
Google Now could be coming to the iPhone and iPad – U mad? [VIDEO]


Earlier today we saw Google’s plans to infuse their Chrome web browser with Google Now functionality — once reserved solely for Android devices — and it looks like Google isn’t about to stop there A newly leaked video is more than hinting Google Now could be heading to the unlikeliest of places: iOS.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Okay, deep breaths. No, this isn’t a nightmare and no, this isn’t Google Voice Search. This is 100% Google Now, running in the background, always on, tracking your every move, notifying users of appointments, traffic, movie times, sports scores, without tapping a single button or icon. Yeah, that Google Now. In the leaked video, we hear the same person’s voice from the initial Google Now promo video, talking about all the great Google Now features making their way to the iPad and iPhone. The video has since been pulled, making it seem just a teensy bit more legit. The boys at Engadget managed to rip it and it can be viewed in its entirety below.

If we could all just put our fanboy ego’s and pride aside for just a moment, we’ll see that this makes perfect sense for Google. This could be nothing more than another move by Google to take their services into “enemy” territory, attacking Siri right on the homefront. Okay, maybe “enemy” is too harsh a word. Remember, just because Apple hates the Android OS (and competition in general) doesn’t mean Google feels the same about the house that Steve Job’s built. In fact, this shows us yet again that Google see’s iOS — with a huge user base — the same way as they do Android — just another avenue to get their mobile services into more people’s hands, Google Now being the latest and greatest.

Still, I suppose the only real reason an Android fanboy could get upset about this development is the fact that Google has shunned anyone running a version of Android prior to Jelly Bean, which the latest numbers tell us accounts for over 73% of Android devices. With Google I/O coming up in May, who knows. Maybe we’ll see Google finally open up Google Now to the other Android desserts, while I’m sure there’s a lot of complex code behind it, a simple update to Google Search sounds easy enough for the guys that made a driver-less car.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

LYFAO with this Google Glass St. Patrick’s Day skit (NSFW) [VIDEO]

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  1. More people have access to a cool feature, Im all for it. Id love to see some apple stuff on android.

    1. If only Apple were so gracious.

    2. like what? The only apple specific software I love are Final Cut Pro and Logic but those aren’t ios, obviously.

      1. the iPhone has the best stock music app, and audio hardware of any phone I have ever used. Id love to have that. and their iLife suite they have on iOS would be cool to have as well.

        1. welp, this guy is tarded lol

          1. You people are worse than the apple fanboys you make fun of. I hope apple/wp users dont see all of us this way.

          2. HAHAHAHA the stock music app is derpy. Even amazon cloud app is better. “Audio hardware”? Really? Hahahaha. Don’t talk about their subpar earbuds either. Junk. iLife isn’t bad but there are better alternatives on Android.

          3. not the earbuds, genius. The actual hardware that handles audio output inside of the phone.

        2. Honestly, after owning an iPhone at one point, I found the music app to be more hype than substance. I am quite happy with the choices of equalizers and apps on Android. Sound quality is great too.

          1. I had an iphone for a month, Maybe Its just the volume, I dont hear as well as most people so i have to have music up substantially louder than most. and the iphone was able to be played much louder than my galaxy nexus, rezound, and definately my nexus 4.

          2. so basically you equate volume with sound quality….. iFail.

          3. Much louder music = far better sound quality. iLogic.

        3. I will compare to stock Android. It’s only fair. Google Music is still buggy. When I’m listening to music, I’d turn off my phone and turn it back on and the album art would be missing. And I can’t scroll through the music. I’d have to go to the queue (or anywhere else) and start another song for it to come back.

          Again, this is Stock Android since you did mention stock music app.

          BUT since you’re ASKING for the app to be ported that means you’d be willing to try 3rd party. You see, the iOS music app would be 3rd party on Android thus meaning you’re including ALL 3rd party music apps. So… that means… the iOS music app no longer becomes the best. I’m sorry…

          1. Serious question: Are there other audio apps on iThings? Or is that one of those things Apple won’t allow due to duplicated functionality? Because if that’s the only audio app (and I’ve used it… my wife had an iPad for a few years, so I inevitably had to use it on occasion) available, there’s no comparison to Power Amp, or Winamp, or even Apollo…

          2. good point, I was speaking in terms of the iPod app directly compared to Google play music. I know there are alternatives on android that are far superior to both.

