
Box for Android update features transfer manager, magnet link support and more


As Box battles the likes of Dropbox,Google Drive and more it’s bolstering its Android app with a great new upgrade today. The first new feature is a brand new transfer manager that’ll make transferring and handling files easier. Advantages of having this new transfer manager include the ability to cancel pending transfers, retry failed transfers, jump straight to a file’s location in Box after a transfer is complete and more.

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Another new feature many will appreciate is the ability to preview files right within Box. This means you can get a peek at some of the file’s content without having to download the entire thing, useful for those looking to save time and bandwidth by making sure they’re about to fetch the right document. More than 75 different file types can be previewed, Powerpoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, PDF files, Photoshop files and more.

Some other key features in this big update include offline folder support (a lifesaver for any cloud storage app), magnet links so you can be taken straight to a file’s location within Box if you’re clicking a link, the ability to add and edit descriptions to a folder to make it easier for your collaboration buddies to find stuff and more.

The usual bug fixes, performance enhancements and UI polish are all there, too. Best of all? It’s still free, so be sure to download it from the Google Play Store at your earliest convenience.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So… Box gave the GS3 on screen buttons?

  2. The last update got me using it again. Now this? Box just one-up’d both Google Drive & Dropbox. Google Drive will still be used due to it’s versatility & integration with everything Google. Dropbox though will see my axe, as I can’t argue with 50GB of free storage.

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