
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean officially unveiled [VIDEO]


Google have just unveiled Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, the latest major update in the revered smartphone OS’s history. Project Butter introduces an even smoother Android UI using V-Sync adaptations and triple buffering to deliver a 60FPS experience. They’re also introducing a brand new Google Search experience. Stick with us as we bring more details as they come in. Stay tuned for our in-depth breakdown of everything they announced for Jelly Bean 4.1!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Android surpasses 400 million total activations, 1 million new activations per day

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Jelly Bean headed to Galaxy Nexus, Nexus S, and Motorola XOOM in July, SDK available now

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  1. When do we get it?

    1. Some OTA’s this July but for those hacked the sdk is released today and only a matter of time until it’s baked into roms.

      1. But I want it now!!

        1. I want it yesterday! Wah! :-D

      2. I lyk the sound of that. Soon I will see CM 9.1. =.D

  2. Yeeaahhhh

  3. Nice, now when do the 93% of the devices still on Gingerbread get ICS?

    1. When the phone manufacturers decide to, or you choose to root your device and give it the freedom it deserves. Don’t want to root? Get a Nexus device.

      1. Ill get a Nexus when it can actually compete with the top phones. Galaxy Nexus was months outdated when it launched, not worth buying it just for a faster OS update

        1. This is you guys problem right here, u fall in love with specs “Ill get a Nexus when it can actually compete with the top phones “..how can a phone be out dated when its running the latest software?…lol. enjoy your spec’d out SIII/1X/1S while my “outdated” nexus” gets 4.1 in a matter of weeks…

        2. Actually, the Galaxy Nexus can compete against my E4GT. I don’t know what you’re talking about outdated specs. Stock wise it’s a little under, but after rooting both devices, they’re both pretty high-tech and updated enough.

          I didn’t lyk the look of the G-Nex. I was still in love with the Nexus 1 look, so I didn’t get it.

  4. I’m hitting “Update” on my Droid X and it’s not showing up yet?

    1. Gonna keep trying…

      1. Keep trying because it won’t be soon.

    2. Just got it on my Evo 4G LTE! Woot! (Yes, this was sarcasm)

  5. this is really good news so far….i dont view phones like PCs….if they have to drop all the current phones and build the OS for a diffrent hardware set up…so be it…. Good thing to know is that future phones SHOULD function better….

  6. i bet tim cook are banging his head right now.

    1. Why?

      1. Apple has been static for years, only improving incrementally. Google’s vision runs deep and Apple can no longer pretend to be the innovator it once was. As perception catches up to reality, Apple will have to cede its leadership position in mobile technology (unless it chooses to redirect its massive fortune from lawyers to engineers).

        1. Apple sells more phones than most of the Android OEM’s combined. Samsung might be the closest but they are not in a cut throat competition with any one manufacturer for Android phones.

          1. There is no argument more tired than the hardware to hardware discussion. Apples market is they control the only piece of hardware you can get iOS, Googles is that they allow manufacturers to build multiple devices for the Android OS. To think that Apple is not in a cut-throat competition in the mobile market is short sighted and naive. Apple is fighting to regain the market-share they once enjoyed as it now dwindles. Stop fooling yourself into thinking Apple is safe, or happy with their position within the mobile world, a world they had hoped only a few years ago to rule.

          2. That would be false if you didn’t qualify it with “most” Android OEMs. Have you looked at the Android vs. iOS activation numbers lately?

          3. Big deal… They pale in comparison to the overall OS penetration of Android. That’s what matters. Yeah, they’re making good money for now, but since they aren’t growing, in the long run, they might become inconsequential. And that’s what’s spurring the lawsuits.

          4. Android has almost triple the market share of the iPhone. Get your stats right.

  7. I love google. Just the other day i finally found another friend with NFC. We were unable to share photos and now we can. Not only are they improving the already wonderful ICS but the sdk is available today!!

  8. Google needs to figure out how to do .dot relases as a Market update rather than needing a phone maker/carrier involved. They need to structure smaller OS updates like doing an update to Maps. Core OS changes I could understand but seems a lot of the new features are just apps/mods and could be Market downloaded.

  9. Haha I just heard an overjoyed nerd go “yeah” haha

  10. Glad to see JB is 4.1 and not 5.0 like some sites have been saying. I knew it would just be an a minor update like 2.1-2.2-2.3 for instance and not a major update like 2.3-4.0 Hopefully the sites will tone down the whole 5.0 crap now.

  11. Ba ba booo eee…howard stern’s penis. Was so waiting for someone to yell that out.

  12. @uma…..What planet do you live on dude? Android has 60 % of All New activations, where Apple is at 30%…..

  13. @treyhunnid. I dont buy because of hw, i buy the most complete Phone in the market, when i decideret to get a New one. So What if the nexus phones gets a New version of android first….. Plain android sucks anyway imo…

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