          3. I think Google needs to worry more about Tizen in the future. Tizen is Samsung’s copy cat version of Android. Samsung decided they don’t want any more American influence now that they have already successfully stolen Apples ideas and now Googles.
            Tizen is a unix based OS for smartphones developed by Samsung – similar to Android – except Samsung owns it. Samsun says they will not break completely from Android- but of course they are saying that because they still need Android for awhile until Tizen use becomes more widespread in Asia – where they hope in 5 years to be the ‘new Android’.. with other companies using Tizen, instead of Android and paying Samsung instead of Google.
            Funny how American’s have less jobs and less money and they wonder why… They support foreign things and buy phones from Koreans who eat dogs, don’t really care for Americans – but will gladly take your cash !

        4. Haha lols

        5. Wha???? iTunes sucks beyond measure and the audio hardware is pitiful in comparison to, say, the One X with Beats.

      2. FCP is a dying pig with FCPX still a joke compared to Premiere or Avid for editing. People just need to grow up in the industry.

    3. ooh like apple maps, I love going on adventures! ;)

      1. Yes, please Apple the Android Army would love to use Apple maps… it can only add value to the platform

      2. Imagine the entertainment possibilities!

      3. Me too! I’ve always wondered how my car would fare as a submarine!

    4. Just exactly what does Apple have that makes it iOS? Like how Android has Google Now and dynamic notifications. What does iOS have? And I am seriously asking.

      To me, it just has apps that work. Kinda like Windows 7 and below. No real design. Just apps. Nothing fancy happens when you click icons and stuff. Windows 8 seems to be adding the cosmetics to it. It’s just everyone develops for Windows 7, so you can easily find what you need. I feel the same way about the iOS.

      And I’m not saying that Win7 is ugly or anything. Please don’t take that out of context. I know someone would have. A design can be cool, but when compared with the masses, pretty lame.

      But yea. So what does Apple have?

      1. aging UI/UX that people are used to. That’s it.

      2. I was speaking more on the hardware side of things. Such as audio processors and cameras. But on the software side, like i have said before the iPod app, and their messaging system is far superior to ours.

  2. course google would release every app on crapple system. because they make more money on IOS. its just business. android dont get exclusive stuff like IOS specially if they come from google.

    1. Great post. Great avatar.

    2. This makes me want to rock an iPhone on the side. If I can get a like-new one for cheap and factory reset, I’ll take it for a spin.

      1. Bah, I have an iPhone from work that sits on my computer desk powered off. Never have a reason to use it…at using it after using my Note 2 just feels strange.

        1. Ah, you renew my indifference to the iPhone’s existence.

        2. same. it’s turned into my ipod. which is unnecessary thanks to google music

          1. my OG Droid turned into my ipod while my ipod takes up space in a drawer.

  3. Really I know they want the ad revenue and what not but how about they focus on ics device’s or even better refining Google now it works better on iPad the (Google search app) some times idk if they think of the android team when it comes to stuff Google + update a while back.

    1. Why should Google support an older version of their software when their devices have updated? Didn’t you get the update or do you have a non-Google branded device?

      Get what I’m trying to point out? I know, it sux. I wish I didn’t have to run an unofficial Jellybean ROM on my E4GT. But I must since I want Google Now and other Jellybean stuff, and Samsung hasn’t updated my phone yet.

      But the rest of your comment makes no sense. You say Google Now works better on the iPad, then say it’s the Google Search app you meant. So you have to compare the Google Search App with both the iOS version and Android version. There is an Android Google Search app. I don’t think that needs refining on Android. Especially since Google Now is out.

      1. Have you tired the search app on Ios it’s the same voice and cards the only difference is that it don’t remember but it sure ass hell pics up more voice actions and talks back 98% of what you ask it

      2. Also that’s part of the reasons people leave android because lack of features yea i understand that it’s carriers fault for not updating but still I have people come in my store and leave to iPhone because “android” never updated and they don’t have the cool features Ios has… I mean there are a bunch of good phones that are still on ics

        1. I understand what you’re saying. Not everyone wants to root their phone. They shouldn’t have to do upgrade the device themselves.

          And I don’t blame them for wanting the new features. That’s the main reason I’m doing what I’m doing now. I want Jellybean. I like what it can do, but my device wasn’t updated.

