
Watch the Google Glass SXSW presentation in its entirety


After much secrecy, Google has recently been opening up a bit more about Project Glass. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Google hopes to get their wearable computing device one people’s faces in the very near future. Maybe it’s just because Glass is finally refined and developed enough to warrant public presentation. Either way, if you’re dying to know more about Glass or how developers can utilize the unique hardware, look no further than the above video.

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Presented at this year’s SXSW, a talk entitled “Building New Experiences with Glass” featured Google Senior Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan going over some of the finer points of the Android-powered headwear and its Mirror API. While it’s still more of a general overview than anything else, the discussion could be particularly useful for anyone thinking about building apps for Glass. Jordan insists it isn’t all that difficult.

But most will want to check out the video to see one of the better demonstrations of how Glass works, how it functions in day-to-day life, and why it might actually be worth adorning the goofy-looking headset.

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  1. Why was he using a laptop to read his script? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have it on his Glass? Hm.

    1. No, Google glass isn’t meant to be a stand-alone computer replacement. Its function isn’t for huge bursts of text (i.e: script) or immersive amounts of media or data, it’s to take the quick tasks we perform every day with our smartphones,etc like picture taking, responding to texts, calling, filming, sharing, and streamlining them in such a way that they become secondary to real life interaction while maintaining a steady connection to our online presence, the opposite of what they feel is happening today. It’s a companion product to try and get rid of the connect-disconnect of the daily technological minutiae of our lives, to enhance our interaction with our existing tech, not replace it entirely.

      1. Wait a minute. So, what you’re saying is that using it as a teleprompter is outside of “bringing technology closer?” Having a single line of text scrolling across the eyepiece would be an astounding bit of tech. Using the voice recognition software Google paid heaps of money for to advance the script would be…intuitive.

        I’m not bashing the tech. It’s fantastic. But if the idea is to get rid of the ‘connect-disconnect’ of daily tech, how about using it to connect with the audience by looking at them instead of at a laptop?

        1. I agree man, would have made sense, even if the Glass was just bullet points and he had a Nexus 7 for notes or whatever.

        2. He addresses this during the meeting. I get that you have your opinion, but he states that it’s not for large amounts of information. Everyone’s eyes would end up cross-eyed, like in The Jerk lol

    2. Cause it’s still a prototype, and it doesn’t actually have as much functionality as they want people to believe…..

      1. It can show pictures and text.

        1. OOOooohhhh…. how innovating….

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