Top Android news stories for the week of Monday, April 8th — to Friday, April 12th
- Google Play Store 4.0.25 is rolling out to Android users around the globe. We did a nice little comparison between the new and old, and if you don’t feel like waiting around, you can even download and apply the update manually.
- More Google Babel leaks show the semi-unified chat messaging service running inside of Gmail. Rumors suggest that Google Voice wont be integrated at launch and that Android’s SMS Messaging app will be kept separate.
- My Nexus 4 shattered from a 2-inch drop which lead me to the conclusion that it’s the most fragile smartphone on the face of the planet. A huge debate ensued.
- More Motorola X Phone rumors are now saying the phone — which has never been officially announced or given a launch date — has been “delayed” until August or later. It was originally thought the phone might be announced at Google I/O, with a launch the following month in June. Don’t expect either.
- Facebook Home went live in the Google Play Store for a handful of devices. Curiously, the Nexus 4 was left out. Was this Facebook’s way of sticking it to longtime rival Google?
No apologies necessary for the N4 commentary.It was a real-world experience & not a unique incident.LG needed to be called out on it,especially after the half-hearted attempt of putting phone “nipples” on the backside of later models,w/o so much as a mention of this “improvement” in design,no less.
You should send it back & demand a replacement,free of charge,or,continue w/the colorful commentaries!
LG: How may I help you?
CHRIS: I’d like a replacement N4 please.
LG: Would that be with or without nipples?
CHRIS: What do you think,of course I want nipples,the more the merrier!
There should be apologies made it was blown out of proportion and wasn’t professional in the manner presented obviously he was pissed that his phone cracked and was furious, it wasn’t a true article, it was just a rant. I normally like Chris’s article but he needs to think before posting. Altogether the post shouldn’t have been made in that manner.
No one mentioned professionalism or that it was an article & Chris stated as much,calling it a rant himself.
Besides,when does one have to be a “professional” a la RALPH NADER,to voice a legitimate concern regarding product quality?
I’m glad he took the opportunity to use his access here to bring it to light.
Also,what should everyone who has a pre-nipple model do,just go away quietly?
Its not wrong to voice a legit concern don’t get me wrong but there are other sensible ways to go about it. Chris’s post was a perfect example of how NOT to go about it.
Perhaps,but I applaud that he did something.I guess I’m a bit more empathetic to this than some,after hearing nothing but silence,B.S.,& deceit from the mfgs. of my 1st two Androids,HUAWEI(ASCEND) & MOTOROLA(PHOTON).
Fortunately.I’ve had a better experience w/the SGS3.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend,Jamille!
Um if his crappy made LG phone cracked from a 2 inch fall who are you to complain?? Don’t read the article, genius.
He does this for a living, so it’s his profession, so it requires professionalism, you know not calling people wh*res and telling them to shut their mouths when their opinion differs from his. Someone at Phandroid seriously needs to clip this kid’s wings.
I’m sure he meant the name calling in jest, just as you would among friends.
This isn’t network evening news, I think it’s alright to relax a bit & enjoy the dialog, whether you agree or disagree w/someone’s viewpoint.
I dropped my Nexus 4 on my center console, from much higher than 2 inches. Nada :)
Well not sure why my post was deleted, guess if you drop your Nexus and nothing happens then you aren’t allowed to post :p
Sometimes it takes a second to post
So when is the US getting the Playstore update?
You can side-load it from the link here:
or here
I’m on T-Mobile and my Play updated itself already and I have a friend on Sprints whose Play updated yesterday.
I must say your comments about the Nexus 4 just seem to never stop you and your b******* complaints about the Nexus 4 maybe if you have a little more compassion for your phone and treated it right that there wouldn’t be any issues and if you look at all of the surveys my friend guess what 90 percent of the people don’t have a problem I happen to like my Nexus 4 I have dropped it bank around it everything and I have never have them issue I don’t drop it intentionally but I’ve never had a problem and personally I’ll take this phone over a Samsung or HTC any day why don’t you stop cutting down the Nexus 4
Had my Nexus 4 since the t mobile release and its in perfect condition
When is the U.S. getting the Play Store update? I downloaded the apk like 5-7 days ago!
It’s a proven fact that the more you worry about your phone the more likely something bad will happen to it.
My Play updated itself and I’ve tried 10 times reinstalling the old one, but it just updates itself. Annoying. Still don’t like the new Play.
will be improve when gorilla 3 apply to next nexus
I thought android overload was a place where stories that didn’t make it to the home page went???? These were ALL their own stories! Wtf? Slow day?
Personally, I don’t see why everyone is mad at Chris for stating an opinion that has been shared countless times on the internet. It’s his soapbox, so he can say what he wants, anyone who doesn’t understand this refer to this:
It sometimes astonishes me what passes for civility in 2013. I have the Galaxy Note 2. It shattered after a drop of 2.5 ft. That’s ridiculous! So as someone who buys his phones unlocked, it a really annoying to get one that breaks so readily. Anyone who thinks what Chris did by conveying his personal experience to readers, go watch Fox news and come back and tell me which is more unprofessional.