Apple vs Samsung: The Fun Is Just Getting Started – Injunction Hearing Set for Sept 20th


The verdict has been given and Samsung will have to pay Apple $1.049 billion — but now it’s time for Apple to go for the jugular. According to The Verge, it looks like Samsung and Apple have agreed to a preliminary injunction hearing that has been scheduled for September 20th. The hearing will deal with either the banning of Samsung’s infringing products — most of which are no longer being sold in the US — 0r some kind of licensing agreement, which could see Samsung forking out even more dough to use Apple’s completely valid hardware and software design patents (sarcasm).

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Judge Koh said that Apple will file its motion by August 29th, after which Samsung will have 2 weeks to come up with a proper response. If you though the battle was over, the war has just begun.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Samsung and Apple Issue Statements On Trial Verdict – Microsoft Too (Kinda)

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  1. Samsung should just pass all their court costs along to apple via chip prices.

    1. My thoughts exactly.

    2. HA! That would be funny.. but Apple is their biggest customer. They wouldn’t dare. And like I mentioned, most of those devices to be banned aren’t even being sold in the US anymore.

      1. Yeah, so the money Samsung makes selling hardware components to Apple can be set aside to pay Apple when Samsung loses to them in sham court cases. O.o

      2. I agree, it’s unrealistic…but if they could get a hidden cam to watch Tim Cook’s eyes pop out of his skull when he got a hold of the invoice would almost be worth it :-)

      3. It should be worth it because when there’s no more chips for iPhones there ain’t gonna be other smartphone to compete with GS3, so Samsung makes more profit, mabye it still wouldn’t gonna be the same profit because of iFans but who knows..

        1. When Apple even considered to ship elsewhere for parts Samsund stock took a major hit. Apple will continue to buy chips from Samsung. They are companies, not people. And they need each other. Samsung have the best chips and Apple buys millions of them.

    3. That would be awesome, pass along the cost of Crapple’s stupidity right back to them even if they only increase the cost of the chips $15-$20 a piece they would make back the ridiculous judgement in no time.

  2. licensing? Hardly, this will surely be appealed to the highest possible court in America (to-ing and fro-ing between Apple and Samsung hopefully) for a few years yet I’d have thought.

    if Samsung throw the towel in and surrender, the fallout will be horrendous for Android and to a far lesser extent open source as a whole.

  3. Apple developer since 2005, but no longer. I won’t be renewing next year and I regret doing so this year.

    Apple needs to be knocked down big time, so that they have no choice but to play nice. Imagine if they had won against MS back in in the eighties; I highly doubt computers would have even progressed enough for them to make an iPad before the hypocrite Jobs died.

    1. How much do you have to pay per year to post your apps? This is iOS you develop for?

      1. I was paying $500 originally for the ADC program, which was for OS X, but it was mainly to get a HUGE discount on hardare via Apple’s developer store back then.

        For iOS it’s only been $99 a year, since I signed up as an individual, which I kept up so I could work on my own stuff.

    2. Yeah, didn’t they claim the same thing back then about MS? That Windows Was a “stolen product?” Sounds like someone is just a bit full of themselves.

    3. It sucks that you even have to renew. One payment of $25 to be an Android developer.

    4. They turned into the Microsoft they once hated. So much for the 1984 ad.

  4. Sad day. But an Appeal would be a good idea.

  5. Oh and by the way, Koh has the federal authority to triple the damages awarded to Apple, according to Business Week.

    1. The -1 is at the thought of it, not @ you…. always confuses me with + / – for comments like that :)

      1. No sweat…guess I should have put :( in there to make my thoughts clear…lol

  6. People take this stuff way too far. All this verdict is about is Samsung stole the iphone design on some old Galaxies that are no longer on the market and now they have to fork over their profits on those phones. Who cares. And for anyone who cares to look, Samsung very obviously stole almost every aspect of the design. They really did go too far. What does any of this have to do with the fact that the Galaxy S3 is the greatest smartphone ever? Not a thing.

    1. This is completely wrong. First off you don’t seem to understand all these “copied” patents should never have been granted. They are completely general, basic design aspects that stem from smartphone evolution, and overall just beyond ridiculous. Second, these profits you speak of are upwards of a billion dollars and could be more. Not exactly chump chance even for a company like Samsung. Lastly, this has EVERYTHING to do with current devices. It sets a frightening precedent that could allow apple to pretty much have any smartphone not shaped like an egg banned and the manufacturer fined tons of money. The consumer loses here. If this isn’t turned around it will allow apple to stifle competition and basically bring smartphone advancements to a screeching halt. I mean lords knows apple hasn’t done any innovating the last couple years.


