
Samsung’s Galaxy S line surpasses 100 million devices sold


As Samsung’s total number of Galaxy S3 handsets sold passes the 40 million mark, another milestone has been reached. Since the introduction of the original Galaxy S back in spring of 2010, a total of 100 million devices falling under the brand have been sold.

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Each iteration of the Galaxy S has been hotter than the last. The Galaxy S3 currently sells at the rate of 190,000 units per day. It took seven months to reach the 40 million mark. By comparison, it took the Galaxy S2 20 months to achieve the same figure. As a less favorable comparison, Apple sells about the same number of iPhones every three months.

[Samsung via BusinessInsider]

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  1. thats a lot of phones i count for one

  2. I am part of that One million. I had the Craptivate. And by jolly it was crap!!!

    1. I still have my SGS1 Cappy (used as a wifi-only kid device now), and except for crappy GPS, it wasn’t bad at all. Granted, it was a little slow on Eclair, Froyo, and Gingerbread, but ever since ICS & Jellybean ROMs showed up, the difference is night & day. I would have very little trouble falling back to my Cappy for a couple months should my SGS3 die.

  3. I am 2 part of that one 100 Million, GS1, Note 2 Go Sammy!

  4. Why is Apple mentioned in this article? Smh

    1. To head off the iTrolls who bring ’em up anyway

    2. to give a little perspective? It was an amazing feat to reach this plateau, but there is still work to do

  5. I wonder how many there’s been in the Galaxy line as a whole, not just the S.

    1. This is the whole Galaxy line, I believe. Might be wrong but I think so.

      1. There’s a lot of other galaxy lines besides galaxy “s”

  6. GS3 and G Note 2!

  7. glad im not one of those…nexus ftw

  8. Loved my Note 1 to death till I dropped it in bathtub while Web surfing in Oct and now finally have a new Note 2!

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