
Universal Unroot said to revoke SU permissions in any rooted device [VIDEO]


While most people aren’t as interested in unrooting phones opposed to rooting them, there’s still the occasional need. For instance, many like to sell a device unrooted or may need to submit an insurance claim and want to make sure their carrier doesn’t try to use its status as a rooted device as an excuse. I can only think back to the time where a T-Mobile rep blamed my cracked G1 display on the fact that my device was rooted, thus allowing them to refuse to honor my insurance and warranty.

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Welp, if you’ve ever found the need to unroot your device, developer Matt Groff — creator of the Batakang ROM — has a very useful utility that you’ll want to check out. It’s called Universal Unroot, and it’s apparently able to unroot any rooted device from any manufacturer regardless of which version of Android it has. It will not only remove any superuser app you have installed, but will completely undo the exploit at the system level, meaning it’s not simply a placebo effect.

It costs $.99 in the Google Play Store, which isn’t much in the grand scheme of things. It’s an app you might only use once or twice in the next few years, and the manual unroot process is typically fairly easy, but it’s not unreasonable to have to pay for convenience. The app claims to support any device based on x86, ARM, and MIPS architectures, which account for nearly all Android devices.

It will also support all of the usual suspects in the superuser app game, namely ChainsDD Superuser, Chainfire SuperSu, and Koush Superuser. Note that the app won’t re-root your device, so be sure you want to unroot before doing it, and prepare to use the appropriate root methods if you find the need to reverse the action. Find it for download in the Google Play Store.

[thanks DroidModderX!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Eh, I did unroot my GS3. Eventually I just got tired of it being rooted and returned it to stock. That was, of course, after having played with both AOSP and TW for months and months.

    1. You got “tired” of being rooted? What does that even mean? Worst excuse ever.

      Without root there’s no: adaway adblocking, titanium backups, goomanager recovery updates, sixaxis ps3 controller, root filemanager, root adb shells, nuking stock rom annoyances (camera sounds, etc), and all the other things I’m forgetting right now. I think maybe you just didn’t know what root meant in the first place, and thought it’d be cool to have.

      (EDIT: and the only downside to being rooted is having to unroot in the rare event you need to return/sell your phone, and that there’s a very very small number of petty apps & games that’ll try to block you if root is detected)

      1. Hey, genius, I know ALL the advantages of being rooted. I miss the debloating and the blue theme of AOSP, but nothing else. I stopped running adaway after a while. Camera sounds don’t bother me because I have no need to be sneaky when taking photos, plus, as with just about any rom, none of them were bug free. Constantly freezing when trying to take a photo, or when changing orientation one way or the other to watch a video.

        Of course, this is, with some of the AOSP ROMs having “stable” versions. I’m not opposed to being rooted, I just got tired of it. Of course, for diehards like yourself, there is NO reason to go back to stock, and you wouldn’t be convinced of it otherwise.

        Everyone has different tastes, but clearly if someone unroots a phone because they’re tired of it, that means they’re a bad bad person.

  2. I unrooted and went back to stock on my G-Nexus for about a few hours just to try the vzw 4.1.1 update. After missing missing the functionality of custom roms I went back to been rooted. I’m very thankful for the rooting kits available that makes it easier to root devices. In one day I rooted about 3 devices for family members.

  3. The only reason I would think of unrooting my phone would be to get the OTA update. It’s not like having your phone rooted uses more battery or ram… Good to know the option is out there, although I would most likely just flash an unrooted stock rom through odin for free.

  4. when those times are necessary, isn’t also necessary to relock your bootloader and reflash the stock rom? …and you’d have to be rooted to do that…so …this app just kinda seems like its going to mess ppl up.

  5. Glad my Samsung Galaxy Prevail is supported via ODIN then. Easy enough to flash a unrooted stock rom and then flas one thats rooted and CWM installed so I can be back up and running in mere mins

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