
Oracle vs Google Trial Over – Android Did Not Infringe On Oracle Patents


After a little over a week of deliberation, the jury in the Oracle vs Google trial has reached their verdict: Android did not infringe on any of Oracle’s patents. It was long and drawn out but the jury has officially been dismissed, with no need to enter into the 3rd phase of the trials (dealing with damages). For awhile there, it wasn’t looking so good for Google. The same jury ruled back on May 7th that Google had, in fact, infringed on Oracle’s copyrights, but were only able to agree on just one that warranted damages of around $200,000. Pocket change, folks.

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Of course, being stuck in a room, forced to look over Java code for hours on end, would push anyone to their limits. I’m sure those men and women just wanted to get out of there. We saw this whole debacle start back in 2010, but today we can finally say justice has been served. Now we just have to see if Oracle appeals.

US District Court | TheVerge

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. huraaaaaaaaaaaa

  2. The entire trial is not over, just the patent phase.

    1. What else is left? Isn’t it just damages for those nine lines of code Google copied?

      1. Yep which if you’ve read notes about those 9 lines of code, the judge doesn’t think highly of them.

        1. that is true, however @google-a41cfd54e3cefec5b5bdcd6bde805bda:disqus was correct – the trial is not done, even with your statement, @aiden9:disqus . We also have the issue of appeals to deal with – given that this is Oracle, that may be a guarantee.

  3. Hurray!!!

  4. Woooooo the demon corporation loses!!!!!…at least on the patent front anyway, which is better than nothing.

  5. Didn’t need a fortune teller, (Oracle), to tell us this.

    1. I see what you did there…

    2. The Judge also ordered Google to send 1 can of pop, 1 bag of Prime Salted Peanuts to Oracle for the 9 lines of code Google copied from Java test files.

      1. It was gonna be a bag of cashews but those things are expensive.

      2. I know you are joking, but if that DID happen in a civil case, Google would be on the hook for millions of dollars in Oracle’s legal fees.

      3. The Judge also asked Google to send him some of those goodies.

        “Stick it all in a brown paper bag, not a word to the wife.”

  6. The judge still needs to render verdict on the copyright damages. The trial isn’t “exactly” over. Though for all intents and purposes, it’s basically over.

  7. It’s like Splashing COLD WATER onto ORACLE’s FACE.

    Like it , like it………Stop Patent Troll FTW !!!!!!

  8. Hurray!!!

  9. So you get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

    1. I said GOOD DAY!

  10. must be android fanboys in that jury box!

    1. Must be clear thinkers and not trolls in that jury box!

      Fixed that for you.

  11. Have a cookie. Once you’re done eating it, you’ll feel right as rain.

    1. i see what you did there :-D

      1. i dont get it.

        oh wait i get it, oracle. i got the matrix reference but i didnt know anyone else on the internet was cracking jokes about the oracle. lol good one @Geeks on Hugs

  12. It’s nice to see patent trolls put in their place.

    1. Although I’m happy with the whole case outcome, it is strange that people call Oracle a patent troll. They purchased the whole crappy Sun just to capitalize on Java patents. It’s quite similar to what Google did with Motorola, although one might argue that Google did it for protection of our beloved platform.

      1. We call them a patent troll because they are.

        Remember, Oracle has a framework for developing Blackberry apps and at one time seriously considered buying out RIM. After consideration, they abandoned the idea – and instead bought Sun specifically to get to Java – and ultimately to Android profits, and all the while crying to media how they _needed_ to protect their precious, precious IP.

        Shoe fits – patent troll.

      2. I get what you’re saying, but Google had an agreement with Sun. Oracle bought them and immediately sued Google. It’s almost like suing Google was factored into their revenue stream. Also the difference between Oracle and Google owning patents is Google bought them to DEFEND themselves against trolls like Apple and Oracle, Oracle bought them just to sue.

  13. Good Larry Ellison can suck it. It is too bad that Steve isn’t around so he could suck it too.

  14. Hopefully Oracle will start writing some code. They’ve forgotten what industry they are in.

  15. Maybe Oracle needs a good tnetennba.

  16. It just seems like last year that the naysayers from the other camps were predicting the death of Android by Oracle. Where they at now?

    1. Where else? Trolling us.

  17. Of course, being stuck in a room, forced to look over Java code for hours on end, would push anyone to their limits.”

    I know the feeling.

  18. The trial is NOT over. The Patent aspect of the trail is OVER. The Copyright issue (e.g., the 9 lines of range checking java code) is yet to be decided.

  19. I dont think google should have to pay for any of Oracle’s legal fee’s. Oracle was hoping to make money from something they have never invested in. It was a gamble and they lost.

  20. Trial isn’t over.

    The jury may have been dismissed but the trial isn’t over. The Judge still need to decide whether API is copyrightable (very important to the programming community). Also, what the damages will be for that 9 lines of codes (RangeCheck code) and test files that Google’s contractors has copied (despite Google’s instructions). Those are however not included in ICS release (RangeCheck codes removed in ICS and test files never put in any release). Even if Google have removed the codes, they still need to pay statutory damages, which is estimate to be around $150k.

    Anyway, here is compact summary of case–

    Google vs Oracle trial are divided in 3 phases:
    1. Copyright
    2. Fair Use
    3. Damage assessment

    Per the Judge’s instructions, the jury are to assume that API are copyrightable (#1) when they do their deliberations. However, the judge will have the final say on deciding whether API can be copyright (#1). The Jury find that Google did infringe on copyright #1 (RangeCheck codes copied; 37 API), but were split on deciding whether it is fair use #2 (API). Later, the Jury decided unanimously that Google did not infringe (#2). Since Google did not infringe (#2), the damage assessment phase for infringement (#3) is no longer necessary. The jury were dismissed by the Judge. What is left for the Judge to decide on is whether API can be copyright and the statutory damages for the copied codes. The judge will decide on this next week.

    Try looking up Groklaw to get details and explanation of this case. They did a good job of keeping track of the court proceedings and making sense of it all.

  21. There are no free cash, Oracle.

  22. “justice has been served”


  23. Even without reading the code I could see Oracle just wanted a piece of the profit pie. Google makes Android availabla as open source, and Oracle can manufature its own android device if it so wants. Google makes the money on the apps it sells on the andoid market and on adds.
    Get yourself some apps on the market Oracle.

  24. Oracle was a bigger that to Android than even Apple. Congrats to Google for over coming this triumph.

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