
NVIDIA intends to make its money with the allure of the SHIELD, above all things


When NVIDIA unveiled the SHIELD, a portable gaming system that offers up some very insane specs and very nice features, we all awed in amazement and began to fruitlessly chuck our wallets at our computer displays. That act of desperation didn’t work, but while we wait for this thing to hit store shelves Tony Tamasi, NVIDIA’s vice president of content and technology, decided to enlighten us on the vendor’s direction with the SHIELD.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

NVIDIA is a huge name in gaming, but this is the first time it’s created its own platform in such a way. Tamasi reminded us that NVIDIA’s not in the business of selling games — they’ll leave that to the developers and publishers. They want the platform to be as open as it can possibly be, and they want users to play any game they want whether it be free-to-play, freemium, premium or streamed from your PC via Steam.

The promise of keeping the SHIELD open and letting users decide what they want to play (and letting developers decide what they want to do in terms of monetization) is what NVIDIA hopes will get the handheld to sell, and the only money they’re hoping to make is the money they make on unit sales — nothing more, nothing less. It’s a noble approach, and one we’re huge fans of.

Our goal with it is to design and sell a truly great piece of hardware, one that fits comfortably in your hand, delights your eyes and blows out your ears.

So fear not, my friends: we won’t be succumbed to ridiculous exclusive deals, partnerships, an unattractive profit-scraping practice or anything of the sort. We’re getting a gaming handheld, and we’re getting all the games we want to play on it with no fuss or hidden costs. That is what NVIDIA’s banking on for the success of this wonderful looking device.

[via NVIDIA]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. engadget said nvidia will release it 2q this year.

    1. I want to downvote you because I HATE Engadget, but want to upvote you for the correct information. :D

      1. “Off-setting penalties. The ruling on the field stands… replay first comment” :p

      2. I wish there is an alternative app for ces13 coverage.

        1. CNet staff are there with LIVE video

          1. Thanks ill try it

  2. I think its a good idea but unless its cheap I’d rather buy something like the moga that let’s me use my phone as a gaming system so I’m not carrying even more devices in my pocket

  3. Nice! Love the post! Good job.

  4. Throws wallet at screen again. Nope, still not working.

    1. You have to slide your credit card below QWERTY letters on your keyboard, duh……

  5. I hope they release the Steam-streaming app for any/all Tegra4 devices… just sayin’

  6. The author of this article is delusional NHF! You will not get all of Android games on Shield, only those specifically written for it! The reason is that Tegra 4 doesn’t support ANY industry standard graphics API!

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