  8. Anyone know which phones will be on the chopping block?

    1. none. There was no phone bans just money

  9. Well I’ve already sworn off any future Apple purchases. I couldn’t care less about the devices banned, or Samsung for that matter. But it’s the principle of the matter. And everyone knows that Apple will just take this as a free pass to womp on the rest of the OEMs.

    1. That’s what I’m afraid of. This is just the beginning and Apple is now emboldened.

  10. Has judge Koh got a twitter account? Gonna start abusing her for accepting this stupid trial in the first place

    1. Actually it was the jury that decided

      1. The Jury accepted the trial in the courts? They decide which cases get heard now? He said accepted the trial, not decided the verdict. Read. :P

        1. But the problem is the verdict itself, not the trial, both companies clearly depicted how faulty the USPTO is, it was up to the jury to rule against both companies, that would have been like kicking the whole USPTO in the theet, giving some real new boost to innovation!

  11. I find it ridiculous that Samsung have to pay a billion for crap like bounce back yet Apple only paid 100 million for a far more fundamental aspect of the iPod to Creative.

  12. Sammy just needs to say, so what? The devices old and most of Them not on the market anymore. Chance a few things and the are rdy to carry on.

    1. The precedent this sets obthe biggest problem. This essentialy validates apple’s claims that then own all rights to the rectangle, color black, pretty icons in a grid, and plenty more stuff that did NOT originate within them.

  13. Samsung needs to go a completely different route. Sue the USPTO. You heard me. They need to go after the Patent Office and force them to invalidate these patents. If an investigation turns up these patents were wrongfully issued, either through bribes or government employees blindly issuing patents without due diligence, this would be huge.

  14. Is there some reason why this site can’t just post android news instead of bashing apple all the time I am by no means an ifan but seriously just report android news and leave apple out of it

    1. This is kind of big Android news genius.

      1. Its possible to report this news without bashing…..genius.

  15. This is justice in action folks. Defending Samsung because you are an Android user or developer is rather lame.

    The facts are the facts. When the iPhone was introduced it was a truly revolutionary product. It changed the world. Ditto for the iPad. There was never anything like those products before Apple created them. Now, every Android device is an Apple knock-off. Samsung is not only guilty of copying, they are guilty of ‘willful copying’ and will likely be assessed triple damages.

    Of course, we all know that Google is just as evil as Samsung, and totally complicit. There are even rumors that Google is paying for the high priced legal firm representing Samsung. Google needs to go down too.

    When Steve Jobs saw the first Android devices, he felt violated. Google’s President had been a friend and an Apple Board member. Jobs vowed nuclear war.

    The end result of this is inevitable. Google and the Android OEMs will enter into licensing agreements with Apple for the use of their patents. There will be a strong anti-cloning clause. Microsoft has already done this for Windows Phone and Surface. Apple has no problem with the way Microsoft is competing.

    Samsung is in denial but the tea leaves are on the table now. Apple will doubtless initiate lawsuits soon to extinguish the Galaxy 3 and other current and future Samsung copycat products.

    1. And because of their actions my household will never buy an apple product. Ever. I will also be suggesting others do the same.

    2. Microsoft Tablet PC came out BEFORE the iPad. The iPad was nothing new. Multi-touch came out YEARS before the iPhone, that was nothing new. There were several smartphones before the iphone. The iPhone had innovated NOTHING, It simply took a bunch of old tech and put it into a convenient package. Please just do some research before posting such an ignorant comment. Watch this, maybe it will enlighten you a little. This isn’t justice, this is halting innovation for monopolization. Basically you’re saying no company should be allowed to make a car besides Ford.

      1. So, despite the fact that Google and Samsung clearly and shamelessly copied Apple’s products, they should get away with it based on that flimsy justification?

        1. Flimsy justification is what just won Apple their case. What makes you think that if HP wanted to go after Apple for use of their patents(Palm’s) they wouldn’t win on the same justification?

          1. This was no flimsy justification. There were detailed presentations by both sides. Several members of the jury had engineering and legal background. They gave both sides careful and unbiased consideration. In the end, they found that Samsung had willfully copied the iPhone. That should not come as a surprise. It’s been pretty obvious for several years to anyone who has been paying attention.

      2. revolutionary? changed the world? I believe my Palm back in the 90’s had
        the same looking icons and the touchscreen only required a fingernail
        to work. I could zoom into my emails then using only my fingers damn
        near the same way I can now. People saying Apple revolutionized the
        cellphone is like saying Henry Ford revolutionized the internal
        combustion engine…he didn’t. He made an assembly line. He paid no
        damages to Etienne Lenoir or his family. Samsung did the same thing to
        Apple that Apple did to Palm(HP).

