
Google’s 12 best Android apps for 2012


As 2012 draws to a close, ‘ol Googs has finally revealed their top picks for apps of the year. If you’re expecting Holo-themed diamonds in the rough, you may be left wanting. Google said their pics were based on compatibility with both tablets and smartphones, and even a few veteran apps who recently found themselves redesigned made the cut.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

While I don’t have any particular objections with Google’s picks for best of 2012, I was only a bit disappointed to find there weren’t really any surprises. See for yourself and let me know if you agree. In no particular order, Google’s best Android apps for 2012 are:







Grimm’s Snow White




Expedia Hotels & Flights




Fancy Personal Finance


SeriesGuide Show Manager


Pixlr Express



We, at Phandroid, will be throwing together our own list in the coming days but I have to say, I don’t think any of above apps will be making the cut. But — what say ye, Phandroids? Agree or disagree with Google’s list for 2012?

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

6.1-inch Huawei Ascend Mate pictured in the wild, 1080p display and all [VIDEO]

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  1. Yawn.

  2. Are these ranked in order of budgets spent to Google Ads? :p

  3. Zzzzzzzzzz……..

  4. Link lazy? ;p

    1. Links are embedded in the titles :)

    2. Reading lazy?

  5. This list makes Google look like a big sellout. Pixlr is good though

  6. $Ancestry$…r$eally$..

  7. Mint easily is the best app in the list

  8. “there weren’t really any surprises” <- you must be joking! this is like 95% useless apps :(

    I would have expected at least some classic contestants: like a keyboard, a launcher, some games or a decent office app.

    1. You’re quite right about the joking – if none of these will be making Phandroid’s list, they should all be considered surprises!

  9. Pageonce is so much better than mint

  10. Evernote is only app worthy of the list. Its functionality and design are fantastic.

    1. the only*

  11. Boooooring.

  12. Pocket is awesome. Don’t know about the rest.

  13. I’m partial to TVShowFavs for TV episode tracking. Has lots of the same features/integration as SeriesGuide, maybe more. Worth mentioning at least:

  14. I don’t have any of them, and I don’t plan to.

  15. Amazing…….your very own phandroid app isn’t even listed.

  16. This list is really bad.

  17. I really like the Fancy App!

  18. How can a app only usable in the US and Canada ( Personal Finance) be in the list of best Android Apps?

    Maybe if you call it best US Android apps it can fit. Otherwise it’s not a candidate for the list.

  19. i saw this days ago on Google play and was highly disappointed. i really want to know who put that list together

  20. Sucks that Fancy just got bought by Apple. I really love just looking over that app, so many cool things..

  21. The zappos app only appears in play store when directly clicked from this blog. When I open Google play separately isn’t even displayed in the list – there are just 10 Best Apps. Instead it just shows another app from the dev, some gangnam wallpaper ?

  22. Maybe there’s a larger amount of people using their phones for business then there is people who use it for recreational usage. Or maybe I’m just trying to give this list some justice.

  23. I would describe the offerings as “tepid”.

  24. I really like ArkMC application!

  25. This is a horrible list. Especially since Series Guide isn’t as good as TV Show Favs.

  26. Yawn is correct…any tegra zone apps or thd should’ve dominated. Tegra3 is only way to play on android.

    1. Hbogo, amazon video oh wait that’s on ipad, hmmm lol

  27. fshsngsnjhgsn

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