          Luckily with OEMs making the same device across different carriers that will be fixed, because the international GS2 has been updated to Jellybean. Hopefully this fixes that issue.

  4. if they eventually put all the good Google stuff on ios then it might be worth trying apple again. I have several favorite apps that just don’t work as well or not as good for android.

      1. I have almost as much money invested in apple apps as I do android. If they ever got Swype or SwiftKey for ios plus Google integration I possibly would be swayed.

    1. I can’t say I disagree… if they give the option of selecting default programs finally – so you could say, replace Maps with GMaps, Siri with Now and Safari with *anything else* – what precisely would I be losing?

  5. Because of the restrictions in iOS, this is likely to be inferior to google now on android. It simply won’t be running in the background, so it won’t be doing hardly anything the way it does on android. This is likely actually googles attempt to show iOS users how much better their service is than Siri (which is completely inferior). This is actually good. Google now on iOS will basically be a “google now lite” (again, based on iOS restrictions), this giving users a taste of what they COULD have on android. At the end of the day, people who are married to iOS will stick with iOS. The people who are willing to look elsewhere might just accept this little extra push.

    1. most likely the sheeple will say it sucks without recognizing they have a lite version. iphone fans are dense. Google is just as dense for not demonstrating their amazing products in way that makes you yearn for one.

      1. I don’t disagree. My point is, google isn’t wasting their efforts trying to win over a group of people that can’t be won over. But there are plenty of iOS users who are thinking of trying something different.

  6. Doubt apple will approve this. But even if they do, the android version will still be much better, the gesture access and the widget won’t be available on the iOS version, you’ll have to open an app to access it so it is much more cumbersome.

    1. Maybe Apple already rejected it, and why the video was promptly removed?

      1. They didn’t block Maps nor Search, doubt they have reason to block Google Now.

        1. Google Now requires a lot of background work, though.

  7. It wont work as nicely on IOS because of how locked down it is. IOS doesn’t really support background applications and Google Now does all of its magic in the background.

    1. I was actually wondering about this. I thought iOS started allowing things to run in the background all of a sudden.

      I can imagine things loading when they open the app, but not things appearing in their notification bar and stuff. Probably an update to their search to implement it.

      1. I’ve had an iPad for a few months and don’t really understand how/if apps running in the background works. Sometimes I will get notifications for an app that I am not currently using, but it is rare. There just doesn’t seem to be rhyme or reason to it, though I’m sure I’m missing the obvious.

    2. it supports background apps and notifications. It’s just not as in your face as Android. they certainly don’t do widgets.

      1. I believe it is also not as awesome as android….considering my photos auto backup to dropbox….but on IOS the dropbox app has to be opened before it backs up…but i could be wrong for this.

  8. LMAO! Those people would be mad . It’s funny I think they have translated their hate to just Google and this will prove it. Why should they be mad that a superior product is being added to their line of available services. I use Google Now every day.

  9. One thing I’ve noticed about Google apps on iOS compared to their Android counterparts is that the former incorporate a great deal more polish in the UI than the latter. I hope to see the UI style used for the iOS apps appear in Android some time soon. The smooth matte finishes and clean gradients are very pleasing to look at and work with.

    1. This is what annoys me. It was the dedication of Android users that stuck with Android in it’s infancy that helped it grow to where it is today, yet Google thinks that just because iOS demands polished apps, they should get them before Android. They kind of crap on their own OS to meet the demands of another…

      1. This is exactly what I was thinking. It really irks me when I’m reminded that Google has teams of people working on apps for non-Android mobile platforms when many of their Android offerings seem so unfinished in comparison.

        1. This is precisely my point. Google made great strides towards tidying up Android’s UI when they introduced “Holo” and Google Now is testament to the fact they are continuing to improve, but the platform would look a lot more unified if they took the design ques from the iOS apps and migrated them over to the android versions. The fact that they haven’t done so yet is both an annoyance and a mystery, the same could be said about why the clean/polished UIs didn’t appear in Android first.

    2. They may look more polished yes, but I have noticed they are not as full-featured. Even the Navigation is missing components that are only found in Android.

