
Phandroid Holiday Gift Guide: Chris’ top picks, gifts for paranoid droids and true phans!


Hello! We’re back with another episode of Phandroid’s Holiday Gift Guide, this time featuring handpicked items from yours truly. Why so early? Well, we wanted to make sure you guys had plenty of time to get the jump on your holiday shopping, that way you’d have more time to focus on other things… like “ugly Christmas sweater” parties.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

I had the honor of picking out a handful of must-have items for the “Paranoid Droid” (special people like myself who enjoy the peace of mind that comes with always being prepared for anything life throws at them), and fun gift ideas for the “True Phan,” (otherwise known as the rabid Android fanboy). I also have a few picks from my own personal Christmas wishlist, and will give you guys a little taste of that below.

Flat cables, short cables, keychain cables, CABLES!

A little not well-known fact about me — I’m an accessory whore. I try to always have the right tool for the job and what could be more important than a micro USB cable. Here’s the problem — they’re long, ugly, and you never seem to have ’em around when you need them most. Thankfully, I came across these nuggets from around the web to ensure a micro USB is never more than arms length away. One you can wear around your wrist, another you can clip to your keychain, and the other is cool simply because it’s flat (I don’t know why I like that so much). All of these would make great stocking stuffers for the tech nerd in your life.

CoolStream Bluetooth Receiver

We’ve all been there. You come across some wicked cool speakers only to discover — as always — they’re only iPod/iPhone compatible. I can’t tell you how frustrating that has become and unless you don’t mind jacking your phone into a speaker’s aux port, it’s just not very convenient. Now we have seen some Android docking speaker solutions in the past, but when it comes to the other 90% of speaker docks out there, wouldn’t it be nice if you could play the music from your phone, and cord-free? There is a way, and it’s called the CoolStream Bluetooth receiver. Simply plug this little fella into an iPod/iPhone dock, and you can stream all your tunes to the former iPod-only speaker. Works great for cars with built in iPod/iPhone docks too!

iDuck Stand

It’s a smartphone stand in the shape of a duckbill. Need I say more? Oh, wait – it was recently updated with all new limited edition holiday gift packaging. Kawaii!

Alright, so that about rounds it up for my personal pick preview. You can view my full list here. Don’t forget to jump onto the Holiday Gift Guide right now for our full list of gift ideas for the Androids in your life, including picks from Quentyn, Kevin, and Edgar. New for today is the Paranoid Droids category and come tomorrow, gifts for the True Phan will be live as well. Cheers.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I was hoping for some Android sex toys this year. Damn….

      1. How does one guffaw in emoji??

        That was damn funny…well done, sir.

      2. Chris you are STOOPID :p

        You are just a plain ol Whore….You crack me up and go and take a quick whore nap and get back to posting some more good stuff on Phandroid :)

      3. There actually is an app named that at the play store

      4. I remember that app. haha

    1. I know a guy…

      1. Your not coming out of the closet on here are you ? ;)

        1. There is an app for that, right?

          1. I think you just carry an iPhone around & it states the obvious.

    2. ROFL DILDROID! i love it….make it with WiFi and i think we have something marketable here…. can you imagine….controlling the dildo options from your nexus 4?

      oh dont forget about bluetooth for all those ppl who like to do things in public.

      1. I think you may just have something here.

      2. Also need to include the easy share button for Facebook, Twitter, and G+…you know to keep everyone updated.

    3. My phone already vibrates.

  2. This sucks. Go find some awesome stuff for droid and leave the apple fallen and rotting under the tree.

    1. This was all droid stuff, wtf are you going on about?

      1. not really.
        I know for a fact the magnetic bracelet usb cables come with an iPhone adapter.
        the one on the top-right also seems to have an iPhone connector.
        the Bluetooth transmitter is designed for iPhone/iPod/iPad docks(although the transmitter will work with any Bluetooth device)
        and the middle of the three duck stands is preventing an iPhone from falling over.

        quite a lot of Apple related stuff for a list of accessories for android devices.

  3. That bluetooth module for iPod docks is brilliant!

  4. Why in the hell would you put all that Apple crap up Chris? Don’t be effin lazy man. This is an Android site have some integrity, do your homework and find holiday gadgets designed for Android or don’t post the story dude.

  5. I could have done without the Apple crap……

  6. Ive never heard about the cool stream before, thats pretty awesome and a great idea.

  7. Not very impressed with your choices Chris! WTH?! (suggesting iPhone crap on an Android forum! Sad indeed! You need your man card revoked!)

  8. Ive noticed that the bloggers on this site are being pro apple lately.. Hmm they must be getting free apple stuffs .. LoL

  9. Noobies! You forgot gifts for those of us who have our first android device! Just back from the full Holiday Guide page, and there needs to be a section for us; this new Nexus 7 needs stuff. Lots of stuff. Car charger, something to hold the tablet while I use the GPS, cool cases, stuff I don’t even know I need/want yet… Don’t forget us.

  10. like Eugene responded I didnt even know that you able to earn $7020 in 4 weeks on the computer. did you read this website jump15.comCHECK IT OUT

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