
Android Overload: Facebook for Android updated in the Play Store this time, Jawbone UP comes to Android, and lots more


The Android Overload is where we stash all of the stories/articles/news bits that didn’t make it onto our front page (some for more obvious reasons than others). In any case, just because they weren’t featured doesn’t mean they aren’t worth taking a look at. In fact, there’s almost always a few good articles here for everyone. So, take a look around and let us know if you find anything interesting.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • This is what wearing Google Glass would look like if you were a James Bond. Warning: NSFW. [YouTube]
  • You can now search for .gifs and .pngs easier than ever using Google Image search. [Google+]
  • Tablet owners are more likely to watch movies on every device they own (not just tablets), than non-tablet owners. [AllThingsD]
  • Jawbone Up fitness wristband finally gets an Android app. Let’s you log meals, sleep schedules, monitor eating habits and more straight from your mobile device. [Jawbone]
  • Facebook for Android gets an update. This time, via the Google Play Store and not inside the app itself. [Google Play]
  • Report: 4G LTE traffic will see a 207% growth year-over-year in 2013. 3G 99% growth. [BGR]
  • And now Amazon is looking to get into the subscription streaming music service. [TheVerge]
  • Once the deal is approved, merged T-Mobile/MetroPCS board will be filled with Deutsche Telekom execs. [AllThingsD]
  • Virtual teardown reveals that the Samsung Galaxy S4 is costs 15% more to build than the previous Galaxy S3. [Electronista]
  • T-Mobile adds “shop by LTE” option on their website. [TMoNews]
  • Intelligent Ringer listens to the volume of the world around you to adjust your ringer volume accordingly. [
  • Google Fiber spreads to Olathe, Kansas.
  • Law enforcement groups are pushing for a law that forces carriers to keep records and store their customer’s text messages. [
  • ARM CEO Warren East is stepping down as chief executive officer after period of dramatic growth. [WSJ]
  • Twitter receives patent on “a messaging system where users can follow each other and display messages without a unique recipient,” which sounds a lot like… tweeting. [TheVerge]
  • Xbox Live platformer Fez is will be making its way to OUYA. And with that — I am sold. [DroidGamers]
  • New capture tool for Google+ Hangouts lets you take screenshots with the press of a button. [Google+]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

More rumors suggest next-gen Nexus 7 will have a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor

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  1. Chris, no video tonight :( I won’t be able to sleep w/o hearing your voice. Lmao ;)

  2. I was actually talking to my wife yesterday about the need for keeping text messages for the purpose of law enforcement.
    I am by no means part of the nanny state but something like this could become as important as dna testing in my opinion.

    1. Personally I don’t think there should be a record of every conversation I’ve ever had via text. Maybe if they deleted the records every 90 days or so.

  3. Thank You Chris for keeping this segment going. I really love this segment.

  4. Go ahead. Keep track of my texts. I’ll just switch to one of those dumb services the kids are using that doesn’t keep them after they’re read.

  5. The Facebook update in the play Store asking for permission to download files without notification.

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