
HTC takes pot shots at Apple in “Evolution of the Smartphone” infographic


Mobile technology has come a long way, hasn’t it? In the smartphone sector alone we’ve gone from phones that were as small as 2.8 inches that were black and white and had no touchscreen all the way to beautiful 5.5 inch displays with resolutions which mirrored HD televisions. We’ve gone from MHz to Gigahertz, single-core to quad-core, MB to GB of RAM and beyond.

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HTC wanted to go back and reflect on the smartphone world, and they did it that with an “Evolution of the Smartphone” infographic posted over at its blog. The infographic reminds us how interesting hindsight is. Just what was Android when Google purchased it back in 2005?

And was it Andy Rubin’s genius prediction that phones would become location aware that made Google want a piece of whatever it is he had a hand in? Oh, and apparently 97% of new smartphone owners in 2010 said they only wanted a smartphone so that they could play Angry Birds… yea, pretty sad tidbit there.

But HTC also cleverly took a couple of shots at Apple in this long crumb trail. They jokingly mentioned that Apple’s maps couldn’t take you to Dulles Airport, but it could take you to Dulles Airport Taxi. Oh, and that the iPhone 5 is almost as big as the HTC One X.

They aren’t side-splitting jokes but it did garner a decent chuckle out of me, and kudos for doing it inside of an infographic like this instead of making the mistake of placing it inside of a newspaper ad somewhere. But even without the funnies embedded inside this long-winding trail it’s still an interesting read so go ahead and jump to HTC’s site if you’re interested.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

The 7-inch factor: Has Google beaten Apple at their own game?

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  1. Glad someone finally had some balls….albeit tiny ones.

  2. Apple won’t like this. Every one has been taking jabs at them now lol.

    1. even Nokia and they are going bankrupt lol

  3. they forgot to mention HTC debuted the first phone with a 720p display and now a 1080p didplay

    1. Oppo Find 5 was the first phone with a full 1080p display.

      1. the oppo finder isn’t even a prototype yet, the HTC butterfly though is already out in japan and coming out next month to the U.S

        1. I find it strange that im able to find pictures of a device which isnt even a prototype yet

          I will give you that the butterfly j did released first tho.

          1. i haven’t seen those leaks before but the J Butterfly was already announced 2-3 weeks as a finished product before those leaked photos of a Oppo 5 prototype had been published (still no final product).

          2. After some digging around,…
            Not sure who announced first anymore…… lol
            But htc was def first out the startinv gate.

          3. lol doesn’t even matter who made it first as long as we get a 1080p smartphone.

          4. Please tell me you dont think these pictures are real, they are straight up photoshoped

  4. I was hoping you guys would post this lol it is a riot imo they took.classy stabs that are all true. I’m sure apple will fire back considering anything rustles their junkies anymore. it feels Goodman to be the bully :p

  5. How long it will take HTC to realize that they are fighting a wrong beast? That’s right up until the moment they got completely eaten by Samesung: http://bgr.com/2012/10/26/htc-earnings-analysis-q3-2012/

    1. you know BGR is an apple fanboys site right?

  6. Wow, not even single direct mention of Windows Mobile? That was HTC’s heyday.

    Also, I sure hope the 97% of new smartphone owners just wanted to play Angry Birds is the fake one…

    1. Agreed about WM and early android being their haydays. They do mention them making the first MS powered smartphones tho. 2002/04

    2. There’s one that says HTC makes first windows phone.

  7. I don’t think they need to be going up against a company that’s turning out profits every quarter. Pick your battles is what I say and I don’t think HTC want what Apple has cooking.

  8. cool

  9. Good ole’ passive aggressiveness, clever if pulled off correctly like this was!

  10. Even though all these companies are taking jabs at Apple, mist of their customers are way too zombified to notice.

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