
Hands-on: NVIDIA introduces 5 new Tegra 4-optimized games [VIDEO]


The folks at NVIDIA are in Mobile World Congress this week tooting the horn of its Tegra 4 platform. You had to expect the chipset vendor would be coming to town with some fresh new games to stuff into TegraZone, and we finally have an idea of what they are. We’ve already gotten some hands-on time with a few of these, so be sure to check them out in our video above. We’ve also included some quick summaries of each game so you’ll know exactly what to expect one they launch in TegraZone.

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Burn Zombie Burn

Developer: Tick Tock Games

Burn Zombie Burn blasts onto the mobile scene for the first time with fast-paced, console-quality action that has you striving to survive against a never-ending horde of zombies. With a slew of weapons available for your zombie-blasting pleasure, you’ll master the art of eradicating the undead.

Carie: Blood Mansion

Developer & Publisher: Neowiz

Tegra device users will get an exclusive map in Carie: Blood Mansion, with even more immersive graphics on Tegra 4 devices. You’ll guide Carie through bloody battles in this action adventure title. Keep an eye on the high-res textures, enhanced physics simulations and optimized fire and smoke effects in the below video.

CODEX: The Warrior

Developer & Publisher: Devclan and Playbean

With an emphasis on action and fighting, Tegra 4 brings to life the 3D action RPG CODEX: The Warrior. In the game, you’ll battle monstrous enemies in search of an ancient document after a war in heaven. The already impressive graphics get a console-like boost with the real-time dynamic shadows and HDR lighting.

Dead on Arrival 2

Developer & Publisher: N3V Games

We asked you a couple weeks ago if you could survive a zombie apocalypse. Well, can you? Dead on Arrival 2’s custom-built blasters are being put to the test – for the first time on mobile – here in Barcelona. The game features high resolution models andPhysX™, for full-bore map destruction and even bigger explosions.

RU Golf

Developer & Publisher: Nutgee

RU Golf swung onto the mobile scene last year for Tegra 3-powered devices and will follow through with Tegra 4. Experience mano-a-mano multiplayer online battles with dynamic specular lighting, soft shadows, and bloom and lens flare effects. With various levels and character customizing features, get ready to tee off with RU Golf.

Find more details about these games over at NVIDIA’s blog.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. cool thing about Root + chainfire 3d is I can play all the tegra “optimized” games I want on a better SoC and likely have better performance

    1. I wish chainfire3d worked on Jellybean. :(

      1. meh, they will come out with some hack to get the “optimizations” soon enough

  2. I’m still waiting for some Tegra 3 optimized games to be released!

    1. There are a few, not many free ones though

  3. Looking pretty nice for tablet games. If Carrie: Blood Mansion is the next best thing to Orcs Must Die on tablets, I could very well be sold.

  4. Tegra is bad for the Android ecosystem, with these “Tegra Optimized” games. Additionally, performance wise, they aren’t as compelling as Nvidia wants you to believe. The benchmarks speak for themselves.

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