
Nexus Q Easter Egg Transforms The Device Into A Magic 8 Ball – Still Doesn’t Know Chuck Norris’ Power Level [Video]


I actually discovered this over the weekend while showing off the Nexus Q at my buddy’s house (other than it’s good looks, really, there wasn’t much to show off), but since it has been making the rounds across the Android blogs, I figured I’d post it here for those that haven’t seen it — especially since you’re more than likely to pass up a purchase on the Nexus Q.

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Like the fun loving boys at Google so often do, they’ve included an “Easter egg” inside the Nexus Q that when activated (tap the black ball 8 times), transforms the device into a glowing Magic 8 Ball of sorts, answering your most sought after questions. Okay, well maybe it doesn’t answer much of anything. The Q mostly just gives you attitude, saying everything from “No” to, “I’m tired,” rarely ever giving you a straight answer. Pointless? Maybe. Fun? You’re damn right. Check out our video below for the Easter egg in action.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Heyyyy…a brand new Nexus 7 and now a new Nexus Q? Where you gettin all this swag, Chavez? :P

    1. Google IO man…everybody got them…

      1. I know it was a joke…because of the giveaway contest… ;-)

  2. I think you kinda miss the point Chris, it’s like an 8-Ball, so you ask it 8-Ball questions like “should I break up with my girlfriend?” not Siri/wolfram questions like “what is 7 * 57 ?”

    1. Does Chris have one? :p

    2. Yeah, I admit, I instinctively did the “Siri thing.” Even then, she never gives a straight answer. Mostly says she’s tired (and she really sounds tired). Lol

    3. Why does everyone reference Siri when they mean Personal Assistant? Especially on an Android site…

  3. Dude, the original magic 8 ball couldn’t do multiplication either, lol. Yes or no questions was about it. Also, stay off of my lawn!

    1. I’ve never actually seen a Magic 8 Ball… only read about them in dusty old libraries O_o

      1. Don’t know whether to upvote or downvote that…
        Off-setting penalties – the ruling on the field stands: net gain of zero :p

  4. Haha, yeah only yes and no questions for the magic 8 ball. And why are you reading about them at dusty libraries when you have a nexus 7?

    1. Researching magic spells?

  5. But that’s such an easy question…. It’s over 9000

  6. hj

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