      Samsung is taking Android to the next level by aggressively including new technologies in their phones and challenging the competition. Also Android has hardware variety and form factor going for it so when all is said and done, there are still many compelling reasons to stick or jump to Android.

      Even if Google gave away all Android’s core apps, at the end of the day, IOS is still IOS – restrictive and Toy-R-US like.

      1. You don’t need to sell me on Android. I’m fully aware of the benefits. Of course Google apps are going to have more functionality on an operating system made by Google.

        Samsung has always tried to incorporate new tech into their Android devices, for better or worse. Personally, I find some of the features in my sister’s Galaxy S III to be more of a gimmick than anything else, at the very least those functions aren’t much different than when I perform them on my Galaxy Nexus manually. It will be interesting to see how the new features in the S IV pan out. The new smart-scroll looks like a good idea for people with small hands that have a hard time reaching around the device to swipe the screen. It will likely make one-handed operation for those folks a lot easier if it performs well.

        While I personally enjoy the variety of Android, that in itself is one of the reasons why some people don’t migrate. Some people (read non-power-users) find the sheer number of choices to be daunting enough to shy away from the platform.

        What’s the point of my rant? There isn’t much of one really. However, I figured if you were going to be kind enough to lecture me on things I already know I might as well return the favor…but to reiterate my original point: Google puts more polish into the iOS versions of their apps and I think the Android versions should have the same amount of polish if not more.

      2. Google needs to worry more about Tizen in the future. Tizen is Samsung’s copy cat version of Android. Samsung decided they don’t want any more American influence now that they have already successfully stolen Apples ideas and now Googles.
        Tizen is a unix based OS for smartphones developed by Samsung – similar to Android – except Samsung owns it. Samsun says they will not break completely from Android- but of course they are saying that because they still need Android for awhile until Tizen use becomes more widespread in Asia – where they hope in 5 years to be the ‘new Android’.. with other companies using Tizen, instead of Android and paying Samsung instead of Google.
        Funny how American’s have less jobs and less money and they wonder why… They support foreign things and buy phones from Koreans who eat dogs, don’t really care for Americans – but will gladly take your cash !

  10. iRate?!?

    1. uDerp.

  11. It’ll be nice to have Google now on my iPad 3 and galaxy s3!

  12. i understand Google’s motivations to keep users…ALL users..connecting to their services providing the company with ever more giga-tons of data to mine, but still WTF.

    If Google wants to provide those services to iOS users then do so in an diluted version without all the bells and whistles. Its just a kick in the nuts to all the OEMs that are producing Android devices that have to compete against the 800-lb gorilla with the world’s largest market cap and tons of brand equity. We’re already seeing other players enter the space like Firefox OS and Ubuntu. They’ll take some time to develop but eventually there’s going to be another open contender that will be up for consideration and Android may lose some powerful allies..and users.

    1. I don’t think you know this, so let me tell you a little story. My friend has an iPhone 5. He says that his Youtube app sux and he rather just use the browser. I once was about to use the YouTube app on my GS2 and he was like “why are you going to that horrible app!?”

      He believed that the app is the same everywhere. So if the apps sucked on iOS, users will believe they are the same on Android. Believe me, they WILL. Prime example right there. Games are the same across devices, so why wouldn’t apps like YouTube be the same? I’m sure that’s the logic going on in people’s heads.

      Of course the YouTube app works quite well on Android. IDK if it’s gotten better on iOS. But hopefully you see my point.

      1. your story is false. Youtube on a browser in iOS is horrible. Safari, iCabMoble and Chrome are horrible for youtube vids. the player is 100% better. Also, you say “IDK” if it’s gotten better on iOS…. basically saying YOU DON’T KNOW what you are talking about and shouldn’t have written this in the first place. The bottom line is, Google is never going to make apps for iOS that compete with their Android version or desktop version. The same goes for Apple. They are never going to create ANY Android apps while their PC version of their applications like Quicktime and iTune$ are abominations of their OSX cousins. Fail bait.

        1. Remember, YouTube was originally built in by Apple, and it DID suck. Recently, they (Apple) nixed it, forcing users to use the browser. It was a short while later that Google came along and made a standalone YouTube app for iOS. I’m betting this friend of his was used to the Apple YouTube app with older iterations of the iPhone, and his preference was correct. So…chill.

