
Jelly Bean headed to Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, and Motorola XOOM in July, SDK available now


Google just took the wraps off their latest version of Android, Jelly Bean. Android 4.1 features plenty of awesome improvements, including the speed and smoothness of Project Butter, enhancements such as offline voice dictation, and a refined search experience featuring Google Now. So when can anxious Android users get their hands on all these awesome new features? For Samsung Galaxy Nexus, Samsung Nexus S, and Motorola XOOM owners, the answer is July. The update will touchdown via an over-the-air update.

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Also available now is the Android 4.1 SDK for developers, who can dive right in and start crafting apps that take advantage of all the new features in preparation for the imminent launch of Jelly Bean.

Google wasn’t specific about if the July date includes both unlocked and carrier-bound devices, but we can only hope the wait for network-locked devices won’t be as long as the one Verizon users experienced leading up to the release of their Android 4.0.4 update.

Kevin Krause
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Android 4.1 Jelly Bean officially unveiled [VIDEO]

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  1. You guys are fast! Holy cow, they just announced it!

  2. I just pee’d my pants a little bit with excitement!

  3. i think I;m going to cancel my S3 order and keep my galaxy out of the closet!

  4. Wow, and premier devices like the Galaxy Note are STILL waiting for ICS>

    1. Thank goodness for XDA, my Note i717 on AT&T is rocking 4.0.4.

    2. the galaxy note was a waste if you bought it. You need to think DEVELOPER when you buy something…not whats trendy.

      1. thats why im on the fence with the nexus 7

  5. But how long before my ROM can have it for my device?!?!

    1. You’ll have to wait till Jelly Bean source code is released. That isn’t the same thing as the SDK

  6. Source for 4.1 drops….when?

    1. Mid-July along with GNex, Nexus S, and Xoom (wifi, of course).

      1. Want is naaaaaoooo….

        If they’d drop the source now, many of us would be running it in a matter of hours, ffs…

        I hate these product announcements that always lead to an inordinate amount of time … waiting.

        They demo’d it, it worked *really* well…it’s done. Right? Push it to AOSP already, guys. 3

        Whatever issues you may think it might still have…we’ll fix for you.

        (Yeah, I know JBQ isn’t reading this…let me vent in peace, eh?)

        ((…and apparently English is a second language for me today…))

        1. I actually think Google is making a huge mistake releasing JB. ICS is just finally starting to make some sort of movement on devices and now another revision drops. If anything, they should have just made this part of ICS as an incremental update. Much like Eclair dropped with 2.0 and then went to 2.1 but still called Eclair. The amount of changes don’t really denote a new name, IMO. All this is going to do is alienate more people who are still waiting for ICS and make them want to go over (or back) to iOS.

          1. I think the idea here is to push them to Nexus, actually…might work…might backfire.

            …and I really don’t think anyone who doesn’t have ICS yet was expecting to get JB….regardless of the number.

            I do like that they not only announced the OTA schedule, but made a point of including the Nexus S…I just wish they’d drop the source the day of the announcement.

  7. Still waiting for ICS on my razr maxx… :-(

    1. ull get it soon enough but my nexus will have jelly bean by then

  8. Any word on Bluetooth MAP support?

  9. So glad I have a Galaxy Nexus…

  10. Not too sure about the phone UI on a 10.1 screen. Will take some getting use to. But, I can see it as a simplicity move to keep your phone and tablet looking the same.

    1. Why is it a phone UI?

  11. yes yes gime butter

  12. Good week to be a Nexus owner.

  13. Dear Verizon,

    Don’t flub this update, too. We already hate you enough.

    G-Nex owners

  14. Verizon update will be dead last for some reason. Count on it.

  15. the perks of buying a Galaxy Nexus!!!!!!!

  16. Sweet! Loving my Xoom on ICS, can’t wait to see what JB does for it. THIS is why I went with the wifi only version — pure GED.

  17. Mehhhhh, have this GS3 with no Jelly Bean…….. lol IDC it won’t be long before cyanogenmod puts together a rom ;)

  18. And we play the waiting game for other non-Nexus manufacturers (eg) HTC to release 4.1 to their consumers…

  19. I’ve never regretted buying my Xoom. It’s over a year old and still haven’t seen anything on store shelves that I want to replace it with. Even so, I just can’t get excited about 4.1. Maybe the “Smooth as butter” thing will be worthwhile.

  20. i guess i’m missing something but if 4.1 is an ota for the g nexus phones at google io couldnt the ota be pulled and ported to other g nexus? just a question.

  21. good ol g-nex…best phone out
    good ol wifi xoom…best tab out
    Best purchases ive made w/ android…

  22. Xoom and jelly bean sweet

  23. When I updated to 4.0.4 it unrooted my G-Nex. I was thinking about not rooting it again because I’m content with stock ICS. If Verizon treats Jellybean like they did 4.0.4 though I’m definitely rooting. I gotta have GOOGLE NOW!

  24. am i the only one that will miss the tablet ui :/

  25. With the SDK I expect a port slapped together in a few days. It won’t be perfect, but I am sure it will happen.

  26. Numerous manufacturers still have yet to update to ICS. I hate to think how long till they update to JB if they ever do.

  27. Can I have some Jelly Beans? I wasn’t fortunate enough to pick up a GS3, but I might be able to pick up a Nexus 7. I lyk Jelly Beans!! Especially the weird flavored ones. =.P

  28. Verizon, don’t be a douche.

  29. Kinda of feel in bad that i didn’t wait for the s3 but now I’m good!

  30. I’m still waiting for my update to 4.0.4 on my unlocked GSM Galaxy Nexus. So I’m not so hopeful :-(

    1. Yeah, it’s disappointing that Samsung is responsible for pushing out updates for certain Galaxy Nexus phones. It’s actually maddening, since the Nexus is supposed to be supported directly by Google. That’s the main reason to buy the phone.

  31. Xoom is getting Jelly Beam!? AWESOME!! Even though it’s the first Android tablet but it still gets tons of love from Google. Can’t wait until my Xoom gets the update :D

  32. Motorola Xoom owner here…no update yet…7 days to go…

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