
The MilliMount aims to be your multi-purpose smartphone mount


We love stumbling across interesting Kickstarter projects, and when we saw the MilliMount we couldn’t help but let you guys know about it. Simply put, the MilliMount is a multi-purpose accessory that is used to mount your device in tons of different ways for tons of different uses. Fitting any device that is 55-69mm wide and up to 17.5mm thick, the MilliMount is flexible enough to be used with almost any smartphone available today.

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At the core of the accessory is a three-pronged clasp for holding the phone in place. It looks to have a sturdy grip on your device, a necessary property for something that’s going to be used in a variety of different ways. It isn’t the universal grip that makes this device interesting, though — it’s the many nooks and crannies that have been designed to allow you to mount your smartphone in pretty much any way you want.

For instance, the MilliMount is compatible with standard tripod connectors so you can prop your phone up as if it were a professional camera for portraits and video. The accessory also includes slots for things like velcro straps, loops for attachable rings (like the kind you’d find on a keychain), and even space to fit a bolt to do some pretty wild stuff.

The charming promo video shows off a myriad of different use cases. You could use it for an ordinary old smartphone stand or get real creative and make it into a wall mount (I could see some of you nyctophobia victims wanting this to turn your smartphones into a nightlight of sorts).

The flexible and inexpensive tool has 8 days to reach $18,000 on Kickstarter, but currently sits at $13,155. The goal certainly isn’t unattainable, but if you want to see this ultra flexible accessory go up for sale anytime soon it’s going to need your help. If you’re interested, be sure to check out all of the backer rewards still currently available and see if we can’t help get this great idea to market!

[via Kickstarter]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. the car mount option is pretty cool. I can already imagin sharing with my cusins how crazy it is to drive in Miami through tango using this mount! these mount could make video calls alot more easier too! i bet i could also find a way to attach this to my bike without having to use a trident case

    1. From the sounds of things that should be no hard task

  2. how does it attach to all those different stands and what not? Guess I should go check out the Kickstarter page…

  3. It doesnt open very wide, it wont fit many of the newer phones.

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