        2. Hmm… The story was in the past, and in the past the app wasn’t as functional. You were able to use YouTube on the browser more efficiently. Should you be reminded that there is a A mobile browser? I’m more than sure this is where he went to and not the full browser.

          You completely took that out of context. And it was obviously intentional with what you said. Mainly because of what you stated what I was “basically saying”. That had no connection to what I was originally saying.

          Please take your troll someplace else, before I start wasting my time correcting the grammatical errors in your post.

  13. I hope Google Now gets a huge update at I/O that adds more features and phrasing. It has a ton of potential, but isn’t where it could be in my opinion.

  14. It’s frustrating to see Google give away some of android’s best features like navigation, voice search, and now this, knowing Apple would never return the favor and is instead suing companies that use android on their handsets. Google also has what some say are better apps on ios than android, like gmail. Google has no loyalty to android. It seems to me that Google is slowly getting rid of reasons to switch to or use android

    1. Or maybe this will work towards Google and Android’s favor… People with iPhones would be like:

      “Say dawg, check out this Google Now thang!”
      “Dayyuuummm, Google>Apple!”
      “Ima get me dat Android, knoewutimsayin?”

      People already prefer Google maps/navigation by far anyways, now it’ll be Google Now over Siri.
      Google will eventually put Apple in misery with their quality apps over Apple’s sub-par apps that they force upon their unfortunate users.

      1. not really, dawg. iSheep could care less that Google created anything to be used on their iThing. They still love the aging case and OS which runs any app they use. Sorry dawgydawgdawg…. pissing on the wrong hydrant, yo!

        1. The die hard iSheep. Hate Google anything. It admits defeat to them. Trust me they hate Google and they hate Android. I love what Google is doing making it hard for them to keep their hate.

      2. Does it include the voice search really?

      3. Okay Daym Drops.


      Really!? Gmail is better in iOS? I know this review is quite small, but please tell me how iOS has a better Gmail?

      And can you tell me some apps that are better in iOS than Android? The Google ones? Because I don’t think Gmail is any better. I so prefer the Android one. I like the buttons on the front. Gives me quick access. Unless you just need a swipe to refresh feature.

      1. the IOS one is way worse

      2. I think people have gotten hung up on how much better looking the iOS version is. Performance wise, I hate it and avoid using my iPad for anything mail related.

        1. I don’t even think it’s better looking tbh.

        2. The iPAd 4 clearly is faster then ANYTHING – FACT. They skipped the normal processor speed upgrade going from the iPad 3 to 4 – by going to the speed that should’ve been used in the iPad 5.. It makes the iPad 3 look very slow.. and the iPad 2 looks horrible.
          Google needs to worry more about Tizen in the future. Tizen is Samsung’s copy cat version of Android. Samsung decided they don’t want any more American influence now that they have already successfully stolen Apples ideas and now Googles.
          Tizen is a unix based OS for smartphones developed by Samsung – similar to Android – except Samsung owns it. Samsun says they will not break completely from Android- but of course they are saying that because they still need Android for awhile until Tizen use becomes more widespread in Asia – where they hope in 5 years to be the ‘new Android’.. with other companies using Tizen, instead of Android and paying Samsung instead of Google.
          Funny how American’s have less jobs and less money and they wonder why… They support foreign things and buy phones from Koreans who eat dogs, don’t really care for Americans – but will gladly take your cash !

    3. Google just want you to use their products. They don’t care where or how. They just want you to use them.

      1. So does Apple but you won’t see itunes or iwork for Android

        1. Apple is smarter then Google.. Google is getting ready to be owned by Samsung – at least Google’s android idea will be owned :) ..

          Samsung first copied features from the iPhone that made the 1st Galaxys ( that came out 2 years later ) worth buying – BUT they could only accomplish what they have THROUGH GOOGLE. Google’s unix based OS ‘android’ operating system made that all possible.

          Samsung has now copied Android by creating it’s own unix based OS called Tizen. Tizen will be used in some Samsung phones. Samsung has basically said, “WE have stolen the best ideas of their phone and the best ideas of Android and we can do it all now without giving them any cash”.. The Galaxy S4 will likely be the last as we know it… The Galaxy in 2014 is most likely to use Tizen – not Android.

