
Samsung GT-N5100 (Note 7) turns up in GLBenchmark result


Earlier this month the world was tipped off to a possible new entry in the Galaxy Note series. Rumors swirled of Samsung’s desire to bring a note-taking experience to the 7 inch form factor that has swept the tech world off its feet. A result in Nenamark’s benchmark database all but confirmed the existence of a new Galaxy Note device, and today that same device has turned up in another result.

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This time, GLBenchmark’s database houses the results of the Samsung GT-N5100. There’s no guarantee that this device is the 7 inch Note we’ve all been waiting for, but it’s a tad early to be talking about a new phone and a new 10 inch variant.

Unfortunately we’re not sure how far off we are from seeing this thing unveiled. Samsung’s CES showing is said to be slim in terms of bombshell announcements. Nothing is certain until it actually goes down, of course, but we’re not holding our breath. We’d look to see something at Mobile World Congress more than anything as Samsung tends to be quite active there.

We’re told to expect 1280 pixels long by 800 pixels wide for the display’s resolution, and we’re almost certain the processor inside will be Samsung’s 1.6GHz quad-core Exynos 4412. The standard S Pen functionality should be included without much setting itself apart from the Note 2 and 10.1, but Samsung could surprise us with some new features for this release. We’d also be surprised to see anything less than 2GB of RAM if its latest devices are anything to go by.

That said, expectations and reality are two completely different things and we’ll have to wait until more solid rumors flow in (or until Samsung showers us with information itself) before we know what to expect for sure.

[GLBenchmark via SammyHub]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Right out of the gate this will sell like hotcakes. Everything that the note 2 can do with a bigger work space. …yeah, Samsung , bring that supply

  2. I am skipping the Note 2 as a phone because I want it as a 7″ tablet. It will compliment my Nexus 7 very well.

  3. if it doesnt have higher screen than my nexus 7 im not interested.

  4. Hmm how about a 7.9″ device just to mess with apple?

    1. That device would never see the light of day.

  5. Note 2, Note 7, Note 10.1

    Nexus 4, Nexus 7, Nexus 10

    1. It will come down to touchwiz with s pen or stock with timely updates of course going nexus will cost less but Samsung has better quality than Asus and I’ve never owned an lg except for a feature phone back in the day so i can’t judge their quality

  6. since Samsung expanded the Galaxy Note line even more, the Galaxy Tab line will probably be cancelled soon since the Galaxy Note 10.1 and 7 looks way more interesting than their tabs. or maybe they will continue the 7″ Galaxy tabs to compete with the cheap 7″ tablets around.

  7. I would love this. Something to replace my Nexus 7 since I can’t connect it to my TV. I’m sure anything by Samsung high-end will have MHL support. I’m one of the few that actually uses their Android device for gaming.

    This sounds pretty cool. I can replace my Galaxy S2. It’s playing games just fine, my Nexus obviously loads the same games faster. I can just pass my Nexus to my brother and pick this up.

    Look out!! Stylus-plural are coming back.

  8. Would a 7 inch tablet be big enough to take some serious notes? Like replace a notebook in college with a 7 inch? Thanks

    1. doubt it, i have a 10.1 inch galaxy note and still think writing on actual paper is way better. if you want it for notes than you can get a Asus transformer with the keyboard dock to type the notes in class other than that i would stick to paper, although you could still use a 7-10 inch tablet for books which is what i use it mainly for. Ebooks are way cheaper than those 200-300 college textbooks + you don’t need to carry around like 3-4, 4 pound books.

      1. Yeah I think you’re right; it’s hard to beat pen and paper. Do you know a source to buy college ebooks? Most of the places I find are to rent textbooks for a given amount of time and you only save 20 bucks. At that point I would rather buy the book so I have it for future reference instead of returning it after the semester just to save 10%.

        1. I don’t have a set site, i usually Google the name of the book or the isbn: number and a bunch of retail sites pop up, with most offering the eBook download, i got my calculus book for only 50 bucks compared to the 120 dollars i would of payed if i got it used on Amazon. The books i had to get for humanities which cost about 20 dollars per book i got completely free from sites like, they offer older book for free legally like voltaires- Candide

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