
This is what the inside of an OUYA looks like


ifixit ouya teardown

Devices make their first impressions with their external characteristics and aesthetics, but as the old saying goes it’s what’s on the inside that matters most. We already know what the OUYA is outfitted with — Tegra 3 silicon, 1GB of RAM, 8GB of internal storage, WiFi N, Bluetooth 4.0, and so on and so forth — but now it’s time to get a look at those juicy components for ourselves.

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The always-eager folks at iFixIt decided to give the OUYA a good ol’ teardown, showing us what makes the Android-based gaming console tick and tock. Inside is a hodgepodge of components strewn about quite nicely. It’s clear the OUYA team put some very talented engineers at work to make the console fit inside such a tiny little cube-esque box.

The teardown shows just how brilliant the component design is, with a high degree of modularity gracing the innards. This drove iFixIt to give OUYA 9 out of 10 in terms of repairability, meaning it is one of the most easily repaired devices out there. That’s good news in case this thing turns out to be a meltdown waiting to happen after long periods of use.

Oh, and we also get a look at the controller in this two-piece breakdown as well, if you’re interested. Take a look at the full teardown at iFixIt’s site, and remember that this is not meant to be a repair guide — that will come a bit later down the road once more people have the console in hand.

Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. Too bad it has the wrong controller layout.
    Please tell me I can use a ps3 controller instead of this stupid xbox layout.

    1. It’s the flat analog sticks that I wish were curved in either direction. Thank goodness for those little analog nub inserts.

      I’m sure the controller could be hacked or ported somehow into the body of a DualShock 3.

      1. You must think you’re so clever.

        1. who, me? nah. i just used someone else’s very clever and perfectly appropriate website. i can’t take the credit. but thanks anyway.

    2. both controllers are the same……

    3. Subjective opinion

    4. Too each their own. I can’t stand the stupid layout of the Dual Shock controllers. gives me a cramp.

  2. I’m confused why the OUYA received a 9/10 score, if none of the chips are modular on the circuit board. if that circuit board fries, goodbye OUYA

  3. Someone should put OUYA on wheels and make a remote controlled little robot out of it or something.. This thing is just waiting to be tinkered with and used for all kinds of purposes beyond console gaming.

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