          Samsung is still saying they have no intention of leaving Android completely behind, ( and they won’t at first )- because they need Android for awhile longer to sell more phones during a transition to Tizen – but only a fool would believe this is long term. It took Android what … ? …5 years to get big ? Samsung is likely going to position themselves to be the ASIAN android with Tizen in 5 years.. They will likely have leverage with other Asian smartphone makers who will drop Android.

          This is why Americans are foolish. They don’t support their own products or country and wonder why more money and jobs leave their country. Samsung is wanting to break free from paying Google and answering to them.
          In a decade when the USA has nothing left to offer people might look back and remember why..

          I’m sure Tizen will get off to a slow start – but so did Android. Support for Tizen will grow fast within a couple years.. So don’t be surprised if people say Tizen won’t last – but yet it will succeed..

    4. no, Google just wants to rule all the markets…. that’s all :)

      And Apple is furious about that Google is winning app war (search, navigation, maps etc) because of Apple’s inability to compete

      so Apple’s iToy is just a basic mobile OS for Google services….great for Google, shame on Apple with its iConboards :)

      1. ABSOLUTELY true.
        WOW Google everywhere.

        they launch the first real hi-end (made in USA) devices:
        WOW Google Glass
        WOW Google Watch/Glove/Ring
        amazing Chromebook Pixel
        WOW Motorola Xphone.

        Google knows what it’s doing.
        What is great for Google is great for us!

        1. Dude. Cmon. I’m an android fanboy and you can’t actually say the Chromebook pixel is better than a macbook.

        2. I think Chromebook will never succeed….maybe in 10 years at least :)

    5. ..

    6. ..

    7. Google needs to worry more about Samung in the future. ‘Tizen’ is Samsung’s copy cat version of Android. Samsunghas seemingly decided they don’t want any more American influence now that they have already successfully stolen Apples ideas and now Googles.

      Tizen is a unix based OS for smartphones developed by Samsung – similar to Android – except Samsung owns it. We could be seeing Tizen phones soon, with the Galaxy possibly using Tizen as soon as 2014..

      Samsung says they will not break completely from Android- but of course they are saying that – afterall, they still need Android for awhile until Tizen use becomes more widespread in Asia. In Asian countries they aspire to be the ‘new Android’.. with other companies using Tizen ( instead of Android ) and paying Samsung instead of Google.

      The first Galaxy came out 2 years after the iPhone and Samsung lovers scoff at the idea Samsung stole ‘ideas’ from the iPhone.. now Samsung steals ‘ideas’ from Google as well on how to implement a perfect smartphone OS… will you all scoff at Google if they try and sue years later?

      Funny how American’s have less jobs and less money and they wonder why… They support foreign things and buy phones from Koreans who eat dogs, don’t really care for Americans – but will gladly take your cash ! Technology theft is becoming big with Asian countries and they do it with the help of Americans who buy their products and then end up on welfare

  15. Give us Google Now on Ice Cream Sandwich! xD

    1. No reason for them to do so. Better that people and OEMs have an incentive to upgrade to Jelly Bean.

  16. Oh you bring up a good point though. Wouldn’t apple just block it?

    1. Or of they do OK it, good reason for ios to have real background processing! That would be a good step forward for apple and they could say, well we had to to bring you “now”

    2. Apple makes most of its money from hardware and app sales. Google makes its money from advertising. They can coexist.

      1. partially. Apple wants ad revenue as well. they want the whole cake, not just a slice.

  17. my jaw just hit the floor

  18. Some people are complete blind loyalists here. Apple doesn’t block Google’s apps. Maps, Search, Youtube, Latitude, Google +, Translate, Earth… all available in the AppStore.

    And while iOS apps do not fully run in the background, iOS does have special APIs for “background services.” Apps can still have GPS tracking functionality while not “running.”
    Google Now is still pretty functional by keeping your Google App on your first homescreen and clicking on it. The app can still send important information to the Notification Center too via push or local notifications.

    I think it is great… because I use both platforms and can get Google Now on all of my devices.

    1. The IOS Google Apps are all watered down and functionally inferior to what’s available on Android. And that’s a fact. It has nothing to do with being a blind ‘loyalist’. The user experience those apps on Android give the user is still unmatched.

      1. You’ve obviously never seen their GMail or Maps apps…

        1. Actually I have. The IOS Google Maps app did nothing for me except force me to drill down for settings that are quicker to access on Android’s version.

