
Verizon releases list of devices to receive Ice Cream Sandwich update


Verizon knows the die-hard Android fans out there can’t wait to get their hands on Android 4.0. They aren’t spilling the beans on when to expect Ice Cream Sandwich updates to start rolling out, but they are doing the next best thing by releasing a list of devices confirmed to receive the latest version of Android. For a few devices the update was already announced by the manufacturer, but Verizon’s confirmation should quiet anyone trying to sniff out a conspiracy.

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Most of the handsets and tablets were released in the past year and a few big names miss the cut. The Motorola Droid X2 and Droid 3 as well as the original HTC Droid Incredible (though expecting ICS for this one was a stretch to begin with) are left out. Verizon seems to be focusing mostly on devices with a 4G LTE radio built in. Here is the full list:


  • HTC ThunderBolt
  • DROID Incredible 2 by HTC
  • HTC Rhyme
  • HTC Rezound


  • Motorola XOOM
  • DROID 4


  • Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
  •  Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7


  • Spectrum by LG

[via Verizon]

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  1. It saddens me to not see my Droid 3 on that list.

    1. I was thinking that as well, it’s still a relatively new phone.

    2. I just recently flashed a beta ICS ROM on my sister’s Droid 3 and according to her, the performance definitely improved. Unfortunately, the dev team still needs to work out some missing functionality like the front facing camera not working, and bluetooth audio missing. 

      It would be nice to have a supported ROM for the D3 though!

      1. Yea, I’m running it right now actually. I just wish the camera worked so I didn’t have to switch back to GB to use Talk’s video feature.

    3. I told my wife to not get the Droid 3 in November… oh well, she doesn’t seem to like anything new anyways, so probably for the better. 

      I’d be pretty miffed though…

  2. DAMMIT! I don’t want ICS on my Thunderbolt, I’ve already had ICS on mine, after much tweaking to get the radios to work, and didn’t care for it. I didn’t care for it on the GNex I had either. That’s one update I’ll pass on. For the first time ever, I don’t want a major update. I just don’t care for ICS. I’ll wait until Jellybean to see what that has to offer. To date, my favorite Android OS is 2.3.x gingerbread.
     Very good news for those looking forward to it, though!

    1. First I’ve heard of ICS for the Bolt with working radios, can you give a link?

  3. Woot!  ICS on my XOOM!  I hear it runs great on the wifi version and is a vast improvement in performance and overall usability.

    1. I decided I couldn’t wait and ended up rooting and flashing Team EOS’s ROM on my Xoom 4G. It’s absolutely fab. You’ll never go back to honeycomb.

      1. Meh.  Dun wanna root.  I’ll wait for the official push in about 6 months (sigh).

    2. When the heck are we gonna get it though. I’m so shafted since I’ve got the 3g/LTE version lol

      1. Not any time soon.

  4. Most Rezound owners already have ICS on their phones… Thanks to a strong Dev group. A+

  5. My family of 5 Droid X’s not on that list will make it hard for me to stave off the iPhone wants by my mom and sister. ICS coulda helped out alot.

  6. Droid 3 owners screwed again. Nothing but Nexus now.

  7. I have the experia play by verizon iland I’m reading on xda that verizon is releasing ics so now I’m confused

  8. Why no Droid Charge???

    1. I agree…its a year old and already end of support apparently. I think its pretty bad for both verizon and samsung to do this… if you’re going to force people into 2 year contracts with upgrades only every 2 years…then support the thing for 2 years

  9. Well tried out the gnex not too fond of it. Ice cream sandwich seems more suited for tablets! Why have a bigger screen if its taken up by onscreen buttons? Google play is also a stupid name! Argh

    1. because those buttons can disappear to create a larger screen workspace. Works great with movies and YouTube… beautiful HD
      +1 Google Play Store is horrendous

  10. Once again Verizon and Moto screw the pooch and not include the Droid X2. They screwed us when they released a POS phone that should have never seen daylight. And then they screw us again when they don’t upgarade (or support in general) a phone that is less than a year old.

    Hell if HTC and Verizon can support the Inc 2 why cant Moto and Verizon support the X2 and the Droid 3? They are from the same release times.

  11. No Charge OR Revolution..yet Thunderbolt? Adult Male Cow Excrement…….and this is coming from a person with a Rezound!

  12. Everyone should learn the rooting process. Custom roms are for the most part much better than what the carriers push out in my opinion.
    Of course the majority of us that follow phandroid already know that. Those that don’t should definitely check out xda developers, and yes there is an app for that:)

    1. Well there is no ICS rom (that fully works) for Charge, since Samsung won’t release the RIL code. Without an official release, I doubt I will ever see ICS on Charge, and I’m stuck with this phone for another year

  13. Glad to see that so many devices will get the update, not just new devices. Haha I wasn’t expecting ICS for my DInc anyway!

  14. Droid X & X2 gets the shaft.  Only 18 months since it’s release date.  It seems like any phone over 1 year old doesn’t get anymore major updates.  Man, they are screwing all of us making us have to purchase a new phone and sign new contracts to get the latest software on the phone.  Like this article if you agree.

  15. Whelp it was a fun ride of updates for Droid X while it lasted. At least I can get a new phone in October.

  16. Running 4.0.3 on my rez right now. It’s ok but I don’t know if its worth all the hype.

  17. If the update comes, and isn’t as rocky as they last one,…it will keep me from turning to the dark side.

  18. Ran ics rom on my rezound. It was ok but honestly prefer the gingerbread at the moment.

  19. Anyone want a free Droid 3? Too late I just shattered it against the wall. I hope Motorola falls down a well.

    1. So you are so upset that your Droid 3 is not getting ICS that you destroyed it?  Wow.  Overreact much?

  20. A major factor in updating a device are the specs, some just dont have the specs to run anything beyond gingerbread……..

  21. My guess is they don’t want to put forth the effort to make it work. I would be a pissed off Droid 3 owner. Shocked HTC is updating the Inc2…. Now, the question is WHEN.

  22. I’m worried about my Rezound… The GB update eff’d up my OG Evo last year.  AND IT BETTER GET SENSE 4.0!!

  23. I bought a Fascinate just to put ICS on it. It runs it surprisingly well. I can’t go back to GB. 

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