
Android Overload: leaks, Galaxy S3 sales, Android 4.2 and more


Your Saturday night festivities are starting so let’s make sure you get your fix of Android news before you head out the door! Android Overload covers all the stories that didn’t make it to our main page, but are still important enough to check out. Take a look!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Chromium OS ported to Nexus 7 [ChromeSpot]
  • New HTC DROID DNA leaked picture [EVLeaks]
  • HTC working on official Facebook phone [Pocket-Lint]
  • HTC launches dual-SIM Desire SV [HTC]
  • Samsung Galaxy S3 sales reach 30 million devices [Sammy Hub]
  • ZTE Flash render leaked [EVLeaks]
  • Inside Android 4.2’s powerful new security system [Computer World]
  • Samsung Stratosphere 2 leaked image [EVLeaks]
Edgar Cervantes

Apple UK updates Samsung statement, but makes sure people don’t see it

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Building 44 gets the ‘Tiny Planet’ treatment courtesy of Photo Sphere

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  1. The security system is cool because it even makes sideloading safer.

    1. With 700,000+ apps already in the store…. I really don’t need any “sideloading a few more” apps. If the app is THAT good… the developers would actually put it into the google play store instead.

      1. BETA APK’s

      2. some of the best apps are NOT in the play store…

      3. That’s not even the point (though you probably WILL want to get youtube downloader so that you can store youtube videos on your phone). Sideloading is the biggest vector for malware and if Google can shut that down, it will spare android from all of these security reports.

        1. Wouldn’t the user just turn sideloading off? It’s similar to a standard user in Windows. They can’t install programs without Admin support. If sideloading is the issue, then the user won’t use it. If someone uses it, then they deserve to have the virus for not taking the precautions.

          Side-loading CAN be 100% prevented. So…?

          1. People want to sideload. But some people want to go to some crazy place in China to get an app, it has malware and then we see in all the tech news the next day: Android has malware!!!! It doesn’t look good for Google. Protecting android from all malware, no matter where it’s from, means more Android activations.

          2. Ah!! I see. You’re saying how the media deliberately misinterprets things. LoL!! I see what you’re saying. Makes sense now.

            Saying someone side loads and gets a virus and apparently Android isn’t safe anymore. LoL!! Leave it to the media.

      4. inverted gapps

      5. not necessarily. Even though skins and google have now implemented something similar built in, Swype, for example isnt in the playstore. i would consider that app to be in the THAT good category.

      6. Amazon market…
        SlideMe Market…
        Um… XDA has apps. You can get them there or their donate version in the market.

      7. Compatibility issues (can’t get any of the Microsoft apps on my tablets? really?) means sideloading will never die for me.

  2. Does anyone else feel like 2012 is not an exciting year for Android like previous years have been?

    1. A little bit, yeah. I think it has to do with things becoming a little routine, such as the now yearly Nexus announcements. Also, there it’s the fact that Samsung has now become the dominant player, and I don’t think we’ve had that kind of thing up until now.

      1. And this year’s Nexus is not that Innovating. Due to Google trying to keep the price down.

        1. i actually might get the nexus 4, even though i currently have the gs3..all because of the unlocked price

          1. Are you on T-Mobile?

          2. no on verizon. actually looked to see if ill be able to use it on verizon, no go. big bummer.

          3. or AT&T

        2. Google isn’t doing anything of the sort where on earth did you get such a crazy idea?

          1. Have you not been paying attention? Google will be selling this phone for $300 un-subsidized. $300 is the retail price. In order to offer that kind of low price, they had to cut corners.

      2. And HTC slacking off.

        1. No doubt. They’re dropping the ball, and that has helped Sammy take over. HTC seems…lost. Like they don’t have any direction right now.

          1. Well maybe if they would just quit with flagship carrier exclusives HTC would have less problems.

    2. yea, android has been a bit stagnant..i guess they finally hit the technology curve

    3. No, this year is great! We got the best version of Android yet, finally got a Nexus tablet, Samsung has given us the best devices we’ve seen yet, and I’m sure there is still a surprise out there that can be squeezed in before the year’s end. Good year to be with Android :)

    4. yes but that is also a sign of maturity. ios doesnt change much because their OS was very polished. Google early days changed alot because there was a lot of work to be done. Now that android is big dog status, the size of the leaps between updates will be much smaller.

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