          The Gmail app is still behind the one in Android and that’s even after the recent update.

  19. I mad.

  20. Im all for it, just to see the look on ios fanboys faces when they find out googlenow might be more useful than the novelty app they have on their iPhones lolollol

  21. Great another feature I cant brag about to the iPhans, >.>

    1. No!! You show how you already have it and how yours have even better features!! I do this with my Youtube app. A friend of mind thought the YouTube app was just as horrible on Android as it was on iOS. Oh how wrong he was.

      I’m sure it’ll be nice, but won’t be as dynamic as Android. They will be deceived.

      1. Yea Google Now probably wont be as integrated as it is on Android but still just the fact they have it is kind of anoying

  22. I think it is a superior move , proving that apple can rotten just like the rest of the bag. They need preservatives to make it to the sale by date.

    1. doesn’t sell any more android devices…. proving that apple won’t rot because of this.

  23. You all have no idea. This is awesome!! Now my friend get’s to see what Google Now is. We in IT have been talking about it for quite a while now. Now he get’s to see what we have been using. Of course with the way it works I’m sure it’ll be trimmed down.

  24. hardly useful when apple hates widgets and their notification bar, while ripped from Android is completely useless.

  25. Why should a reasonable person be mad about this?
    That is as if an american person would be mad that Hollywood movies are a huge success all around the world.

  26. “U mad?” Seriously?

  27. One of my co-workers recently moved over from his iPad to a Note Tab. Why? Because of Google Apps. He used them to the exclusion of alternates, and really lusted after the integration they enjoy on the Android OS. He’s been amazed at the system. The funny thing is that he had a Nexus 7 and didn’t care for it. He needed the 10″ to be happy, which is pretty funny, as I’m the exact opposite. So no, I’m not mad. I know at least 1 experience where all those great Google apps have made a convert out of a die-hard Apple owner. (He literally has a Mini, and 6 iPads, as well as a couple of older iPhones. Each person in his house has their own iPad, including his 2 year old kid.)

  28. I think it’s great! Google is a software as a service company. They are not a hardware company. Google wants to be everywhere people use any kind of technology. It’s their footprint they are growing and sometimes devices and chromebooks help that effort but they aren’t dependent on them.

  29. Google is AMAZING.

    It doesn’t matter that Google wants to be everywhere,
    the only thing that matter:
    1) Google should launch cross-platform apps simultaneously
    2) Google should work/feel/look equally amazing everywhere
    3) Android = PURE Google + openness + integration + customization + choice + freedom + unique Android feel.

    Android 5: May 2013.

    I want Galaxy SIV or Motorola Xphone. Or Galaxy Note 3, but it’s too long to wait!!!

    1. HOLY HADES!! Dude you’re right!! It will be spelled like “Galaxy SIV”. I just realized that!! How ugly!? I mean, I’m sure it’ll look way better, but this default text doesn’t give it any justice. LoL!!

  30. this could actually help Google get people top switch to android

  31. ..

  32. It seems Google needs to worry more about Tizen in the future. Tizen is Samsung’s copy cat version of Android. Samsung decided they don’t want any more American influence now that they have already successfully stolen Apples ideas and now Googles.

    Tizen is a unix based OS for smartphones developed by Samsung – similar to Android – except Samsung owns it. We could be seeing Tizen phones soon, with the Galaxy possibly using Tizen as soon as 2014..

    Samsung says they will not break completely from Android- but of course they are saying that – afterall, they still need Android for awhile until Tizen use becomes more widespread in Asia. In Asian countries they aspire to be the ‘new Android’.. with other companies using Tizen ( instead of Android ) and paying Samsung instead of Google.

    The first Galaxy came out 2 years after the iPhone and Samsung lovers scoff at the idea Samsung stole ‘ideas’ from the iPhone.. now Samsung steals ‘ideas’ from Google as well on how to implement a perfect smartphone OS… will you all scoff at Google if they try and sue years later?

    Funny how American’s have less jobs and less money and they wonder why… They support foreign things and buy phones from Koreans who eat dogs, don’t really care for Americans – but will gladly take your cash ! Technology theft is becoming big with Asian countries and they do it with the help of Americans who buy their products and then end up on welfare..
    Chris Chavez you loving Samsung now ?

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