Hulu is the last app I care about for support.

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