        1. The iPhone is to that Palm as a BMW is to a Schwinn

      3. So why everybody started to make tablets after the iPad? Even MS?

    3. @jt O’Brien – None of the Android vendors got excited about touch screen, pinch and spread, app stores, etc. until they saw the commercial success of the iPhone and iPad. There are lots and lots of new technologies that never make it out of the laboratory.

      Microsoft’s early attempts at a tablet PC were a dismal failure.

      What these technology thieves were trying to copy is Apple’s commercial success in the smart phone and tablet markets. They crossed over the line between being inspired by a competitor’s product and outright copying. Google is the ring leader and the OEMs are their coconspirators.

      If KIA wants to build a car with similar features to the BMW 530i, they’re free to include front and back seats, an engine, a transmission, tires, steering well, chassis, and body. What they’re not free to do is copy the BMW logo and the design. If the KIA automobile looks too much like the 530i, then they’ve crossed the line. Google and Samsung clearly crossed that line. That was obvious to the jury.

      1. Just because the previous models were not a success does not mean Apple didn’t copy it. All of Apple’s creations are just rehash’s of old tech. Just watch the video and maybe you’ll understand. Obviously my words are not enough to get through your thick skull. By the way, how many card on the market look almost identical to others with minor differential features? A good fucking majority.

      2. Obvious AAPL shareholder is obvious.

      3. This is a mute point if you think that this Law Suit is over you are not up on all the legalities of US Law, Apple has just won a first round and Samsung will not pay a penny of that 1 billion. This will go strait to the appeal court and will likely never be settled for years to come, then I suspect that better minds will see this sham for what it is and this will be overturned.
        By no means was this a fair and unbiased dispersion of knowledgeable jurymen. Had it been, their deliberation would have been much longer. You can try to blame Google in all of this but that is ridiculous, Apple is pissed that they can’t have it all, and Steve Jobs is dead and gone now. So now starts the long downward slide of Apple as it was in the 80’s, without good leadership decisions Apple will be run into the ground, it will take time but it will happen.

        1. Dream on phantom. That’s a fantasy for a fandroid. Apple won this case on the merits and will win again and again. Samsung has been caught out. Their best move now is to pay up and settle to avoid further losses.

  16. Where is Google in all of this, its silence on this matter is deafening to say the least. I guess its too busy making apps for iOS (before Android as usual) to care. Samsung will be foolish not to be considering Windows phone now as Google proves once again it cannot be trusted to stand up for its so called partners. In fact, Google actually unwittingly provided incriminating evidence in favour of Apple.

    Do no Evil ?

    1. Google can not be trusted because they tell the truth? And because that truth, the evidence, they are doing evil? Wow !

  17. Tim Cook’s message to Apple Employees:

    Today was an important day for Apple and for innovators everywhere.Many of you have been closely following the trial against Samsung in San Jose for the past few weeks. We chose legal action very reluctantly and only after repeatedly asking Samsung to stop copying our work. For us this lawsuit has always been about something much more important than patents or money. It’s about values. We value originality and innovation and pour our lives into making the best products on earth. And we do this to delight our customers, not for competitors to flagrantly copy.We owe a debt of gratitude to the jury who invested their time in listening to our story. We were thrilled to finally have the opportunity to tell it. The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsung’s copying went far deeper than we knew.The jury has now spoken. We applaud them for finding Samsung’s behavior willful and for sending a loud and clear message that stealing isn’t right.I am very proud of the work that each of you do.Today, values have won and I hope the whole world listens.Tim

    1. That made me throw up.

  18. and the worst part of all this is apple will use all that money to design and build more crapple phones and computers poisoning even more the mind of the already crazy apple funs and stealing people with ridiculous prices on their products,Monopoly that all it comes to my mind when I think about apple .
    the way I see it Samsung wasn’t the only one losing we all did in a way!
    Screw that freaking jury!!!!!

  19. Its about time either anonymous personally begins to attacks apple and its customers so they now longer feel safe or we as the android community files a petition for the review of both the jury and the judge in this case to see if they have received any products or money. I’m tired of this apple bullshit, who cares if there product came out first all these lawsuits are killing the innovation of technology, and the worst part is that now there stealing android ideas and configuring it into their own software and not one person has complained about this legally. Screw jobs and apple. :-)

  20. time for south korea to get into the action and ban all Idevices. This is nothing but trade war, a US company allowed to patent and enforce silly things like rectangles and bounce back is the start of trade war.

  21. the fact that jury was not allowed to see prior art by a very biased judge is reason enough to throw out this verdict.

  22. With THIS much obvious and serious Jury Misconduct, there may well be NO bans, at least for quite a while.

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