
Verizon hosting live DROID DNA unboxing November 19th; launching a day after


Although the HTC DROID DNA has yet to be officially unveiled (we’re expecting that to happen tomorrow) Verizon has accidentally dropped clues ahead of time. The DROID DOES site was accidentally updated to show that there will be a “DROID DNA Unboxing” November 19th.

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The site was promptly updated to remove mention of the exact phone, but the message that a live unboxing for a new 4G LTE DROID phone will occur on the aforementioned date still remains. Verizon on Twitter said this device — whatever it may be —  will be launching the day after the unboxing so a November 20th launch is all but certain

As for the unboxing, you’ll want to add the official Verizon Wireless account to one of your Google+ circles for a chance to be invited to a live Hangout where they’ll be undressing the package in all its glory. It’s all going down November 19th at 12pm eastern so be sure to get your affairs in order if you’re looking to sit in on it.

[Google+Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. This better not be why the Note 2 isn’t releasing until 11/27. ::grrr::

    1. My thoughts exactly…I bet it is.

    2. What other reason could there be. Everybody else got it already. I’m so glad I left verizon and got my note 2 with tmobile.

      1. Printing more VZW logos on buttons. Creating a “hype train” by letting all other carriers have it first. Being generally evil lol

        1. U forgot locking down Bootloader like Fort Knox.

      2. If there’s any shred of hope that VZ pays someone to comb through the blogs for business intelligence, I sure want them to know this.

        The Note 2 wasn’t *the* reason I left Verizon, but rather that proverbial “final straw.” I was even grandfathered on unlimited 4G, but even that wasn’t enough to keep me. In a time that almost any of the big four are sufficient for a large part of the population in large metro areas, Verizon’s getting rather bold in their approach. I know they continue to add subscribers, but I’m hoping that the availability of improving prepaid options will stifle that substantially.

        It’s going to be interesting to see how they navigate around the open handset requirement put on the bands VZ is using for LTE- ’cause you know they’ll do it. It’s going to be a cold day in hell before VZ lays down and lets unlocked hardware on their network. Hell, my Grizzlies may win rings before that happens.

        1. and don’t forget about ruining the nexus. that was my last straw. i got screwed by verizon on my motorola q. the nexus came out with verizon exclusivity so i bit my tong and gave them another shot. even with double data it was still an outrageous bill every month, but i still payed it. then when google wallet got blocked i was done. carriers should not be able to control what apps we use on our devices.

        2. the grizzlies are looking good so far…

  2. Well it would make sense, put it out on a Tuesday, since the Thursday is Thanksgiving, that way it can sell out on Black friday

  3. I hope it’s an unboxing + power-on.

  4. Why would someone buy this instead of the Note 2? Because of the 1080p display? I’m confused…

    1. Note 2 is way too big.

      1. I finally got around to checking one out the other day, and I gotta say that the Note 2 is VERY manageable. It fit in the hand nicely, and its not at all unwieldy…just my observations, to each his/her own.

        1. While I agree, I do have to say that it’s still just not as natural as my Galaxy Nexus was. I was boxing it up to ship it out last night, and I noted just how much more natural it still feels after a week with the Note 2.

          Frankly, I think the sweet spot is somewhere between the Galaxy Nexus and the Note 2. While I absolutely love the screen size of my Note 2, it is on the extreme upper end of “reasonable” for me- and I have large hands.

    2. Smaller footprint, lack of stylus, preference to HTC hardware and/or UI overlay…

      Trust me- I don’t see it, either… but I have a Note 2, so that’s probably to be expected.

    3. I have the original Note, at the end of the month I’m switching to Verizon either for this or the Note 2. This is currently ahead because it has a better display, and better processor. Depending on whether this has decent battery life and a micro SD slot, will make my decision much easier.

  5. Can someone confirm the batt size of 2500mAh? I heard it was closer to 2000, but didn’t know for sure.

    1. No one can confirm yet. Rumors say 2500mah, but the only confirmed phone is the J butterfly in Japan which will have a 2020mah battery, so this phone could have either capacity at this point. No one knows. Tomorrow we should find out hopefully, as well as what capacity it is and if it has a microsd card slot or not. If it has a 2020mah battery and 16GB of non expandable memory, I’ll just have to skip it.

  6. it will be the droid note and will be charged as two devices with a share everything plan required one simply will be required to pay for a phone and a tablet.

    1. I lol’d… then I cried because charging your account as a phone and a tablet sounds like something VZW would do >.<

    2. That sounds like a horrible nightmare.

  7. Give me the damn note 2

  8. This should have been the EVO 4G LTE

  9. y so much hate for VZW?

    1. y so much love for VZW?

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