
This Week In Google TV: Shopping guide, stay tuned for I/O Google TV news, Sony NSZ-GS7 GTV V3 update and more


Welcome to this week’s edition of our “This Week In Google TV” feature! This is where we bring you your weekly dose of Google TV news. The platform is finally starting to grow more rapidly and we know many of you are struggling to get your Google TV content. You can stop searching all over the internet – now you can get it all here, every Saturday.

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Google TV Will Not Be Ignored At This Year’s Google I/O!

If you were on top of Google I/O last year, you know Google TV was far from being the star of the show. In fact, Google TV fans were quite disappointed after seeing our favorite smart TV platform not even getting a mention.

If the Google TV Developers Google+ page is to be believed, we have something to wait for this time around. They posted a comment asking us to “stay tuned for Google TV news at I/O.” We are not sure how small or big the news could be, but at least we know something is coming. What do you think it is?

For more go to: Google: “Stay tuned for Google TV news at I/O”

Need Help Purchasing Your Next Google TV Device?

We’ve got you! We know it can be a complicated process to purchase a new Google TV. They are pretty much nowhere to be found in physical stores, so we have to depend on the few reviews out there to make the best choice. If you need a little extra help, though, we have a brand new Google TV Shopping Guide for you!

There are options for people on a budget, as well as options for those with cash to spare. But most importantly, we go over the best upcoming devices, which are scheduled for release very soon. Check out the guide and let us know what you think! Which device are you getting next?

We will also be publishing updated guides a few times a year, depending on how much things change. So stay tuned for those.

For more go to: Google TV shopping guide – March 2013

Sony NSZ-GS7 Google TV Receives GTV V3 Update

It couldn’t take much longer for the Sony NSZ-GS7 GTV version 3 update to come around. Sony’s $50 voice-enabled remote was released early this week, and we knew it was only a matter of days before the update started hitting our devices.

Thankfully, it started rolling out the very next morning. It came with all the features we could expect, like Voice Search (which requires the new remote), PrimeTime Quick Guide, and all the other upgrades and fixes. So if you haven’t updated your Sony Google TV, it’s about time you start checking for those updates!

For more go to: Sony NSZ-GS7 Google TV box receives its GTV V3 update!

Able Remote Updated With Netflix Fix

If you have been following our Google TV coverage, you know Able Remote is our favorite remote app for Google TV. The app offers great flexibility and customization, which you can read all about in our review (or see the video review below).

A small issue has been plaguing Able Remote users lately, though. We have been experiencing issues with Netflix pairing, a problem that has just been fixed with the latest update. Now all we need is Google to release the GTV V3 APIs and Able Remote will be back to the top of the pyramid.

For more go to: Able Remote updated, still not optimized for GTV V3

Wrap Up

What a nice week! We have more devices updated with GTV V3 now, and other Google TV devices are about to be released. Not only that, but now we also know Google TV news will be coming during Google I/O! We have a lot to look forward to, guys.

Meanwhile, you can stay updated by reading our “This Week In Google TV” feature and checking out GTVSource.com, our sister site. See you next week!

Edgar Cervantes

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  1. I wish Google TV would come out with a Roku/ Apple Tv type device for those of us who cut the cord, or at least something that we can hook up an antenna to.

    1. So like the Vizio box they came out with? Or the Revue?

      1. I thought all of the Google TVs relied on cable, I’m I wrong?

        1. You don’t have to have cable to use Google TV.

          1. so were the cable and TV companies so against it when it first came about?

  2. I have this feeling Sony is going to announce Google TV for the PS4 at E3.

    1. Sony should announce Android for the PS4 at E3!

  3. I’ve decided the Google TV must go! I already have 1 iMito MX2 in my bedroom, and the 2nd one is on it’s way from China. It’s a Jellybean Android on a stick computer. I’ll be repurposing my Logitech Revue’s keyboard for the living room, but I’m tired of the lack of decent apps on the Google TV. The 1 thing I like better on it is the Netflix app’s appearance. But I prefer pretty much everything else about the Android Stick, including its dual core processor, and ability to play games such as Dead Trigger.

  4. I’m waiting on an update to the Pulse and I want to see standard Hulu on the GTV.

  5. She’s a hooker.

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